what IF!?

Started by Lady Rogue, October 25, 2011, 01:59PM

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OMG what if we all live in the world like "The walking Dead" OMG that would be sooooooo freakin scary like OMG
X-Men! No longer am I the woman you knew! I am Fire and Life incarnate! I am The Phoenix

we will endlessly squirt blood :D

i like it

Give the zombie culture a rest before it becomes overused like the Orlando Magic's Inside-Out game. [insert Peter Griffin chuckle here]

hahaha zombie culture good one, OMG YALL don't forget a new Episode of the "Walking Dead" comes on tomorrow at 8/9
X-Men! No longer am I the woman you knew! I am Fire and Life incarnate! I am The Phoenix

i like walking dead as well all though the ladies in show are another story

Is walking dead the show on A&E? I think I saw one episode where people were smearing themselves with the remains of zombies in order to blend in with them. It was CREEPY and NASTY as well as AWESOME!