
Which PC games that compatibles to a certain system requirements

Started by LarsAlexandersson, August 26, 2011, 06:09AM

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August 26, 2011, 06:09AM Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 08:02AM by LarsAlexandersson
I'm will be using Mac Pro OSX (In Windows Mode, hold Alt first if we would able to switch into this option) soon, after i received it from my dad's friend who works in London tommorow:
*15.4-inch 2.2GHz quad - core Intel Core i7
*Intel HD Graphics 3000 intergrated graphics + AMD Radeon HD 6750M

Are these games that i want to play are compatible to the system requirements?:
*Marvel Ultimate Alliance
*Spider-Man 3
*Ultimate Spider-Man
*Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions
*Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition

Here's the site (the site also being post by Teancum in the other topic somewhere):

EDIT: THX for fixing my mistakes Polygone. Now i'm currently in ordinary MaC OSX. & it's not strong to handle it.
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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Try this lars. im pretty sure its working ;)

It might be for Windows, but if the website says your computer can run it, it can run it ;)

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