
Tutorial: How to disable the MUA intro videos

Started by GoldDragon, December 07, 2007, 11:12PM

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December 07, 2007, 11:12PM Last Edit: December 08, 2007, 12:44AM by GoldDragon
(edited to incorporate Norrin Radd's tip on commenting out lines--thanks)
I received a couple requests for this information, so here it is.

Navigate down your MUA directory structure to this file (Before you do any editing make a backup copy!):
\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\scripts\menus\

Here are the contents of this file:
startMovie("i102", "afterMovie1")
startMovie("i101", "afterMovie2")
startMovie("i103", "afterMovie3")
startMovie("i100", "afterMovie4")
startMovie("i104", "afterMovie5")
startMovie("i105", "afterMovie6")

Open this file in Notepad (not MS Word) and comment out all lines except the last, openmenu("main_beenox"), by adding a # as the first character. Save the file using the same filename. The new file should look like this:

#startMovie("i102", "afterMovie1")
#startMovie("i101", "afterMovie2")
#startMovie("i103", "afterMovie3")
#startMovie("i100", "afterMovie4")
#startMovie("i104", "afterMovie5")
#startMovie("i105", "afterMovie6")

When you start MUA you will see the splash screen and ESRB screen, then the main menu will load. There is one catch, though. Using this edit on my system results in the mouse cursor disappearing from the menu screens. The cursor reappears when I start a game, and it works when I exit to the menu, so it's not a big deal. If you don't mind navigating the menus with the keyboard then use this method.

To keep the mouse fully functional, just leave one video active like in this example:

#startMovie("i102", "afterMovie1")
#startMovie("i101", "afterMovie2")
#startMovie("i103", "afterMovie3")
#startMovie("i100", "afterMovie4")
#startMovie("i104", "afterMovie5")
startMovie("i105", "afterMovie6")

Letting one video load seems to allow the mouse to 'initialize' properly and it works correctly in the menu screens.

I can't stand to sit through intro videos with my games. Since MUA has more intros than any other game I own, finding this tweak was a top priority. I hope others find this helpful. I welcome any feedback or comments.


Nice tutorial ... Did u learn this all by urself ?? (just askin)

December 07, 2007, 11:29PM #2 Last Edit: December 07, 2007, 11:31PM by iammingy
Oh, thanks!
How about Act One's intro featuring Doom and Nick Fury? <--- This is the one I hate the most because you have to wait a few seconds before you can press "Enter" to skip it. :rofl:

EDIT: I asked because I am really busy (and lazy) to check it myself...

December 07, 2007, 11:39PM #3 Last Edit: December 07, 2007, 11:41PM by Norrin Radd
/scripts/menus/ ( im not 100% sure if this is what youre talking about, but this is the game intro movie, so i'll assume it is)

just comment out the movies with '#' as the first character in the line


This is getting snappy  :hyper:
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

December 07, 2007, 11:44PM #5 Last Edit: December 07, 2007, 11:51PM by iammingy
I think that's the one!!! Thanks a lot!

EDIT: This is very easy... now I look very stupid... haha ^^"||

Thats all  :soapbox: I want those days of watching that intro over and over again back.

thanks guys. :)
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Norrin Radd got to the solution before me. :) I wasn't aware that # could comment out a line--that's much better than deleting things since you can easily un-comment if needed. I think I'll update the first post with this info.

Glad to be of help.
