
New television show

Started by fox456, July 18, 2013, 06:59AM

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So what do you all think about the new fall television show from ABC, "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"  If you haven't heard anything yet, here is a link to check it out.
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I'm hoping it really does include more Marvel, would be great to see some heroes/villains that haven't made their movie/film debut yet, curious to see what it will be, although (and it probally is going in that direction) I dont hope its one of these 'Yeah we called it Shield to get more views, let the drama commence', or more specificly 'let the drama commence between characters that we made up and have nothing to do with Marvel'
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It's look alright, I agree with Polygone I hope they include other Marvel characters and don't just have it be about characters they made up for the show. I did see a preview for it and it looked like their was a superhero in it, I just hope it's one from the comics and not just a created for the show superhero.

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I thought it looked cool but I dont think i'll do well because no known superheroes are in it.