If u could Create X MEN mmo what would it be???

Started by P.Frost, April 13, 2011, 09:05PM

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April 13, 2011, 09:05PM Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 09:11PM by P.Frost
OK I have been thinking about this for ages now and I have tons of idea's for it and I would like if anyone of u kind ppl would like to share how would u like to do it : D

My idea is that as of start u can choose to either be X-MEN or Brotherhood
if u choose X-MEN ur Energy regenerates faster
if u choose Brotherhood ur Damage for all attacks is 5% more then the X-MEN's

u will start with choosing either Human form ( costume u can basicly be w/e and w/e powers u want )
Solid form ( basicly tank form with verity of forms like Diamond form and Metal form which ur skin will be all of these forms cant choose thier passive ability cuz they already have one but their advantage is that they have something more ) and u will be 25% more resistant to attacks and if u choose power super strenght u will have 10% of damage and phisical defense
Animalistic form ( Basicly animals like cats and such u can choose to be either humaniod or almost fully difference is that Humaniod walk and act as human just with some costumazible additions that make them look not human and aslmot fully or feral will walk bend like and act more as animals then others there will be also some fish like that will be swimers ) theird advantage is that they have the most dodge and if u choose water like they can swim faster and do not need air.
and last Weapon X ( this is also costumazible but u have adimantium claws and skeleton Claws u can costumize to be nails like wolverine or something and u have regeneration and that will affect ur fightstyle so u wont be able to choose it )

now costumes and such if ur an X-MEN u will have 2 costumes one for training ( Gold and Blue which u can kinda costumize ) and ur own highly costumazible and u have 3 powersets
Basicly main power ( this will determan some options for ur secondary power for instance if u choose to be Telekinetic or Psionic Weaponary u can have some more weapons that are psionic ), secondary power or weapon, and passive ability ( Mainly reflexes ( dodge ), or depending on ur weapon like gun master, healing factor resistance and such) some stuff here will be affected by ur main power flight is also passive ability and u can have wings, aura or nothing to choose xD also all of Energy Telekenisis and stuff like that will be costumasible in color so ur telekenisis can be any color u want : D
now I can go into detail with this xD but its too long so I would like ur opinion on maybe story main powers 2ndary powers and how they grow? : D

Sounds cool :-D

Paulie Provenzano - "You--?! You weren't there a second ago! And you're talking directly into my head?"
Jean - "That would explain the echo."