
New Ghost Rider Film

Started by ragincajun, September 24, 2009, 05:31PM

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September 24, 2009, 05:31PM Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 05:34PM by ragincajun
This is interesting, apparently David Goyer (writer of the Dark Knight) has been tapped to write a script for either a sequel or reboot (the article isn't specific) of Ghost Rider.

I think another Ghost Rider movie would be cool :D
But I think kinda the reason it done a bit badly was cause his not the typical hero like spiderman , superman,ironman,etc.

comic movies are getting the "anti-hero" roll down better these days. i didn't think the first one was that bad, so i can say that i'm looking forward to this.

Hope they get anti-heros down in time for the Venom and Deadpool movies, I thought it was a pretty cool movie besides Nicolas Cage.

It cant be any worse than the first one...

I just wait and see, as almost always :D

I had to laugh when "blackheart" said: I am leeeeeeggggiiiiooooooon. That was so bad...
Thought they should've picked another villain and make him "leeeeeggggiiioooon" instead of blackheart. Nicholas did alright imo.

Hope that we can expect Ghostrider & Blade in 1 movie :P Except for the Hannibal King role by Ryan Reynolds.

Well, Ghostrider and Blade in one movie would be...interesting :D We need a film with Iron Fist and Luke Cage :D

honestly, theres a pretty high chance that iron fist and luke cage, will never have a movie. for the most part movie makers want to make money and are likely to stick to comics/characters that are widely known to draw people that were never really into comics and such. with those two i think alot of people would be like wtf? who are those guys imo

I thought Luke Cage was already announced, so was Iron Fist..