
MUA2: Fusion - Secret War instead of Civil War

Started by Dark_Mark, July 24, 2008, 05:35AM

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July 24, 2008, 05:35AM Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 08:07AM by Dark_Mark
According to marvelousnews, which is one of the sources I find trustworthy, Activision has recently stated that:
QuoteThe game engine for Fusion is the same as in the first Ultimate Alliance and X-Men Legends games. This promises the same intense arcade action style of game play. The story line is based on Marvel's Secret Wars, not the Civil War as previously hinted at. In this new game various characters will be able to combine their powers in new and unique ways. Players will have to experiment through hundreds of combinations to find out just what they are capable of. No information was provided as to the release date beyond that this game will be available in 2009. The design of the characters is based on the McNiven style of artwork.
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

Ooh, this changes the perception of everything.

Not "Secret Wars", but rather "Secret War" ( ), according to the Games Informer article (you'll find it in the second link in Philip's post below). And it won't be based on just that one storyline: "The game's plot won't stop at Secret War, but will branch out from there. Some of the boss battles we witnessed pitted Marvel heroes against one another which implies that there has been some kind of fracture amongst the ranks and the lines between good and bad have become blurry" (quote from the article)

In other words, the story starts from Secret War, and builds up to Civil War, and probably other storylines.

Quote from: Philip on July 15, 2008, 06:04AM
Sorry about this...but the game is coming out on PS3, XBOX360, Wii and DS...not even PSP :(   <- And for me Gametrailers is a really good sourcs :(

I do have good news though <- Screenshots :)

Confirmed : All the F4, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Spider man, Daredevil, Thor and maybe Storm(cause of the artwork on page 1).And from the trailer we got Wolverine.

Secret War was crap.
Bendis crap. The worst sort of crap.
Secret Wars was also lame, but at least kind of fun, in an arbitrary, lump everyone into a big-crossover way. And could make a decent video game. Lots characters lots of fights.
If it's secret war based, I'm glad it's not coming to pc.
I've no desire to play the hour long 'flying to latveria' level, where a bunch of civvie-clad heroes get on a plane and.....that's it. An entire issue devoted to a plane journey.
Worst. Series. Ever. (and it's up against stiff competition for the title from house of m, secret invasion, and everything else that twat writes).

From the Game Informer magazine article it looks like Secret War is sortof the jumping off point.  Sortof a prequel-ish start to the game.  The article talks about some arguements between Cap and Iron Man, so my guess is we're going to see multiple story arcs combined, which is fine with me.

God knows they should have enough halfway decent material to play with. The original MUA storyline was, in my opinion, too old-school and simplistic. More like an old arcade game than something released in '06.

July 29, 2008, 06:54PM #6 Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 06:57PM by Overload
 See I kinda figured MUA Fusion wasn't gonna entirely be based around Civil War Events...hence I questioned it the first time I saw the trailer  "Fusion?" then I realized it may be a different event they chose. Not to get off topic...well a little, in secret war what were some of the villains?

-Dr. Doom
-Mister Fear Iv
-Scorpion I
-Spider-Slayer XIX
-Lucia von Bardas
-Crimson Dynamo IX
-Hobgoblin V

Doom and Lucia= Source of Attack: Latveria?

The events might start at Secret War, then end up at Civil War.