
Get Kitty Pryde on the Roster!

Started by multipleboy, October 23, 2009, 10:28PM

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 :kittyp: Shadowcat for DLC!!! :kittyp:

To show Kitty Pryde support go to this thread and vote yes.

Devs from MUA2 have said that Kitty Pryde is possible. Newslad has said "Bottom line, if you really want Kitty to show up in MUA or XML, keep voting for her in polls and petitions, and tell Marvel you want her." The only thing they need to the voice of fans wanting Kitty to be added to the roster. So lets get our voices heard and Kitty in the game or a spot in their next instalment in their series!

Why is there so many DLC topics? BTW, dude those petitions like never work. If 100 people signs it, then it's like nothing, compared to the people, who bought it.

October 25, 2009, 11:00PM #2 Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 11:02PM by Burning Rage
To be honest, I'm getting really sick of seeing these "petitions" lately.  They never work.  Ever.  Especially on a forum with a community as small as us.  Honestly, doing a petition will get you nowhere.  It doesn't matter if you have a 100 names, or a 100,000 names.  At the end of the day VV will do what they want regardless of what the fans want, which usually ends up with making the game suck harder than it already does.  Don't believe me?  See Magneto for DLC.

I can understand wanting something.  I just don't like seeing people get their hopes up for a false presumption that doing a petition will result in getting what they want.  It usually just leads to disappointments in the end.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

You're free to add this stuff to this topic.  We don't need a new topic for each petition, which never work anyways.