
Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog

Started by Outsider, June 30, 2017, 07:41PM

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April 16, 2018, 01:20PM #135 Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 07:35AM by Outsider

The Tarkatan warrior from the wastelands of Outworld known as Baraka heard about Shao Kahn's invasion into an alternate Earthrealm, and decided to aid Kahn in his plan. There, Baraka seeks to also challenge a certain Adamantium-laced mutant that caught his attention. He knows that this berserker could even be more deadly than he is, but Baraka salivates at the thought of battling opponents that can match his own ferocity.

A legendary master of combat arts who originates from Outworld but aligns himself with the heroes of Earthrealm, Bo' Rai Cho was a natural choice by the Special Forces to join in the aid of an alternate Earthrealm. Venturing through the portal alongside the other warriors of light, he quickly forges a friendship with a man who fired specialized 'optic' blasts from his eyes, who reminded him of his greatest pupil, Liu Kang. Not desiring all innocent life to be wiped from existence for the sake of appeasing an arrogant dictator's power-hungry desires, Bo' Rai Cho prepares himself for his new journey.

Wanting to make her parents proud, Cassie Cage stepped through the portal to protect an alternate Earthrealm from Shao Kahn's invasion. Fascinated by this new world briefly, she took a selfie, then realized someone photobombed it... it was a young hooded superheroine hanging on a web. Instantly finding something in common, the two agreed to team up and defeat their haters.

Very little is known about the ninja called Chameleon, so it is unknown which side of the war for an alternate Earthrealm that he is on, if any side. With the combined might of his fellow ninja, Chameleon knows that he is powerful and destined for greatness. Journeying into this new world, a rumor he heard about peaked his interest -- the Infinity Gems. That said, an urban powerhouse with skin as hard as steel is watching him, as is his sassy resilient wife...

Having been automated by the Lin Kuei, yet somehow maintaining his soul, Sub-Zero looks to be able to switch between human and cyber form at any time, to make the Lin Kuei pay. As he enters an alternate Earthrealm, he teleported up to outer space and met a cosmic elder who collects many artifacts from alien worlds. His sensors computed that cosmic relics would be the key to destroying his former clan.

Being a cyborg that somehow still has his soul, Cyrax aids the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's forces in an alternate Earthrealm. However, he seeks to visit a famous billionaire industrialist who wears a suit of armor on the regular. He believes that this rich playboy can teach him how to enhance his weaponry and make him the "War Machine" of his Earth. This will lead him one step closer to getting revenge on the Lin Kuei.

Taking a more aggressive approach in protecting Earthrealm, Raiden takes this same killer instinct to defend an alternate Earth from Shao Kahn, Shinnok, and the like. However, some warriors from Asgard such as the guardian of the Bifrost Bridge believes that Raiden's new methods are harsh and unbecoming of a god. As a result, this guardian along with a blonde chooser of the slain will be watching him and will intervene if he goes too far.

When Shao Kahn launched his plan to conquer an alternate Earthrealm, Ermac was one of the first to step through the portal to aid Kahn. Just then, the living collection of souls felt the presence of immense power, as an Egyptian mutant of great size saw potential in Ermac, and gave an offer to become one of his Horsemen. Suddenly, another mutant suffering from a techno-organic virus saw this coming and will give his life to stop it.

The gunslinger known as Erron Black had no real interest in Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, except for getting paid to assist them. So he went through the portal with no idea what awaits him, which is how he likes it. Soon enough, he came across another skilled shot -- only not with a gun, but with a bow and arrow. Normally, bullets are faster, but Erron sensed this archer could challenge that theory, and will be watching him.

Having thawed out from being severely frozen, Frost had betrayed her sifu, Sub-Zero, turned herself into a cyborg, and formed the Cyber Lin Kuei. Now Frost aids Shao Kahn in the alternate Earthrealm war, having received orders from Kronika. She also seeks to become more powerful than Sub-Zero's medallion. She eventually met a green-skinned man with a gamma-charged brain, who agrees to aid her. However, a vigilante associated with Earth's moon plans to stop them.

Upon seeing the gateway between Outworld and an alternate Earthrealm collapse, The God of Wind named Fujin aided Raiden in gathering the warriors of light to defend this new Earthrealm. Upon arrival, he began to notice a beautiful mutant who can control the weather. Though focused on the invasion, he wants to learn more about her, and hope that she will become his disciple.

A half-human, half dragon who is a proud Shokan warrior, Goro has no allegiance to Shao Kahn or the warriors of light. He enters the alternate Earthrealm simply upon hearing of a jade-colored creature who is said to be the strongest warrior there is... especially when angry. Goro seeks to prove that he is in fact the strongest.

An evil and deceptive member of the Red Dragon clan, Hsu Hao has made many allies and enemies during his time amongst the realms. Infiltrating the Special Forces base as they prepared to embark for an alternate Earthrealm and assist its resident forces against a very real threat, Hsu Hao covertly went through the portal undetected. Encountering a mysterious man who displayed a combination of black and white, they immediately saw value in Hsu Hao's talents and suggested an alliance, as they prepared their own plans for when the current crisis was over...

Alongside her father, Jacqui stepped through the portal leading to an alternate Earthrealm. While purely focused on defending this new world from Shao Kahn's forces and impressing her future family the Shirai Ryu, she rescued a child by taking down an army of HYDRA agents easily. This impressed a time-displaced British agent who watched the events unfold. She told Jacqui that she has a bright future ahead -- as a soldier and a heroine.

Betrayng Shao Kahn and siding with her fellow Edenian friend Kitana, Jade joined the warriors of light against Kahn's invasion. The shimmering woman she met told her that she would meet a psychic mutant ninja there who's survived the Siege Perilous. Jade felt that this purple-haired mutant can help her find out the identity of the shimmering woman.

When Raiden told the warriors of light about Kahn's plan to invade an alternate Earthrealm, Jax was one of the first to enter the portal. He is ready to combat the forces of Evil. There, he discovers an organization called SHIELD and sees a sexy agent who can cause vibrations with her hands. Attracted to her, Jax enters the invasion to both defend and impress, no longer being attached to Vera Briggs.

Realizing that he is the descendant of a Mediterranean cult, Johnny Cage sees his full potential as he is chosen to defend an alternate Earthrealm against Kahn's invasion. While there, he turned down a television deal offered by a six-armed sorceress, and flirted with a woman who suddenly disappeared ...or maybe just turned invisible. Nonetheless, Cage is prepared to fight.

The former police officer and Black Dragon thug Kabal speeds through the portal to an alternate Earthrealm unnoticed. While he is intent on battling Shao Kahn's forces, he also seeks to visit a well-known scientist who can stretch his entire body. Kabal hopes that this hero can help him to no longer need his respirator, but still keep his powers.

Once a member of the White Lotus Society, Kai sought to continually improve himself. Now he finds himself on a new world, contacted by a future god version of his former teacher Liu Kang, requesting Kai to join Earthrealm's defenders against Shao Kahn's war. He accepted, and Raiden accepted his inclusion, having been impressed by him during the 4th tournament. Kai avoided talking to the present Liu Kang about the latter's future self to prevent a chrono paradox, and he mutually befriended a shielded American hero. Kai enters the battle wanting to learn all that he can, and may impress the gods once again.

The Black Dragon thug known as Kano steps through the portal to aid Shao Kahn in his plan to conquer an alternate Earthrealm. But Kano also has plans to reform the Black Dragon using new recruits. One villain skilled at throwing objects and never missing caught Kano's cyber eye. However, Kano can't shake the feeling that someone with heavy guns is following him ...with the intent to punish him.

Being blind has not slowed down the swordsman known as Kenshi, as he aids the warriors of light to defend an alternate Earthrealm from Shao Kahn and his forces. Seeking to end Shang Tsung for good, Kenshi caught the attention of a crimson-colored super hero who is also blind. Learning from this defender's experience should aid him in his quest.

Vengeful towards Shao Kahn for dooming her Saurian race to extinction, Khameleon battles on the side of good towards defending an alternate Earthrealm, but unbeknowst to her allies. Seeking guidance from a powerful mutant professor, she is focused on making Kahn pay for his sins -- even if she must go through her friend Reptile.

Being a Shokan, Kintaro takes great pride in serving Shao Kahn in his war to conquer an alternate Earthrealm. However, he is of the lesser-class Tigrar race of Shokan, and wants to enhance his kind to the elite class. Kintaro heard of a country named Wakanda and plans to steal the metal there. But, their king will have something to say about that.

The beautiful Edenian princess known as Kitana decided to answer Raiden's call and join the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm. While seeking to aid Liu Kang to battle, Kitana also seeks to ignore the flirty advances of two men she met. Interestingly, one was seemingly engulfed in fire, and the other was somehow made of ice.

Witnessing Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, and Raiden's forces trying to prevent it, Kronika enters the portal unnoticed with the intent to let the war rage on. Her son Shinnok seeks to take Odin's power, while her bodyguard Geras and her daughter Cetrion gradually steal power from the gigantic "devourer of worlds." This will create the New Era she had envisioned ...a new era that won't sit well with a powerful purple-skinned fellow Titan.

The Shaolin Monk known as Kung Lao agreed to join Liu Kang in traveling to an alternate Earthrealm to fight off Shao Kahn's invasion. There, he met the assistant of a mystical townhouse in Greenwich Village who told him that he should see an old powerful Tibetian sorcerer should the warriors of light succeed. Kung Lao believes that the answers about his ancestor draws near.

Becoming first constable to Princess Kitana's Edenian Guard was a blessing to Li Mei, as she can legally protect her people of Sun Do, who were once enslaved by Shang Tsung & Quan Chi. Aiding the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earth, she was approached by a powerful monarch wearing ten rings who wanted her to serve him. Ready to fight and familiar with these types, she prepares herself. However, a proud master of Kung-Fu appears and stands by her side, knowing of his evil. Li Mei senses his heart is true, and together, the two martial artists battle their powerful foe.

The undisputed champion of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang was the first to be contacted by Raiden to join the warriors of light to defend an alternate Earthrealm from Shao Kahn's invasion. While there, he met someone by the name of Danny Rand who challenged him in battle after he battles Kahn's forces. Liu Kang accepted the challenge. This battle should be epic.

Willing to help Shao Kahn conquer an alternate Earthrealm, Mileena stepped through the portal into this new world. While there, some people confused her with some female ninja who also wields a pair of sai daggers. Annoyed by the comparison, Mileena hopes to sink her jagged teeth into this red-clad ninja, and end her.

With the aid of his ancestors, Nightwolf was able to temporarily repel the wolf spirit that had been corrupted by Shao Kahn. However, the curse remains and he seeks help. While focused on aiding the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, Nightwolf senses sheer power within a lovely woman in scarlet gypsy clothing. He believes that she is the key to his curse ending.

The Moroi vampire known as Nitara has been a victim of constant subjugation at the hands of Shao Kahn, ever since her realm was conquered and merged centuries before by the power-hungry dictator. Taking advantage of Kahn's attempted invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, Nitara seeks out a man apparently made of heavily armed iron, in the hopes of bringing her realm out of the lava and finally having a chance at freedom from Kahn's rule. But in order to convince this 'Avenger' to her cause, Nitara will have to work with him and his associates in order to get what she wants.

The enigmatic Noob Saibot stepped through the portal to an alternate Earthrealm unnoticed and with an allegiance to no one. He seeks to gain power from a place called the Shadow Realm. His motives are unknown, but are no doubt of pure evil. However, he senses a supernatural presence lurking in the shadows in the form of a half-vampire wielding a katana hot on his trail. Noob Saibot is normally feared, but not by this warrior called the "daywalker." A fight between them is inevitable.

Stepping through the portal with Shao Kahn seemingly to aid him in conquering an alternate Earthrealm, the Netherealm sorcerer Quan Chi has plans unbeknownst to Kahn. He plans to steal an artifact called the M'Kraan Crystal located on a ship out in outer space. Gaining it, he can create an undefeatable army of revenants and become unbeatable himself. However, a powerful silver guardian of the spaceways won't allow that to happen.

Giving up his status as an Elder God once more to help an alternate Earthrealm, Raiden summoned the warriors of light to defend this new world from Shao Kahn's invasion. However, he knows that some warriors siding with Kahn each have their own evil agendas. Raiden plans to team with the God of Thunder of that realm and his hammer to lead the charge and vanquish the darkness.

The Edenian prince known as Rain has no alliance to Shao Kahn or the warriors of light, and has no interest in the battle for this alternate Earthrealm. Instead, he enters the portal because he hears of something called a Soulsword. He plans to steal it from a young mutant and become Ruler of Limbo. No longer a prince, but a king. However, his actions will anger the god-like master of magnetism.

When Shao Kahn entered an alternate Earthrealm filled with super heroes and villains in his diabolical scheme to conquer it, his war general Reiko was the first to join him. Ever the loyal soldier, Reiko immediately went to work, planning out tactical strategies for the invasion. Suddenly, another soldier appeared in the night, with one of his arms metallic and firearm in hand, ready to take the general on. Never one to back down from a fight, Reiko happily accepted his challenge.

While serving Shao Kahn in his invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, Reptile has been longing to return to Zaterra, his homeland. He plans to force a one-armed doctor with a reptilian curse to create a portal back there... or else. However, a hero with the proportionate strength of a spider will definitely be a foil in his plans.

Since learning the truth that Quan Chi, not Sub-Zero, was responsible for the death of his family and clan, Scorpion has a burning rage for vengeance. Aiding the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion from afar, Scorpion caught the attention of another being who shares some similarities to him... a powerful "spirit of vengeance."

Ignoring what is left of his humanity and embracing that he is becoming a purely robotic machine of destruction, Sektor joins Shao Kahn's forces as they attempt to take over an alternate Earthrealm. A powerful but evil artificial intelligence noticed Sektor, and believes that he has the right idea -- that machines should rule the universe. Sektor allies his Tekunin clan with this sentient robot for total domination.

One of the first to aid his master Shao Kahn in his invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, Shang Tsung has betrayed the emperor before and plans to do so again. He plans to enter this Earthrealm's version of Hell, and steal the unlimited souls there, making him even more powerful than Kahn or the devil that rules that Hell. Shang Tsung must not make it to this alternate Hell, or the realms will be doomed.

Annoyed by nearly conquering Earthrealm only to fail, Shao Kahn decided to invade an alternate Earthrealm full of super-heroes and villains. With the heroes' attention on some ruler of Latveria, Kahn plans to bring the realm to its' knees with his own powers. No doubt Raiden and the warriors of light will seek to stop him, but Kahn is always one step ahead, using the Masters of Evil and any personal goals they have to hold them off. This world will belong to Shao Kahn.

The four-armed Shokan lady called Sheeva has aligned with Shao Kahn's forces in their attempt to take over an alternate Earthrealm. However, before she could get very far, a jade-colored muscular woman stood in front of her, looking to fight her. Sheeva roared as she ran to meet her challenger.

The fallen Elder God known as Shinnok is fully aware of Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm. He wants the plan of Odin's power being stolen to work... only for him to steal it at the end. Shinnok is a god and can wield the immense power without the realms becoming lifeless, useless voids. Shinnok laughs, knowing that all the fighting just leads him to his goal. However, his presence was noticed by a half-alien outlaw with a love for 80's music. His team will do whatever it takes to stop the tyrant.

Shao Kahn's wife and Queen of Edenia, Sindel wishes to aid him in conquering the alternate Earthrealm they've stumbled upon. However, Sindel hopes that while she is there, she will garner the attention of some fiery malevolent force and become the new host of that force... by murdering the current mutant host and proving herself. Perhaps then, Sindel will no longer be brainwashed to stand beside Kahn, but instead stand over his defeated carcass.

A poor street orphan now mastering blood magic, Skarlet serves Shao Kahn as his personal assassin. To aid him further in his conquest of an alternate Earthrealm, Skarlet wishes to travel to a place called Asgard and conduct a deal with their goddess of death. She figures if she can absorb the blood of hundreds of dead Asgardian warriors, she would become unstoppable. Odin's daughter, however, will oppose her wicked plans.

The mysterious ninja known as Smoke followed the warriors of light into an alternate Earthrealm from a distance. He seeks to aid Sub-Zero in ending the threat created by Shao Kahn. However, Smoke began to hear voices in his head. He learned that the voices came from a flirtacious mutant telepath that wears scantily-clad white. The mutant said that Smoke is more powerful than he thinks he is, and she's even become attracted to him. With this knowledge to wonder about, Smoke enters into battle.

Forced into automation by the Lin Kuei, Smoke is now an emotionless killing machine. Having allegiance to no one as he enters an alternate Earthrealm, his only mission is to kill Sub-Zero. Forcing a scientist there with four mechanical arms to enhance his strength and weaponry, Smoke begins his mission to terminate the rogue ninja. However, his soul may not be completely gone...

Lieutenant Sonya Blade of the Special Forces was one of the first to answer Raiden's call to protect an alternate Earthrealm from the invasion of Shao Kahn. She in particular has full support from the director of an organization called SHIELD, as the one-eyed director sees potential in recruiting her. Sonya is also very curious of a former Air Force soldier turned blonde superheroine.

The New York City police officer named Kurtis Stryker went with the warriors of light in their attempt to stop Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm. Stryker is out to prove that he doesn't need special powers, and that he is just good as is. A star-spangled hero told him that he can relate. Stryker also fell in love upon seeing a beautiful red-haired Russian in a black catsuit. Wanting to impress her, he has even more reason to defend this new world.

The grandmaster of the Lin Kuei known as Sub-Zero was chosen by Raiden to help defend an alternate Earthrealm from the invasion by Shao Kahn. However, Sub-Zero also wishes to help his revenant brother by undoing the curse of Noob Saibot once and for all. He then learned of someone called the "Sorcerer Supreme." Sub-Zero figures that if anyone can help his brother, it was him.

Having somehow been freed of the Noob Saibot curse, Sub-Zero was himself once more. As Shao Kahn and his forces invade an alternate Earthrealm, he appears unnoticed with two objectives: To reunite with his younger brother, and to rid the world of the Brotherhood of Shadow for good. Sub-Zero aligned himself with a black sorcerer who masters voodoo. His plan involves giving Quan Chi a taste of his own medicine.

The Edenian fighter named Tanya stepped through the portal to an alternate Earthrealm on the side of Shao Kahn. But Tanya has gained a reputation not to be trusted, as a mistress of betrayal. Something she shares in common with a Wakandan assassin she met who is a sadist and former soldier. The two agreed to aid each other in their plans, with the knowledge that neither will hesitate to betray and kill the other at a moment's notice.

The brown-garbed ninja known as Tremor follows Kano in aiding Shao Kahn to invade an alternate Earthrealm. While causing havoc and trying to prove the Black Dragon's dominance, a certain blue-eyed fantastic creature seemingly composed of rock confronted Tremor. A true test of strength was about to happen.


I always loved Mortal Kombat for the stories and characters. I'm so glad MK9 and MKX have brought those elements to the forefront.

These bios you wrote almost makes me wish the MK mod characters could have their own sim missions!

Everyone, I'll be busy with Marvel characters for a little while longer, but I'll see if I can squeeze in time to add a Mortal Kombat character to the mix... Sindel is coming! If you thought Marvel's Siryn or DC's Black Canary can hurt your eardrums, imagine someone who can scream near you enough for your head to explode... Stay tuned.

April 26, 2018, 02:45AM #139 Last Edit: May 17, 2020, 10:34PM by Outsider
What is next? Marvel Cinematic Universe Alliance?
"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could."

Quote from: Agent Bachello on April 26, 2018, 02:45AM
What is next? Marvel Cinematic Universe Alliance?

I'd imagine that wouldn't be too hard to implement. Almost everyone has been created in this game. The only thing would be to eventually change the storyline. Instead of Dr. Doom trying to gain Odin's power, Thanos is locating the six Infinity Gems ("Infinity Stones" in the MCU). Only Black Panther's Dora Minaje (his Wakandan female bodyguards) and Thanos' Black Order were not created yet. Perhaps the Gems are scattered throughout the game: Omega Base, Atlantis, Mephisto's Realm, Asgard, Niffleheim, and the Skrull Planet.

It's ironic you mention it, since this game has aged -phenomenally- well even on it's own without mods thanks to the MCU, renewing it's appeal. It's probably why it was rereleased on Steam.

On a semi-related note, I saw Infinity War tonight, it was absolutely -bananas-, in a good-but-also-unbelievable way.

Quote from: Outsider on April 26, 2018, 07:36PM
I'd imagine that wouldn't be too hard to implement. Almost everyone has been created in this game. The only thing would be to eventually change the storyline. Instead of Dr. Doom trying to gain Odin's power, Thanos is locating the six Infinity Gems ("Infinity Stones" in the MCU). Only Black Panther's Dora Minaje (his Wakandan female bodyguards) and Thanos' Black Order were not created yet. Perhaps the Gems are scattered throughout the game: Omega Base, Atlantis, Mephisto's Realm, Asgard, Niffleheim, and the Skrull Planet.

If a project of that scale was tackled, we would seriously need many new levels to explore for that narrative to work as a cohesive whole(So no Murderworld, Atlantis or Latveria, due to those not even being a thing in the MCU at time of writing). And even worse, the new levels to replace those ones in particular, would need to be done entirely from scratch. Same applies to any other non-Marvel centric roster to a significantly greater degree.

Its a shame really. Over the past decade, modders have been able to add new loadscreens/huds, simulator missions, alternate costumes, movesets for existing characters, sounds, music, trivia quizzes & most importantly of all, new characters to play with. But the only modding aspect that has yet to be tackled on this game, is the construction of entirely new hubs/levels to explore in the main campaign. Ultimate Alliance 1 is a great game to be sure, but there is only so many times one can go through the same locales, before the wonder starts to wear off.

I mean, I'd love to have my team visit the Fantastic Four's Baxter Building, Gotham City, the Kree Empire, Themyscira, Outworld, Fortress of Solitude or a multitude of countless other iconic fictional locales within entertainment for example, just to go somewhere different within the game itself(in order to spice things up). But I suppose that's asking way too much out of modders, on account of tech limitations & a general lack of interest in that field no doubt :/

If I remember correctly, we simply don't have the software capability to make new levels

In time I'm sure the MCU will come closer to resembling MUA just by happy accident; with Disney buying Fox, it seems they'll eventually want to implement X-Men and F4, the latter of which would doubtlessly include Dr. Doom since he's be a perfect recurring MCU villain like Loki. Skrulls are even going to be in the Captain Marvel movie. I suppose if one really wanted to, they could just take the MCU-themed skins and put them on not just the playable characters, but also anyone else in the game respective to how they look in there (BLAW's Nick Fury for the NPC Nick Fury, MCU Loki for NPC Loki, etc.). That seems like the closest thing for now, even though it's purely cosmetic.

But not meaning to get too off-topic; I'm still excited for more Mortal Kombat in MUA :)

April 28, 2018, 04:44AM #145 Last Edit: April 28, 2018, 04:52AM by Agent Bachello
Quote from: Outsider on April 26, 2018, 07:36PM
I'd imagine that wouldn't be too hard to implement. Almost everyone has been created in this game. The only thing would be to eventually change the storyline. Instead of Dr. Doom trying to gain Odin's power, Thanos is locating the six Infinity Gems ("Infinity Stones" in the MCU). Only Black Panther's Dora Minaje (his Wakandan female bodyguards) and Thanos' Black Order were not created yet. Perhaps the Gems are scattered throughout the game: Omega Base, Atlantis, Mephisto's Realm, Asgard, Niffleheim, and the Skrull Planet.

It will be MARVELOUS to see Phil Coulson, Yondu, and Hulkbuster mods (like in the Marvel Future Fight game) among Black Order' and Dora Minaje' skins... I know about Coulson's status ;-)

Quote from: TheMK on April 26, 2018, 11:06PM
It's ironic you mention it, since this game has aged -phenomenally- well even on it's own without mods thanks to the MCU, renewing it's appeal. It's probably why it was rereleased on Steam.

On a semi-related note, I saw Infinity War tonight, it was absolutely -bananas-, in a good-but-also-unbelievable way.

Unfortunately, I have not see AIW yet. It's just our country issues :-(

Since the Iron man movie and until Avengers 4 movie, all of us walk through this way with the favourite MCU characters.  And the same thing Marvelmods members have done playing, supporting, modifying this coolest game! I think, the idea to create MCUA roster (or something like this) gives respect to everyone, who loves  Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Marvel Studios movies and serials (AOS, Defenders).

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on April 27, 2018, 12:07AM
If a project of that scale was tackled, we would seriously need many new levels to explore for that narrative to work as a cohesive whole(So no Murderworld, Atlantis or Latveria, due to those not even being a thing in the MCU at time of writing). And even worse, the new levels to replace those ones in particular, would need to be done entirely from scratch. Same applies to any other non-Marvel centric roster to a significantly greater degree.

Its a shame really. Over the past decade, modders have been able to add new loadscreens/huds, simulator missions, alternate costumes, movesets for existing characters, sounds, music, trivia quizzes & most importantly of all, new characters to play with. But the only modding aspect that has yet to be tackled on this game, is the construction of entirely new hubs/levels to explore in the main campaign. Ultimate Alliance 1 is a great game to be sure, but there is only so many times one can go through the same locales, before the wonder starts to wear off.

I mean, I'd love to have my team visit the Fantastic Four's Baxter Building, Gotham City, the Kree Empire, Themyscira, Outworld, Fortress of Solitude or a multitude of countless other iconic fictional locales within entertainment for example, just to go somewhere different within the game itself(in order to spice things up). But I suppose that's asking way too much out of modders, on account of tech limitations & a general lack of interest in that field no doubt :/

Speaking about this... We couldn't create new levels, but we can edit them, or replace some parts with the new ones. As far as I remember, Kingadam85 and Maegawa have already tried to do this.

I think, we should try ourselves in this sphere!

Quote from: TheMK on April 27, 2018, 06:46AM
In time I'm sure the MCU will come closer to resembling MUA just by happy accident; with Disney buying Fox, it seems they'll eventually want to implement X-Men and F4, the latter of which would doubtlessly include Dr. Doom since he's be a perfect recurring MCU villain like Loki. Skrulls are even going to be in the Captain Marvel movie. I suppose if one really wanted to, they could just take the MCU-themed skins and put them on not just the playable characters, but also anyone else in the game respective to how they look in there (BLAW's Nick Fury for the NPC Nick Fury, MCU Loki for NPC Loki, etc.). That seems like the closest thing for now, even though it's purely cosmetic.

But not meaning to get too off-topic; I'm still excited for more Mortal Kombat in MUA :)

Interesting moment! I suppose, we will see F4 and Xmen in MCU after 2020, when "Disney buying Fox" and production problematic moments would be solved. By that time, the active modders will lose interest and time to  do amazing things in our big community  :ugh:

About MCU-themed skins on the playable characters... If I will put Ultimate Universe skins on the characters - practically nothing will change. Ultimate Cap practically the same as Earth - 616's Cap. But in some cases...
MCU Falcon and Prime Universe (616) Falcon have differences. Baron Mordo, Crossbones, Quicksilver, Spider-man and others have them too. Creating boosters with voice files, skins, skinsegments, huds, loadscreens and powers of MCU characters would be the most impressive part of modding on Marvelmods.

TheMK, that's right, exciting to see MK Roster (the best fighting game ever, IMHO)!
But I hope, if everyone, who just writes some post on this site, will help to active modders like AdrianoAP, Aventureiromax, Andersonbrazil, Baconwizard17, Ceamonks890, Julio Cabral, Eric Lensherr, Mellomods, Maegawa, Dorpond, LarsAlexandersson, we can create Marvel Cinematic Universe Roster or even Marvel Cinematic Universe Alliance big mod! I have big amount of content (promo, models, stiils, some voice files), connected with MCU. You can sent PM\email, or connect with me via social networks Facebook,, Instagram, and so on.

I apologize to you for such big post.  Awaiting Avengers Infinity War falls my head over heels.. :runaway: :chuckle:
"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could."

Everyone -- going back to the topic of Mortal Kombat, Sindel is going well so far. I think she will be one of the easier mods to create. After that, I will go back to Marvel to work on a possible booster for Polaris and later, the Wendigo.

Now that you know Sindel is in, there are 7 spots remaining in the MK roster. Stay tuned to find out who they are...

I never knew I wanted her in the game, but I'm really looking forward for Sindel. I just like sound powers :D

Good news! Sindel will be cool!

Everyone, Sindel has been released. Check out her portrait at the warrior select screen, and check her mod out. Her bio has been added as well...

Shao Kahn's wife and Queen of Edenia, Sindel wishes to aid him in conquering the alternate Earthrealm they've stumbled upon. However, Sindel hopes that while she is there, she will garner the attention of some fiery malevolent force and become the new host of that force... by murdering the current mutant host and proving herself. Perhaps then, Sindel will no longer be brainwashed to stand beside Kahn, but instead stand over his defeated carcass.

Now that there are only 7 spots remaining in the Mortal Kombat roster, let's play a game, shall we?

Can you guess which seven warriors that I picked? If you can successfully guess all seven, I will send you a PM with a :done:, confirming that you are correct. (If you do guess correctly, keep it to yourself, ok.) No partial credit - you have to guess all seven. Right now, I believe only Aventureiromax knows who the seven are. See if you can guess who was chosen for kombat. Choose your destiny.