Which level in MUA is most interesting to you? :)

Started by JohnnyBitch96, July 06, 2011, 03:27PM

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I like Mephisto's Realm too.  I also like Asgard (because Thor and Valkyrie are there).  I may like being in Attilan the best -- again it's because of the heroes you meet -- the Inhumans, one of my favorite teams.
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I like the heilcarrier level its a important misson and puts cool villains.it puts important missons too.

i like mephisto too... couse we can unlock the ghost rider and the battle against black heart
Mua 2 Team :  :humant: :warbird: :gambit2: :psylocke: :storm: :marvelg: :deadpool: :venom:

As for me my fave would be Asgard, because of the out-of-this-world atmosphere.. :P

the one, where you get into space.. I love flying around on that level

for me it's The Santo Sanctorum (because it's perfect when you need to relax and a very beautiful place to stay), and Asgard.