The Perfect X-Men Game?

Started by tman97, September 01, 2012, 04:43PM

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September 01, 2012, 04:43PM Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 06:35PM by tman97
Have you ever thought about the idea of the best x-men game in the world? The X-men universe being filled with all the characters but forging your own mutant? Here is my idea of the best x-men game ever..

- Good storyline, this game should have an original storyline and should not be corny at all. Hopefully it could be something different and exciting just life the comics.

- You should be able to meet and interact with the x-men characters.

-You can start off by obviously creating your OWN mutant and weather or not they want to join the X-men or the brotherhood, but can also freely roam in the Marvel universe by meeting all the x-men characters we know and love and possibly, creating our OWN mutant alliance, also you can have the x-mansion as a safe haven.

- When creating your characters, you should be able to create their own back story, their looks, class system and powers, and with the powers you should even get to choose from a LONG list of powers which includes some from an established member of the x-men community. Ex. Mystiques shape-shifting, Nightcrawlers Teleporting etc.. Or you could possibly make your OWN power.

-This game should be on the major platforms such as PS3, X-box and Mac or PC. (Whatever floats your boat )

Post your ideas on the best x-men game idea...

Mine is having the game be based off of the comics! Like (im just naming some) start off the game with the events of Messiah Complex, and then it follows the comics in between, and then it ends at AVX or some other comic.

Or start sometime with Rachel , and some of the missions could be Sisterhood, and Decimetion  !

Or even maybe an X-Force game !

I would really want these games though !

If they make another X-Men game where you can create your own character they better step it up from X-Men Destiny.

I would really like to play as the X-Men themselves, and like you both said go through the comics. I would like to see if start from the beginning and progress from start to end, but more major events and not every single comic. And have it be somewhat like X-Men legends, and they can unlock characters as you go, and say a character dies as you go on, but like they die because they did in the comics, then they just become locked, but once you beat the game you can unlock everyone and just play as whoever. But I would like to have a big replay value, where you need to go back several times and everytime there are new experinces, more secert characters to unlock, secert storylines, more missions, tons of extras etc.

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

I like the XML format, but I want to explore a bunch of alternate realities. Like House of M, Age of X, etc. That sounds like fun. I may have more ideas later, but that's what my thought for now.

Quote from: DeeDooo on September 01, 2012, 06:41PM
I like the XML format, but I want to explore a bunch of alternate realities. Like House of M, Age of X, etc. That sounds like fun. I may have more ideas later, but that's what my thought for now.

That would be cool!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

They should make an X-MEN mmo that would be awesome I have tons idea there xD