Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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In Flames , Awesome band from sweden countries away from where I live :D
What is your least favourite music artist ?

I don't think I have one.

What is the feeling you feel after scoring your first soccer goal?

Probably "aww nuts, can't believe I scored an own goal!"

What's your favourite non-mainstream sport? (i.e. not american football, soccer etc)

guns n roses forever !! lol best band ever
hmm hmm
would you like to be a hero or a villain???

a hero with a villain attitude.

Which female singer is really hot?

Ivete Sangalo (hahahaha 99% of people here doesn't know who is she)

Your favorite villain ?

Venom (Eddie Brock)

whos the best killer (i mean,who likes to kill more,who feels more joy by killing)

Bullseye,Carnage or Sabretooth?
(a signature for me in others forums)

 Carnage, Bullseyes hired to kill so he only get's joy when he's assigned to kill, and Sabertooth I don't think tops Carnage.

If you could have one really good designed costume in MUA for a character, who would it be for, and what costume?

rouge jim lee skin.

which not main character would you like to come out on mua2?

hmm...maybe som1 from "the order"...

did u like marvel nemisis:riseof the imperfects?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

i think Bullseye like to kill,thats why he became an assassin,but thats my opnion and you have yours.

about marvel nemesis....well i found the story mode good,fighting those aliens and etc...but the imperfect were just copy of the actual heroes....and when i killed Wolverine (i thought i had unlocked a new mission for him) i got surprased,also IM last mission is almost impossible.
but the vs mode is actualy good,so i liked a bit,but it is far to be the best.also i did not get the story mode and the introduction video....KILLING CAPTAIN AMERICA,PUNISHER AND THE HULK?WHILE ELEKTRA KILLED A LOT OF THEN,HULK GET HIS BUTTY KICKED?!?!?

whats the color of your eyes?
(a signature for me in others forums)

haha, thats actualy a hard one. they change from green to blue,but they're usualy green

did u even watch spidey3 cuz of how bad every1 said it was?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

sounds familiar....

do u ware contacts
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):