Shadowcat Mod

Started by nodoubt_jr, November 10, 2007, 08:52PM

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great suggestion... although I was thinking on Ogun (samurai + devil noh mask) skin at first! lol

Ogun looks like those devils in the Inferno area in MUA, perhaps they could be a good base.

Are the Classic/Original skins PS2 models?

Also, AoA/Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D would be awesome skin choices, imo. AoA could maybe be based on Moira, but I'm not sure about AoS.

November 17, 2007, 01:04PM #18 Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 11:49PM by nodoubt_jr
no classic and original are not ps2

im still looking to see what skins i can pull of, so far i have only done original in black and blue.  Im also trying to do her Excalibur one.  I'll try the AOA, but the Shield one might be hard.  I have GIMP now so i have more options now, but any help would be appreciated.

power wise, she is almost done.  I havent really decided on an xtreme, the one i had in mind might not be possible.  So she's still a work in progress.

edit: so far the skins im making are looking really crappy, so i dont know if i'll actually keep working on them
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just wanted to give an update, ive finished the powerstyle/talents.  Working on icons.  Skins are still being worked on, thankfully someone has offered to help.

meanwhile preview of xtreme
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I assume that's a take on Merc's Revenge.  If so, that's awesome.

yes, the gun effects dont match up at times, but the move is so flashy you barely notice (this version is without the slow motion stuff).
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new skin thanks to boreman: Agent of Shield

now with this one it makes 5: astonishing from game, classic, original in black and in blue, and AoS.  Up next maybe, AOA (i havent really found a good base for it though) and then i'll release the mod.
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Really nice skin Boreman are you going to make that MUA also,are if you have I missed it.The mod looks super nodoubt_jr Quality witch is of course top of the line :thumbsup:
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

I just sent it to nodoubt_jr for the XML2 mod. BUT I do have it for MUA (because I was testing it there). I'll post it somewhere later. If someonw volunteers for the Shadowcat MUA mod, great!

November 21, 2007, 09:00PM #25 Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 06:37PM by nodoubt_jr
Shadowcat v1

Complete, 5 skins (no AOA, might do it later), full powerset.  I also gave her double jump, just cause it looks cool.

Phasing notes:  She can phase/go through stuff, power 1 (keyboard1) turns it on and power 2 (keyboard2) turns it off.  Dont worry power2 cost no power so you can always become solid again.  Also jumping automatically turns it off since if you read my first post you know that that would cause you to float up and up until death.   Phasing also lets you walk on air, to go up/down stairs turn off phasing. Now for the bugs: sometimes it suddenly turns off, the powerup that comes with it remains but phasing is turned off (it only happens once in a while).  Also sometimes when you go to save or change outfits you are put in phasing form even if you werent, dont panic just activate jump or power two and you'll be alright.  Expect some errors since its not really a power meant for any character.

This uses a new fightstyle not in XML2.  So you must start a new game from default, old games will not accept the new fightstyle and the mod will not be able to use its second skeleton in old games.  So just start over.

Backup anything you might overwrite, im not responsible for anything that is lost. Install everything in this mod in order for everything to work correctly.  Ive set up the rar file to match the way XML2 sorts its files, so just drag and drop.

Classic skin by Tetragene
phasing script based on idrinkdrpepper's Vision MUA Mod script
Agent of SHIELD skin by boreman



sai throw

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sorry to be a bit rude... but is there any chance to port this mod to MUA?

thank you anyhow, great work!

That's some quality work nodoubt! :thumbsup:

What's happened with the Brotherhood Edition? (plz. don't criticize me harshly)

@parrastaka - im sure someone eventually will make a Shadowcat mod for MUA, i cant play it on my pc so i wouldnt be ablet to convert and test.

@Midnight Curse - im still working on the Brotherhood Edition, im just taking a little break from it, i did so many of the mods for it one after the other (at times working on two at the same time), that i feel a little drained and uninspired.  So im just taking a small break from it to work on some XML1 to XML2 stuff, then i'll get back on it.  6 more mods and its ready to go.
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February 06, 2008, 10:30PM #29 Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 06:37PM by nodoubt_jr
thanks to iammingy, we have katana boltons now, so heres an update for shadowcat.  first download the swords from here and place them in Models/Bolton/

just replace the old fightstyle and powerstyles.  what this does is just replace the swords, from the firedemon's sword to mua deadpool katanas.

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