
web of shadows in game crash

Started by sonicphist, June 06, 2009, 07:18PM

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Has anyone had a problem running web of shadows?
it keeps crashing when i retry the Parley mission.

I have looked all over at Herohq and the Activision site but nothing I tried has fixed it.
i intsalled the 1.1 patch
and have the latest drivers
defragemented, optimized the disc space...
even lowered the desktop resolution.

i meet alll the system requirements except
my card is a bit lower than the system recommended 7900GTX, its a GeForce 9500 512MB.
Im thinking mabye thats it?

the game runs fine except for some flickering in the sidewalk textures an this  awfull in game Crash.

any other possibilities?

thanks to any webheads out there.


well its most likely your graphics card, what exactly crashes? (eg Which Dll)

i still get a bit of flickering sidewalks textures , but the crash at the parlay mission has ceased.
it used to just say windows has encountered a problem and has to close the .exe.
it would offer ti fix the problem but no solution was found.I ve got my fingers crossed...

so i've got  my fingers crossed, and I'm  researching  a better video card.
Im all ears if youve got any suggestions...
despite all the criticsms i m still really impressed by web of shadows web and combat system.Im guess it would great with this new Nvidia 3d technology.