
New Spider-man Game Suggestions

Started by antivenom66, March 21, 2011, 02:44PM

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Well the topic says it all. I think they should make a Spider-man Web of Shadows 2. It would be an awesome game considering that the first one had venom, carnage can come and finish what venom started! SKIP TO THE BOTTOM IF YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE READING MY FAN GAME. Imagine this. Spider-man is swinging around the city when he faces the "Deranged" civilians trying to attack him. He does defend himself and takes off startled at what he just experienced. When all of the sudden he remembers that the "Deranged" civilians are symbiotes! He rushes to the infected civilians and takes a sample. The sample was to strong for him to handle. It took control over spider-man just like the venom-type symbiote! He then turned into spider-man/carnage! But he knows symbiotes all too well to have it take FULL control of him. He finally knew what was going on. "It's happening all over again!", he thought. He went to pursue carnage to stop him for good, but it was too late. The infections spread faster than it did when it was under venoms control. But how? Because carnage teamed up with venom! Spider-man/carnage goes on to eradicate all the symbiotic activity happening in New York, but he obviously cannot do it alone. He teams up with all the villains and heroes he can find, but it's not enough. Everything is happening all over again. The city is turning into absolute chaos, all most every citizen is infected with venom-type or carnage-type symbiote. The only way is to have the tinkerer whip up another symbiote bomb, but he will need ALL types of symbiote samples and THAT would be a big challenge to face. A month and a half has passed and was filled with grief, death, love, disaster, fighting, strategy, and symbiotes(all that would be present in the game, the full month and a half). Spider-man/carnage then confronts carnage and venom. The fight begins. But before spider-man/carnage can fight, venom and carnage do something unexpected. They FUSE TOGETHER. Spider-man/carnage fights it, but cannot land a single attack on them. He has an Idea though. "The tinkerer has his bomb ready, so lets drop it on the fused carnage and venom!" He fights them until he is able to escape to call the tinkerer. He calls the tinkerer and he is astonished at his master plan. He agrees with it and boards all the non infected on the helicarrier. It flies over the fused carnage and venom and drops the bomb. It destroys them and the remaining symbiotes on the island. The world is saved again and is restored to peace. Cletus Cassady isn't done yet with spider-man though, but for now everyone rests and recovers from what was a HORRIBLE tragedy.                                  I HOPE YOU LIKED MY FAN GAME, IF NOT THEN WHATEVER. POST YOUR IDEAS OF SPIDER-MAN GAMES BELOW!
Spider-man Web of Shadows is the best Spider-man game ever.

carnage is cool, of course. but for what? that's looks like the same of WoS. WoS continued would be great, especially if it will be continued of bad ending, but i dont think it will. actually i dont care about storyline, i just want horror, blood, meat, darkness and more MORE free movement) and i tired of symbiotes. so i want dark city under control of mad green goblin, full of horror and hallucinations, weapons and destruction and FRESH MEAT

Three separate stories in a sandbox York, for Spidey, Venom and Carnage. Differentiated missions, abilities and upgrades for each one. That's about as it gets from me. Symbiotes need way more playable screentime.

What about a Scarlet Spider game?

That sounds cool. Scarlet spider-man and the clone saga and spider-carnage and all is my favorite part of spider-man and I think that would also would be an awesome game.
Spider-man Web of Shadows is the best Spider-man game ever.