Unique Conversations

Started by jonchang, November 04, 2007, 01:44AM

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Has anyone discovered a few special easter egg convos?

Spider-Man- Mysterio, Scorpion, Lizard, Shocker, Rhino, Dark Spider-Man
Captain America- Nick Fury, Winter Soldier
Wolverine- Jean, Deathbird, Dugan, Professor X
Thor- Hermod, Enchantress, Executioner, Radioactive Man
Iron Man- Deathbird, Nick Fury, Crimson Dynamo
Elektra- Bullseye, Giant Man
Storm- Nick Fury, Vision, Professor X
Iceman- Namor, Namorita, Ymir, Black Widow, Giant Man, Professor X
Mr. Fantastic- Bruce Banner
Invisible Woman- Nick Fury, Jean Grey
Human Torch- Crystal, Uatu, Black Bolt, Wyatt Wingfoot
Thing- Karnak, Lockjaw, Uatu, Crystal
Black Panther- Deathbird, Ghost Rider
Spider-Woman- Black Widow
Ms. Marvel- Vision, Giant Man
Dr. Strange- Ancient One, Fin Fang Foom
Daredevil- Bullseye, Black Widow
Blade- Mandarin
Cyclops- Dark Cyclops, Jean Grey
Magneto- Fin Fang Foom, Professor X
Dr. Doom- (Dr. Doom enemy) :king:
Venom- Mysterio
Sabretooth- Deathbird

And of course: Deadpool:

Dark Spider-Man    Arcade    Ancient One    Black Bolt    Black Widow    Jarvis    S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent

Anything else that I missed?

No, we haven't. You may continue reading the guides at GameFAQS and copy everything to here and copy the tone of every other topic here.

I've actually got the strategy guide and it mentions *almost* every unique convo, but I've found others.  For instance, Blade/Arcade

Really? I've been looking for the strategy guide. Where'd you get it?

I got it about 2 months after the game came out at Barnes & Noble.  You probably won't find it anywhere but on the internet now.  eBay would be your best bet.  It's pretty in-depth, but doesn't cover the DLC/PSP characters.  Just the standard 23 + MK and Colossus.


you forgot that ironman tawks to dark colossus and dark capitan america
My deviant art page!!!
$$$ http://sabrerine911.deviantart.com/ $$$

This isn't really a good place to discuss character conversations. I mean, people here spend more time trying new characters than playing through the game with the original 23.

Also, Iron Man has a flirty hello with the Black Widow (He calls her Natasha) at Dr. Strange's home base.
Check out issue #74 of Advanced Iron.
Iron Man In Action columnist, Advanced Iron Magazine.

November 07, 2007, 04:00AM #9 Last Edit: November 07, 2007, 04:04AM by Lionsden99
Here's A list I found on gamefaqs and I then I added a few that I found on The haven of Apocalypse forum.  Credit goes to OHJOY90

Nick Fury - Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor, Wolverine
Bullseye - Daredevil & Elektra
SHIELD Agent (in the barracks, before you free them from their room) - Deadpool
Winter Soldier & Radioactive Man - Captain America & Thor
Fin Fang Foom - Dr. Strange

Stark Tower
Black Widow - Daredevil, Deadpool, Elektra, Iceman, Spider-Woman
Hank Pym - Blade, Human Torch, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Thor
Fury - Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Mr. Fantastic, Wolverine, Ms. Marvel
Vision - Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Storm, Thing
Wyatt - Human Torch

Omega Base
Dum Dum Dugan - Wolverine
Crimson Dynamo - Iron Man
Mysterio - Spider-Man
Locker Room (right after beating Mysterio) - Captain America

Stark Tower
Jarvis - Iron Man, Spider-Woman
Weasel - Deadpool

Namor (After you rescue him, but before you heal him) - Iceman
Namor (After you heal him) - Black Panther & Invisible Woman
Attuma & Tiger Shark - Ghost Rider (*)

The Valley Of Spirits
Storm-Nickfury beginning
Ultimo - Ms. Marvel
Grey Gargoyle - Spider-Woman
Mandrian - Blade (after you beat him)

Sanctum Sanctorum
Ancient One - Deadpool, Dr. Strange
Black Widow - Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Mr. Fantastic, Wolverine
Clea - Dr. Strange
Hank Pym - Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Storm, Thing
Nick Fury - Blade, Human Torch, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Thor
Professor X - Iceman, Storm, Wolverine
Vision - Daredevil, Deadpool, Elektra, Iceman, Spider-Woman
Wong - Dr. Strange

Entrance - Iron Man & Ms. Marvel (*)
Senator Kelly - Storm
Jean Grey (2nd time you see her) - Invisible Woman & Spider-Man
Jean Grey (after Pitfall) - Wolverine
Blade - Daredevil, Mr. Fantastic
Entrance to Pinball - Mr. Fantastic
Rhino - Thing
Shocker - Human Torch
Death Disco - Elektra
Arcade - Luke Cage
Arcade (After beating him) - Captain America

Mephisto's Realm
Entrance - Iceman
Mephisto (When you find Ghost Rider) - Thor & Dr. Strange, Black Panther
Blackheart - Blade (*)
Mephisto - Dr. Strange (guide says its when you battle him, but Strange had a conversation when we found Ghost Rider)

To Be Continued 
Posted 10/3/2007 10:49:19 PM
message detail  Valhalla
Black Widow - (I couldn't get her to have unique convo, but she would have been on this group) Blade, Human Torch, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Thor
Hank Pym - Daredevil, Deadpool, Elektra, Iceman, Spider-Woman
Hermod - Thor
Lady Sif - Thor
Nick Fury - Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Storm, Thing,deadpool
Vision - Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Mr. Fantastic, Wolverine
Valkerie and Deadpool

Bifrost Bridge
Wrecking Crew - Elektra & Luke Cage

Balder - Captain America (*)
Lizard & Scorpion - Spider-Man
Tyr - Iron Man (*)
Enchantress - Spider-Woman & Thor

Asgard Part 2
Volla - Ms. Marvel
Volla - Blade
Twilight Sword - Dr. Strange
Ymir - Iceman

Black Bolt - Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic, Thing
Black Widow - Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Storm, Thing
Crystal - Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic, Thing
Hank Pym - Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Mr. Fantastic, Wolverine
Karnak - Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic, Thing
Nick Fury - Daredevil, Deadpool, Elektra, Iceman, Spider-Woman
Vision - Blade, Human Torch, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Thor
Uatu - Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic, Thing

Gladiator - Ms. Marvel & Iceman (Ms. Marvel didn't work for me)
Warstar & Starbolt - Elektra
Hussar & Neutron - Captain America
Deathbird - Black Panther/ironman
Lilandra - Storm
Deathbird - Wolverine,ironman

Skrull Planet
Titannus - Luke Cage (didn't work for me)

Stark Tower
Black Widow - Daredevil, Deadpool, Elektra, Iceman, Spider-Woman
Hank Pym - Blade, Human Torch, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Thor
Nick Fury - Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Mr. Fantastic, Wolverine
Vision - Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Storm, Thing

Doom Tower
Dark Colossus & Dark Captain America - Captain America, Iron Man & Colossus,storm
Dark Thor & Dark Spider-Man - Spider-Man
Doom - Wolverine 
Bpanther entering dooms castle
Spider-Woman Room of many doors

November 14, 2007, 06:46PM #10 Last Edit: November 14, 2007, 06:56PM by msmarvel2007
The ones with the stars next to them are ones that dont work or probably ones that were taken out at the final cut of the game and after the strategy guide was done. The Colossus one with Dark Colossus has never worked. Wolverine with Doom does not work. Luke Cage and Wrecking Crew does not work. I dont think the one with Blade and Blackheart works but there is not a conversation with Mephisto when you battle him with any character. Ms. Marvel and Gladiator does not work. Elektra and Starbolt and Warstar does not work. Lady Sif and Thor does not work (surprising). Luke Cage and Titannus does not work. Teancum, where is the one with Blade and Arcade?

P.S. I missed all of you went to England to visit some relatives for about a month.

Sif and Thor work definitely. Wrecking Crew and Luke Cage work as well. I tried on my PS2.

I will try them again but I know that the did not work on the PC maybe they work on the 360.

The Blade/Arcade fight is when you battle the Arcade bot.  It's either just before or right after.  I can't remember, and I'm too lazy to hunt down the strategy guide.

I will check it out, Thanks Teancum. I have the strategy guide myself and I know that there are conversations that they say are in there that really arent and vice versa.