Understanding Herostat.engb

Started by thetommyboy2002, January 10, 2007, 06:37AM

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January 01, 2008, 10:17PM #30 Last Edit: January 03, 2008, 07:51AM by Xayden
Quotepower1 = power2 ;
   power2 = power1 ;
   power3 = power6 ;
   power4 = power9 ;
What does this mean?

Quotestats {
   ailevel = 1 ;
   autospend = bruiser_light ;
   body = 7 ;
   characteranims = 10_thor ;
   charactername = Thor ;
   level = 1 ;
   menulocation = 5 ;
   mind = 8 ;
   moveset1 = moveset_flying ;
   name = Thor ;  !!!!
   playable = true ;
   powerstyle = ps_thor ;
   scriptlevel = 3 ;
   skin = 1001 ;

What does the second "Name=" mean? When i change it, it turns my character into Defaultman, i can change most other things without a problem but when i change that i get Defaultman. Does the second name have to be referenced in any other files to give it meaning? If so which ones?

name = [whatever] ; is the internal name used by the game.  You should never change it unless you know what you're doing.  charactername = [whatever] ; is what you see appear in any text in the game.

Sorry, I don't want this thread full of idiotic spam.
Post it here, and I'll delete it.

Needed Rogue powers icons and herostat.engb - text in MUA. file fightstyle_wrestling.xmlb not activated in MUA. Help!!!!!!!!!!

He copypasted Rogue's piece from XML2's HEROSTAT into MUA's. And, naturally enough, the lack of a fightstyle (in this particular case, FIGHTSTYLE_WRESTLING) in MUA's fileset put quite a dent in his plans. He requires assistance with fixing it.

Or so I gather.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

He's got a .ru email address, so maybe you can help him in Russian.

Oh, right. *smacks own forehead*

Apocalypse, нам было бы гораздо проще понять ваши намерения и пожелания, если бы они были изложены как можно более подробно. Я прекрасно понимаю, что в MUA этих файлов нет, но какой конечной цели добиться-то пытаетесь? Может стоило спросить, было ли что-либо сделано до вас? :)

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Мда меня тут долго небыло. О а я думал тут по русски никто не говорит. Это радует!!!
Мне нужно 4 мода героев. Cyclops,Nightcrawler,Sinister,Morph. Для MUA. С модом Cyclops большие проблемы,отсутствуют powerstyles ,talents,manequin. Те что выложенны в дискусиях неправельны и не полны.
У Nightcrawler таже проблема полностью отсутствует talent,powerstyles,power_icons. В Sinister нету talents либо не работают. Morph я вообще не нашёл на сайте,только манекены и костюмы. Нужны имеено отдельные моды а не подмены персонажей. Хочу собрать в MUA команду из ТВ серий X-MAN (1990г.)

Кстати насчет Зловещего  :sinister:. Чет никак не удается выкачать :( Может есть тут нормальная сцылочка на готовый мод? Очччень надо.

just quick  info, tried interchanging herostats,replaced spiderwoman for cyclops  i could still play the sim mission of spiderwoman but never tried  saving it after playing the SW sim mission i guess the settings  stores  the herostats on gameload.........also tried interchanging herostats in between games going to task manager while games is on running then placing one new edited herostat (no character change though just scaling) then went back to the game changed team characters edited for scale did not change size it seems that the game engine stores the herostat on game load. (sorry if some of you know just wanted to share it) :)     
Life's a beach, and then you drown.

Hi, can someone tell me how to add new skin (costum) to my characters, because I'm trying and trying and nothing happnes :/.. Please help me ..

Where this is stated:
Quote   skin = 1001 ;
   skin_01_name = Ultimate ;
   skin_02 = 02 ;
   skin_02_name = Classic ;
   skin_03 = 03 ;
   skin_03_name = Beta Ray Bill ;
   skin_04 = 04 ;
   skin_04_name = Asgardian Armor ;
You add a line, like so:
Quote   skin = 1001 ;
   skin_01_name = Ultimate ;
   skin_02 = 02 ;
   skin_02_name = Classic ;
   skin_03 = 03 ;
   skin_03_name = Beta Ray Bill ;
   skin_04 = 04 ;
   skin_04_name = Asgardian Armor ;
   skin_05 = 05 ;
   skin_05_name = ***** ;

Hope it helps.

Thank you , but where I have to put the files when I downloaded (i'm talking aboute the skins)