Marvel Ultimate Alliance Mod Cover Concept...

Started by PacaveliTheDon, October 01, 2007, 08:45PM

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October 01, 2007, 08:45PM Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 12:08PM by PacaveliTheDon
just thought it would be fun for all yall photoshoppers out there to show your talent...
post your concepts for the MUA Mod...
Here's mine...



:apocalypse: :archangel: :colossus: :cyclops: :gambit: :hulk_icon: :venom:

I didn't do one but parrastaka did an interesting one:

(BTW, where can I find the original art of that Omega Red? :D)

Quote from: parrastaka on June 13, 2007, 03:46PM
Hi guys, I am collecting much of the data you are all working one, the great work, the attempts and successes... and I want to record it into a DVD and make a custom cover for it.

Here I leave a beta version of the cover I am working on.

It's a silly thing but you may like to have a look:

October 02, 2007, 06:06AM #5 Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 06:54AM by Teancum
Yay, I'm on the front cover too! :D

Very nicely done by the way.  I was planning on doing something like this for the Xbox mod.

that cover was just a very beta..... alpha as you say!  :D

i wanted to do something similar to the real cover, but adding characters and tribute to the modders

but yours looks impressive, Pacaveli...

Quote from: PacaveliTheDon on October 01, 2007, 08:45PM
Here's mine...

Yours rocks too.  I love how it's a different art style than the original.  They all fit really well in there too.

Quote from: parrastaka on October 02, 2007, 06:15AM
that cover was just a very beta..... alpha as you say!  :D

i wanted to do something similar to the real cover, but adding characters and tribute to the modders

but yours looks impressive, Pacaveli...
do u have a list of all the modders cause i would like to add them to it as well...

yea they are very kool, but i dont get what they are used for, like can u actually replace them with the cover for like the xbox 360 game or what, or are they just for fun/something to do?

there for fun but i guess if u want to u could use some program to resize them and print out