
ak2yny's releases

Started by ak2yny, October 12, 2020, 10:29AM

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February 04, 2022, 02:51AM #15 Last Edit: October 04, 2024, 07:38AM by ak2yny Reason: Better links
Raven Formats Tools
Credits nikita488 (python script), NBA2kStuff (xmlb-compile), BaconWizard17 (conversion script) & MrKablamm0fish (batch codes)
Many thanks to BloodyMares and BaconWizard17 for testing, ideas and suggestions.

Requirements: OpenHeroSelect (in the same folder) or Python 3.8 or later & Raven Formats by nikita488, Optional: xmlb-compile.exe or installed XMLBCUI

GitHub page, including changelog

Unpack to a new folder, a dedicated batches folder, or directly to the folder containing the files to edit. Only doubleclick the .bat file included in the package (if multiple .bat files are included, the filename should give a clear hint what each does). The batch processes are executed on all files within that folder. You can drag and drop one or multiple files or folders on most BATs, to edit a selection only. Sub-folders are usually ignored.
Get all required tools before using any of these.
When you try to run a BAT file, you may be confronted with a "Windows protected your PC" window. In this case click on "More Info", and "Run Anyway". Press a key when prompted.

Raven Formats are: xmlb, engb (and other languages, eg. itab, freb, etc), pkgb, boyb, chrb, navb, zsm and zss. They are custom file formats Raven Software used in the XML and MUA games.


Information & Download

I recommend to use true XML with grid/table view (XiMpLe).

Backup download link.
Backup video link.
Original Batches by NBA2kStuff - search for "Archive of NBA2kStuff's Original Tools"

Mod Number Editor

Automation for this (fix two mods that have the same #).


Video tutorial

Zsnd tools

Batches for Zsnd by nikita488. Check the ReadMe for more information.


More tools

  • Skin Editor for herostat files by ak2yny - Use any herostat files as described in the general instructions.
  • MUA Skin Installer for adding skin IGBs - Use any skin IGB files as described in the general instructions.



For more details, instructions, images, etc. check the Mod Installation Guide. Herostat Editing

June 21, 2023, 07:17AM #16 Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 11:17AM by ak2yny Reason: Better Alchemy Tutorial Link
Alchemy 5 Tools
Credits nikita488, MrKablamm0fish & UltraMegaMagnus

Requirements: Alchemy 5 and its requirements. Use the portable version (slightly more up-to-date), or install it and add all tools and plugins by nikita488 (folder 5).

Batch Tools (Alchemy 5 Batch Pack)

GitHub page, including changelog

Unpack to a new folder, a dedicated batches folder, or directly to the folder containing the files to edit. Only doubleclick on a .bat file included in the package. The file and folder names should give a clear hint what each batch does. The batch processes are executed on all files within the same folder. You can drag and drop one or multiple files or folders on most BATs, to edit a selection only. Sub-folders are usually ignored.

Find tutorials below.



IGB Image Creation for Images Without Models:
(loading screens, icons, effect textures)
Requirements: image2igb.exe by nikita488 (included), "2C hex hack" (included)
Supported image formats: .jpg, .png, .tga, .dds
Multiple batches in the "image2igb" folder
  • Loading Screen images to IGB quick convert - more info - video
  • Image 2 IGB Batch Processing (incl. image conversion, optimized for textures without alpha/transparency, i.e. DXT1 - this conversion can be changed or removed)
  • Image 2 IGB Batch for Fonts (optimal for icons and font textures - mip maps must be activated through settings)
  • Image 2 IGB Batch for Icons - only for .png images (optimal for power icons)
  • Image 2 IGB Batch for Effect Textures (image dimensions must be a power of 2 - can work for loading screens)
IGB Image Creation for Images With Models:
(HUD heads, skins, boltons, map models, effect models)
Requirements: plugins by nikita488 (included), "2C hex hack" (included)
Supported image formats: .png, .tga
  • Batch Texture Replacement, for HUDs and team icons, based on Image Replacement Method by MrK ("hud" folder) - video
  • Batch Adding Texture Maps to Skins, based on Raven Setup MUA Material optimization by nikita488 (Maps.bat) - video
IGB Converters:
IGBconverter.bat requirements: IGBConverter.exe V2 V3, actorConverter.exe V2, animationConverter.exe (all included)
  • Extract Images (ext.images.bat)
  • Batch Converter & Image Extractor, for nikita488's converters (IGBconverter.bat)
Animation Mixing Tools:
Requirements: "2C hex hack" (included)
Multiple batches in the "AnimationMixing" folder
Other Useful Tools:
Requirements: animdb2actor.exe (included), "2C hex hack" (included)
  • Generate Global Color - fix black status effects (genGColorFix.bat) - preview
  • Skin-Internal-Name Renamer - very useful alternative to hex-editing - only for Alchemy 5 compatible platforms and games (PSP, Wii, 7th-gen, MUA PC) ("SkinEdit" folder) - video
  • Fix skins for previewing with Alchemy for nikita488's animdb2actor (animdb2actor.bat) - video

Image Replacement Method by MrKablamm0fish

Tutorial (Video)
Optimization files
Most optimizations can be run through (batch) commands, but the "Image Replacement Method" from MrK does not work currently.

Collection of Various Other Alchemy 5 Tools

Convert igGeometryAttr to igGeometryAttr2 for Xbox 360, PS3, Steam versions of MUA1 (Skins) - Optimization set by BaconWizard17

  • Finalizer tutorials, inlc.:
    • Merge IGB Files
    • Scale, Rotate, and/or Move (Transform mannequins)
    • Create Skin Segments
    • Remove Skin Segments
    • Create Attributes
  • Insight viewer tutorials, inlc.:
    • Opening Multiple Files in Insight Viewer
    • How to Use Insight Viewer for Skinning
  • Preview any skins using Finalizer to add an animation database and disable extra texture maps
  • Generate Mipmaps with Finalizer - settings - by UltraMegaMagnus
  • Information about MUA texture maps by nikita488 under UnitIDs that MUA use with some notes
  • HUD head batch creation - early tutorial video
    • HUD heads can optionally be hex-edited. If using above method, replace "hud_conversation". Use Finalizer or a hex-editor.
  • Outdated: Texture Replacement with Raven Setup MUA Material, based on method found by UltraMegaMagnus. - video
    • When done, change the internal numbers of the textures.
    • Should only be used on models/skins without texture maps (specular, normal, environment/reflection, gloss/emissive). (Works as long as one of the four maps is still unused, but should be done manually.)

  • When you try to run a BAT file, you may be confronted with a "Windows protected your PC" window. In this case click on "More Info", and "Run Anyway". Press a key when prompted.
  • Some .bat files may download as *.bat.txt files (because of Mediafire). Be sure to remove that .txt extension in these cases.
  • Fixing crashes: By default, all Alchemy 5 IGB files crash. Please follow the instructions for installing Alchemy 5 to fix that.

All optimization sets (.ini files) can be run through commands OR imported into Finalizer and run there.
Some processes might work with Alchemy 2.5, please report, if you discover that this is the case.

Legal Stuff
All files provided here can be changed however you like. Source code available (except for animdb2actor). Also check the GitHub page linked at the top.