The elusive Dust voice pack!!!!

Started by Jonnydragon88, September 17, 2019, 05:50PM

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Then you left in the Dust, unless I stuck by ya...

As guaranteed (,10636.msg196506.html#msg196506) I've made good on a certain on voice pack today.

That's right ladies and germs, someone has finally made a voice pack for Sooraya Qadir, AKA Dust :dust:. And that someone is me.

I haven't come across a lot of New X-Men in my day, but I have seen enough to know what they're all about. And considering she's one the ones with a custom emoji on here, she must be popular enough for you guys to know too. Now, I haven't read her too much, not really enough to give her a voice in which I read her in, but I did know a very good voice that I knew would fit perfectly. It's from a great show that didn't last very long but still made very big impact on me and a lot of other people. If you were a fan you just might recognize it.

Nice! This is a whopping 50% bigger than my last mod (that's 45 sounds)! It accounts for accent and personality as it makes her sound very aggressive and even a little cocky. But don't let her get bored. You'll start asking questions about your life that you don't want the answer to. More comics accurate in my opinion. Positively hardcore and, as any X-Men fan can attest, proof that looks can be deceiving.

Here's the dust character if you don't have her yet:,2144.msg41061.html#msg41061
And if you just wanna just put her in with no detail reading precaution:

But now for the moment you've all been waiting for... again you're not reading this are you? NEVERMIND! This has given me some purpose recently. And I honestly think, in a small way, this is making the world a little more progressive. Not to brag but this is gonna further enhance and represent a devout Muslim heroine, which means a lot more to people then you might think! And if the world were as bad as everyone seems to say it is, could I really make this mod at all? Something to think about. Making the game a better game, one mod at a time.

The link to the voices:

Come back here if anything comes up. And this is definitely not the last one. More mutants, more heroines, more 2000s characters, more everything is to come, so keep your eye out. And last but not least, HAVE FUN!

Check out my Emporium🥳! (all my voice mods are here):,10845.msg198383.html#msg198383
And the Village🤪! (my voice workbench):,10636.msg196523.html#msg196523

By a score of 7 to 6... The Wasp(s) WINS! I now not only have an excuse to watch Lost, but to watch rewatch my favorite MCU movie too! OR do I have an excuse to watch Scarface and Dangerous Minds? I guess you'll have to wait and see 🤷🏾‍♂️!

Check out my Emporium🥳! (all my voice mods are here):,10845.msg198383.html#msg198383
And the Village🤪! (my voice workbench):,10636.msg196523.html#msg196523