Enigma's Avalanche Mod

Started by Enigma, January 23, 2022, 03:43PM

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January 23, 2022, 03:43PM Last Edit: July 09, 2024, 11:07AM by Enigma
:avalanche: Enigma's Avalanche Mod v5.0 :avalanche:


This is my Avalanche mod. It contains the following differences from Cohollow's mod::

Sound Changes:
*A voicepack featuring Peter Lurie as Avalanche from XML1 using both his boss voiceset and his NPC lines.
-Added 1 new death grunt exclusive to his XML1 Prototype audio.
-Added Can't Go, No Work, and Too Heavy lines (Due to a lack of voices, these are 2 of his Epitaph lines reused, but those 3 types of lines aren't used much, and I had no other options.)
*Completely redid his power sounds. He now no longer shares sounds with Storm and has a unique power sound for every power, taken from his XML1 Retail and XML1 Prototype sound effects, as well as the stone power sound effects from Lego Marvel Super Heroes 1. The powers he also had in XML1 have those same sound effects (Earth Crack, Earthen Cage, and Earthquake). The Prototype ones, the other XML1 Retail ones, and the Lego ones are used for the other powers. The sound played when the Earthen Cage is destroyed isn't the one it seems to use in XML1 Retail because it sounds like metal, so I've used a different sound.
-Due to a lack of suitable power sounds for his Seismic Protection Xtreme, I've used one of Zealot's power sounds, since he and Avalanche have similar mutant abilities. I've edited it together with a Lego Marvel sound.
-Landslide uses a power sound of Avalanche's that's only in the XML1 Prototype. I've coded it to loop while the power is in use.
-Overhauled power sound coding.

Power Changes:
*In nodoubt_jr and Cohollow's versions, Avalanche's skeleton had been edited to allow for animations to play when you select Avalanche in the character select menu and when you exit that menu. However, this meant that 2 of Avalanche's 3 unique melee animations weren't used for melee combat anymore. And due to certain restrictions, menu exit animations can't be used for powers and none of his normal power animations can be changed to be menu animations. I think the unique melee animations are more worthwhile than menu animations, so I've undone those skeleton edits. This means that Avalanche now has unique melee animations (1 heavy attack and 2 light attacks) and only uses an idle animation in the character select menu.
*Replaced Sand Trap with Earth Cage, one of his XML1 powers that was in nodoubt_jr's mod but replaced by Cohollow with Sand Trap. I have brought it back and because of bugs with the power, I have combined the coding of the 2 powers so that it will work properly. I also changed it from a Special to a Trap. I used Earth Crack's charge effect for it because it's the same but a different color. I also recolored the rest of this power's effects to match the color of the rest of his effects. I also removed the camera shake from 2 of its effects. I removed one of its effects because I felt it wasn't needed. I've also renamed it to what it's called in the XML1 Prototype: Earthen Cage.
*For Earthen Cage, I can't have it levelup the strength of it, the time it lasts, or have it do damage, due to how it works. So I've had the EP cost decrease as it levels up. It starts off really expensive but gets cheaper as you level it up.
*Renamed Rock Spikes to Earth Crack, which it's called in the XML1 Prototype.
*Renamed Earth Surf to Landslide.
*Renamed Rubble Rumble to Tremors.
*Renamed his Quake Xtreme to what it's called in the XML1 Prototype: Earthquake. I also changed the on-screen Xtreme text to match.
*Renamed Armor passive to Armored Battle Suit.
*Changed Seismic Protection's animation.
*Fixed various kinds of typos in his talent file.
*Rewrote power descriptions.
*Redid combo text.
*Slowed down the speed of Upheaval.
*Rebalanced all powers and passives to fit in with the default characters better.
*Seismic Master now requires Mutant Mastery to match all the default characters' Mastery passives.
*Rebalanced AI coding.
*Fixed and simplified how Rock Slider's damage and knockback coding work.
*Changed Tremor Shield so that it only absorbs Elemental damage. I didn't want overlap with another boost I added in the case of the Energy damage, and I didn't think it made sense for him to absorb Radiation damage.
*Added a boost that only nodoubt_jr's version has, Explosive Blows, which I've renamed Aftershocks. I've changed what effects it uses. I fixed issues with its leveling up information saying it increases Energy damage when it actually increases his Attack Rating. I've also changed its damage type in its powerstyle entry from Energy to Physical damage.
*Added another boost that only nodoubt_jr's version has, Vibratory Boost, which I've renamed Seismic Waves. I've altered its effect. I've also recolored it to match his other effects colors.
*His Seismic Fists passive said it increased Physical damage but actually increased Energy damage. Now it actually increases Physical damage.
*Earthen Cage requires Upheaval, Boulder Blast now requires Earthen Cage, and Tremor Shield now requires Seismic Waves.
*Added environment damage mod to Earthquake Xtreme.
*Changed Earthquake Xtreme's attack type from a kick to a blast.
*Removed his scale factor in his herostat, as he doesn't have one in XML1 and none of his powers seem to need it.
*Reorganized powerstyle file.
*Renamed effects files so that it's easier to keep track of which goes with what power.
*Entities file is now a xmlb instead of a engb file to match the other default ones and my other mod ones.
*Minor herostat coding fix.
*Armored Battle Suit now works correctly and now protects against Elemental damage instead of Physical damage so that it doesn't overlap with Defensive Stance anymore.
-I also changed it so that it gives Elemental resistance in the standard way other characters' resistance passives work.
*Fixed bug with leveling of Critical chance on Seismic Mastery.
*Defensive Stance now only adds a chance to dodge non-powered Melee attacks instead of powered and non-powered ones.
*Because Tremor Shield overlapped with Armored Battle Suit, I've changed Armored Battle Suit to increase his Physical resistance instead of his Elemental resistance.
*Fixed issue with Tremor Shield.
*Changed Tremor Shield's levelup info and description to make it more clear what it does.
*Renamed Seismic Fists to Seismic Combat.
*Earthquake is now listed as a Radial power.
*Seismic Waves no longer increases his Defense Rating, which his description didn't say it did and overlaps with Armored Battle Suit anyway.
*Fixed issue with Aftershock's levelup info.
*Fixed issue with Landslide's knockback not working.

Visual Changes:
*2 loading screens: a higher quality version of the XML1 shared Avalanche and Pyro one where I seamlessly removed Pyro entirely and AI Upscaled it, a higher quality unletterboxed version of his XML1 Gladiator loading screen which I AI Upscaled.
*Added higher quality character select portrait I made from the loading screen image I made and mentioned above.
*Higher quality versions of the XML1 Avalanche and Avalanche Gladiator conversation huds taken from the XML1 Prototype and the XML2 Demo respectively, which I've denoised to further improve their quality.
-His Gladiator skin uses that hud and all the others use the XML1 hud.
*His icons have been AI Upscaled and now appear in higher quality in the character select menu.
*Added 4 icons from the unused XML2 Gladiator icons, which I've recolored, and from Blob's icons. Not everything's a perfect fit, and they don't entirely fit too well with his existing icons, but I needed new ones, so this will have to do. And at least all powers and passives now have a unique icon and no longer share icons.
*I've rearranged which icons go with which powers.
*For the effect that's used when enemies inside the Earthen Cage attack it, I've combined and recolored the XML1 Prototype and XML1 Retail versions of this effect, as I liked and disliked aspects of both.
*Removed effect that was on his feet for Landslide because other characters don't have balls of energy on their feet for their gliding powers and I felt removing them made Avalanche's fit in better with theirs.
*Replaced the charge effects on the following powers and replaced it with Earth Crack's charge effect, because they all looked the same already and this helps cut down his number of effects: Upheaval, Tremors, Boulder Blast
*Replaced the aura effect on his Seismic Protection Xtreme because it looked very similar to the aura effect on his Tremor Shield boost.
*Replaced Earth Crack's impact effect with the version from the XML1 Prototype, which I've recolored to match his other effects colors.
*Since there is no skin 06, renamed skin 06 to 05 and changed its hud, 3D head, and the herostat to match.
*Seismic Combat now has a trail effect, which I created.

Misc Changes
*Packages for skins numbered 4505, 4507, 4508, and 4509, in case you want to add some more skins. (There aren't any more Avalanche skins, but you can always add some other ones if you want.)
-These are also the new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages.
*Hexedited all the skins and 3D heads

*Menu Break: one menu break. These are more complicated to install, so if you don't know how, don't worry about.
*XML1 Avalanche and Pyro loading screen: a higher quality version of the XML1 shared Avalanche and Pyro loading screen.
*Gladiator Character Select Portrait: a character select portrait based off of my afforementioned version of his XML1 Gladiator loading screen.

Usage Notes About Earthen Cage:
*Here is some further explanation as to how this works, as well as some tips for using it, in case you're curious:
-The cage forms around whichever enemy you have targeted (which means it has those 4 red arrows around it). If none are targeted, it will form over nothing. -The cage lasts for 7 seconds.
-The player can't damage the cage but the enemy trapped in it can. This is so the player can damage the enemy and not accidentially free them and it's also so that the enemy can attempt to break themselves out.
-This power doesn't do any damage. Once the enemy is trapped, you have a 7 second window to do whatever you want to them, and it will hit them.
-This does work on bosses. But that might make boss battles too easy, so maybe don't use it too much for those if you want to avoid that.
-If the cage spawns near you, and it looks like you might be stuck in it, don't worry, you're not.
-As you level it up, the EP cost decreases. It starts out expensive to use, but becomes cheaper to use as you level it up.
-One good strategy for using this power is to wait until your target it knocked down or stunned, then caging them.


*nodoubt_jr: 1st Avalanche mod
*Cohollow: 2nd Avalanche mod
*Generic Unit: Menu Break ideas
*iammingy: Classic, X-Corps, Freedom Force skins
*BarryAllen: buf report.

-Fixed issue with Landslide's knockback not working.
-Fixed issue with packages that was causing problems with icons.
-Rebalanced multiple powers.
-Seismic Waves no longer increases his Defense Rating, which his description didn't say it did and overlaps with Armored Battle Suit anyway.
-Made Seismic Waves's level up info more clear.
-Because Tremor Shield overlapped with Armored Battle Suit, I've changed Armored Battle Suit to increase his Physical resistance instead of his Elemental resistance.
-Rebalanced Armored Battle Suit.
-Rebalanced Seismic Protection.
-Rebalanced all boosts.
-Fixed issue with Tremor Shield.
-Changed Tremor Shield's levelup info and description to make it more clear what it does.
-Renamed Seismic Fists to Seismic Combat.
-Earthquake is now listed as a Radial power.
-Rewrote some power descriptions.
-Seismic Combat now has a trail effect, which I created.
-Fixed issue with Landslide's sound coding.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Changed Armored Battle Suit passive so that it gives Elemental resistance in the standard way other characters's resistance passives work.
-I made a 3D head for the Gladiator skin.
-Rearranged skins in different slots that fit them better.
-Removed an unneeded line of code.
Made some power descriptions more clear and to fix some typos.
Defensive Stance now only adds a chance to dodge non-powered Melee attacks instead of powered and non-powered ones.
Armored Battle Suit now protects against Elemental damage instead of Physical damage so that it doesn't overlap with Defensive Stance anymore.
Added more Menu Breaks. 2 of these were ideas by Generic Unit.
-Added textures to package files that won't be in the permanent file in the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch.
-Fixed bug with leveling of Critical chance on Seismic Mastery.
-Rebalanced Earth Crack.
-Minor change to Earth Crack's description.
-Minor changes to Earth Crack and Seismic Mastery's level up info.
-Armored Battle Suit now correctly reduces Physical Damage taken.
-Rereleased as a standalone mod.
-Completely redid his power sounds. He now no longer shares sounds with Storm and has a unique power sound for every power, taken from his XML1 Retail and XML1 Prototype sound effects, as well as the stone power sound effects from Lego Marvel Super Heroes 1. The powers he also had in XML1 have those same sound effects (Earth Crack, Earthen Cage, and Earthquake). The Prototype ones, the other XML1 Retail ones, and the Lego ones are used for the other powers. The sound played when the Earthen Cage is destroyed isn't the one it seems to use in XML1 Retail because it sounds like metal, so I've used a different sound.
-Due to a lack of suitable power sounds for his Seismic Protection Xtreme, I've used one of Zealot's power sounds, since he and Avalanche have similar mutant abilities. I've edited it together with a Lego Marvel sound.
-Rebuilt sound file to fix audio popping and remove a duplicate taunt line.
-Added Can't Go, No Work, and Too Heavy lines (Due to a lack of voices, these are 2 of his Epitaph lines reused, but those 3 types of lines aren't used much, and I had no other options.)
-Landslide uses a power sound of Avalanche's that's only in the XML1 Prototype. I've coded it to loop while the power is in use.
-Overhauled power sound coding.
-In nodoubt_jr and Cohollow's versions, Avalanche's skeleton had been edited to allow for animations to play when you select Avalanche in the character select menu and when you exit that menu. However, this meant that 2 of Avalanche's 3 unique melee animations weren't used for melee combat anymore. And due to certain restrictions, menu exit animations can't be used for powers and none of his normal power animations can be changed to be menu animations. I think the unique melee animations are more worthwhile than menu animations, so I've undone those skeleton edits. This means that Avalanche now has unique melee animations (1 heavy attack and 2 light attacks) and only uses an idle animation in the character select menu.
-Replaced Sand Trap with Earth Cage, one of his XML1 powers that was in nodoubt_jr's mod but replaced by Cohollow with Sand Trap. I have brought it back and because of bugs with the power, I have combined the coding of the 2 powers so that it will work properly. I also changed it from a Special to a Trap. I used Earth Crack's charge effect for it because it's the same but a different color. I also recolored the rest of this power's effects to match the color of the rest of his effects. I also removed the camera shake from 2 of its effects. I removed one of its effects because I felt it wasn't needed. I've also renamed it to what it's called in the XML1 Prototype: Earthen Cage.
-For Earthen Cage, I can't have it levelup the strength of it, the time it lasts, or have it do damage, due to how it works. So I've had the EP cost decrease as it levels up. It starts off really expensive but gets cheaper as you level it up.
-Renamed Rock Spikes to Earth Crack, which it's called in the XML1 Prototype.
-Renamed Earth Surf to Landslide.
-Renamed Rubble Rumble to Tremors.
-Renamed his Quake Xtreme to what it's called in the XML1 Prototype: Earthquake. I also changed the on-screen Xtreme text to match.
-Changed Seismic Protection's animation.
-Slowed down the speed of Upheaval.
-Rebalanced all powers to fit in with the default characters better.
-Seismic Master now requires Mutant Mastery to match all the default characters' Mastery passives.
-Rebalanced AI coding.
-Fixed and simplified how Rock Slider's damage and knockback coding work.
-Changed Tremor Shield so that it only absorbs Elemental damage. I didn't want overlap with another boost I added in the case of the Energy damage, and I didn't think it made sense for him to absorb Radiation damage.
-Added a boost that only nodoubt_jr's version has, Explosive Blows, which I've renamed Aftershocks. I've changed what effects it uses. I fixed issues with its leveling up information saying it increases Energy damage when it actually increases his Attack Rating. I've also changed its damage type in its powerstyle entry from Energy to Physical damage.
-Added another boost that only nodoubt_jr's version has, Vibratory Boost, which I've renamed Seismic Waves. I've altered its effect. I've also recolored it to match his other effects colors.
-His Seismic Fists passive said it increased Physical damage but actually increased Energy damage. Now it actually increases Physical damage.
-Earthen Cage requires Upheaval, Boulder Blast now requires Earthen Cage, and Tremor Shield now requires Seismic Waves.
-Added environment damage mod to Earthquake Xtreme.
-Changed Earthquake Xtreme's attack type from a kick to a blast.
-For the effect that's used when enemies inside the Earthen Cage attack it, I've combined and recolored the XML1 Prototype and XML1 Retail versions of this effect, as I liked and disliked aspects of both.
-Removed effect that was on his feet for Landslide because other characters don't have balls of energy on their feet for their gliding powers and I felt removing them made Avalanche's fit in better with theirs.
-Replaced the charge effects on the following powers and replaced it with Earth Crack's charge effect, because they all looked the same already and this helps cut down his number of effects: Upheaval, Tremors, Boulder Blast
-Replaced the aura effect on his Seismic Protection Xtreme because it looked very similar to the aura effect on his Tremor Shield boost.
-Replaced Earth Crack's impact effect with the version from the XML1 Prototype, which I've recolored to match his other effects colors.
-Added 4 icons from the unused XML2 Gladiator icons, which I've recolored, and from Blob's icons. Not everything's a perfect fit, and they don't entirely fit too well with his existing icons, but I needed new ones, so this will have to do for now. And at least all powers and passives now have a unique icon and no longer share icons.
-I've rearranged which icons go with which powers.
-Replaced packages with new streamlined packages.
-Since there is no skin 06, renamed skin 06 to 05 and changed its hud, 3D head, and the herostat to match.
-Hexedited all the skins and 3D heads
-Entities file is now a xmlb instead of a engb file to match the other default ones and my other mod ones.
-Rewrote some power descriptions.
-Redid combo text.
-Minor herostat coding fix.
-Removed his scale factor in his herostat, as he doesn't have one in XML1 and none of his powers seem to need it.
-Renamed effects files so that it's easier to keep track of which goes with what power.
-Reorganized powerstyle file.
-Edited laugh off of the end of his menu break to make it not be so long.
-Denoised his huds to further improve their quality.
-Added bonus Gladiator character select portrait.
-Expanded and reorganzied list above to make it more clear what I've done.
-Fixed various kinds of typos in his talent file.
-Rewrote various power descriptions to make them sound better.
-Rebalanced his passives to match default characters.
-Renamed Armor passive to Armored Battle Suit.
-Fixed small file folder installation mistake
-I added a voiced callout for his 2nd Xtreme power
-I rearranged some voiced lines to fit better and added a couple more
-Added higher quality XML1 hud from XML1 Prototype
-Added higher quality XML1 Gladiator hud from XML2 Demo
-Added higher quality XML1 Avalanche and Pyro loading screen as a bonus
-Added loading screen I made by completely and seamlessly removing Pyro from the XML1 Avalanche-Pyro shared loading screen
-Added XML1 Avalanche Gladiator unletterboxed loading screen
-Added higher quality character select portrait I made from the loading screen image I made and mentioned above.
-Added Xtreme Callout for 2nd Xtreme power
-AI Upscaled the icons and changed the talents and packages files so that his icons will appears in higher quality in the character select menu
-Also altered his packages so that each skin can have unique conversation huds and 3d huds (he doesn't have these so I copy and pasted the existing ones, but the option is now available for you)
-Also added packages to allow for skins 05, 07, 08, and 09 (he doesn't have these but the option is now available for you)