Aventureiromax - Power Rangers,Naruto,Sasuke,Rambo,Jill,Cammy, 12 Gold Saints

Started by Aventureiromax, February 26, 2010, 04:39PM

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Blue Ranger MOD V1.0 by Aventureiromax for Marvel Ultimate Alliance (2006) on PC.


Little updates to some effects and powerstyle for the Green, Red, Pink, Yellow and Black Rangers are included in this mod.

1-If you have Gladiator, Silk, Gorr, Kain, Aladdin installed the mannequin and load screen will be replaced.

2-All 2 transformations (v1 and Dragon Shield) are done by always holding "Block" + some button.


Aventureiromax - All skins, mannequin, icons,series sounds, loading screen and coding.
Erik Lensherr's - For help and tips with coding.
UltraMegaMagnus - For the ripped sounds of  Power Rangers Legacy War Mobile.

Thanks to all who share their sounds, skins, loading screen, icons and any other TUTORIALS as it helps the forum a lot.

DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tc03q31uprv9us8/BLUER-By-Aventureiromax-v1.0.rar/file
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Quote from: Outsider on March 12, 2024, 08:37AMCongratulations on completing the original Power Ranger collection, A-Max! Well done.

Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

White Ranger MOD V2.0 by Aventureiromax for Marvel Ultimate Alliance (2006) on PC.


1-If you have Shadowcat,Senator Kelly, Phyla-Vell or Alan Wake installed the mannequin and load screen will be replaced.


Aventureiromax - All skins, mannequin, icons,sounds, loading screen and coding.

UltraMegaMagnus - By the animation of power "Flying Tiger".

Enjoy ;)

Thanks to all who share their sounds, skins, loading screen, icons and any other TUTORIALS as it helps the forum a lot.

DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5eo174fwnm3crvp/WR-By-Aventureiromax-v2.0.rar/file
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Libra Dohko updated. Missing power bolton added.

Libra V1.01: https://www.mediafire.com/file/84hthq69qrodqe1/Dohko-SS-V1.01-By-Aventureiromax.rar/file
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here