The *NEW* Dream Team thread (36 total)

Started by Teancum, December 06, 2007, 08:22AM

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December 06, 2007, 08:22AM Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 11:19AM by Teancum
Okay, so first off, I'm sure you're asking "Why 36?"  The answer is simple.  I've been researching mlm_team_back.igb (which stores the coordinates where mannequins appear) and realized that if you were able to combine the PSP and the 360 Gold files you'd get 36 slots (since Moon Knight's slot is actually used by Black Widow on the PSP).  So picture the Gold Edition stage, with one more character to the left of Moon Knight, and two to the right of Spider Woman.  That being said, fire off your Dream Team!

Just for reference, HERE is a pic that shows where the PSP characters would be (Captain Marvel/Ronin on the right, Black Widow in MK's slot, Hawkeye to her left)

My Dream Team: *I change a lot of characters so it would fix the storyline
All Gold Edition Characters
----Punisher replaces Nick Fury
----Omega Red Replaces Dr. Doom
----Hulk wouldn't unlock until MODOK is defeated
----Nightcrawler would only unlock if you rescue him
----Gambit replaces Cyclops
----Juggernaut replaces Colossus

To the right of Spider Woman
----Captain Marvel

To the left of Moon Knight

Incidentally, for the Marvel Modder group -- the actual 3D coordinates are the same on PSP/PC/360.  I used the 360 mlm_team_back.igb and copied the 3D coordinates for a PSP-exclusive slot over an existing slot.  Took me forever to figure it out, but it worked.  I'm not going to try adding slots until we crack the character limit.

cool that means that you can put 36 slots to the game cooooooooooool
My deviant art page!!!
$$$ $$$

December 06, 2007, 10:18AM #2 Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 10:24AM by Teancum
NO.  I specifically stated that you CAN'T put that many in.  I wish we could though. 

QuoteI'm not going to try adding slots until we crack the character limit.

If I knew what I was doing I'd edit the .exe to let you have 36 characters, but I don't know how to do that part. :(  This is just for dreaming.

ok heres mine
psp chars:
the characters that i would replace
ronin with toxin
black widow with charnage
capitan marvel with holocaust
i like all gold edityon chars so i dont want to change them
The story line:
sabretooth gets unloked when you fight him and beat him in a mission
Hulk wouldn't unlock until MODOK is defeated
Nightcrawler would only unlock if you rescue him
dr doom is playable
hawkie doesnt have to be unloked
magneto gests unloked when you fight him and beat him in a mission

My deviant art page!!!
$$$ $$$

December 19, 2007, 05:41AM #6 Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 09:00PM by Midnight Curse
-Nightcrawler or Phoenix will be unlocked depending on whoever you save.
-Venom and Magneto would be unlocked after you free them from a brainwash mission.
-Hulk would be unlocked when MODOK is defeated.
-Cyclops and Doom would be playable. Cyke needs to be revived.
-Gambit replaces Hawkeye
-Sabretooth would replace Wolverine, as they are both almost the same.

PSP Exclusives:

-Captain Marvel remains playable.
-Ronin with Havok
-Black Widow with Omega Red
-Hawkeye has already been replaced with Gambit

-Wolverine would be gone and replaced-Punisher replaces Nick Fury for me as well.
-Iron Fist would replace Elektra
-Juggernaut for Colossus as well.
-Dazzler for Luke Cage

I will need more time to think of more replacements. For now, I can't think of anymore.

In your reference pic, why instead of Ms. Marvel is there a second Human Torch?

xDisciplex was learning to mod the PSP.  I guess that was his doing.

Ah. That explains why Colossus is in the pic. Thanks.

My Dream Team:

-Dazzler replaces Luke Cage
-Rogue replaces Spider-Man
-Arclight replaces Captain America
-Hawkeye replaces Ghost Rider
-Black Widow replaces Elektra
-Sabretooth replaces Wolverine


-Nightcrawler or Jean Grey are playable after defeating Mephisto (depending on which one you killed)
-Emma Frost is playable once you talk to Professor X
-Psylocke is playable once Doctor Doom is defeated
-Guardian is playable once Doctor Doom is defeated
-Cyclops is playable once Doctor Doom is defeated

February 16, 2008, 11:07PM #10 Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 04:55AM by Teancum
I was playing with the PSP team_back file and realized it actually held 29 slots.  Now, we can't add that many characters yet because we haven't cracked the .exe file, but if we did, combining it with the 360 team_back file would give us 37 unique slots, not 36 like I originally thought. 

That being said, here's my new 'dream list' for the Xbox version if we ever crack the character limit:

1-23 The standard characters
24-Moon Knight

To the left of Moon Knight:
26-Iron Fist
27-Vision (I'd make it so you beat the game twice on any difficulty to unlock him)

To the right of Spider Woman:

On the riser behind Silver Surfer:

On the riser behind Iceman:
34-Hulk (would be unlocked by beating the game on Easy/Medium)
36-Captain Marvel
37-War Machine

Nick Fury would unlock after beating the game on Hard instead of Easy/Medium.

I think the list gives you a broad range of characters, while giving you a few somewhat similar characters so you don't fight over them in MP, like Iron Man and War Machine.  I also thought about changing someone up for Namor and making it so he unlocks after Atlantis.  .......  Man, we need to crack the limit and have ~40 mannequin slots! 

THIS WOULD REALLY BE A DREAM... having 36 chars would be AWESOME...

Let's see... here's my list.

1 - 23 (standard characters)
24 - Colossus
25 - Moon Knight

Great chars that shouldn't have been left out!!!
26 - Iron Fist (Don't like LukeCage much, but with Ironfist in... i get a heros for hire team XD)
27 - She-Hulk (a must have IMHO, she ROCKS!)
28 - Hawk Eye
29 - Namor

30 - Cyclops
31 - Jean Grey (Phoenix)
32 - Nightcrawler
33 - Beast
34 - Angel (Archangel)
35 - Gambit
36 - Psylocke

Last, i'll replace Ms Marvel with Rogue and Moon Knight with Nova... and that's about it ;)


I can't help but bring this topic up every once and awhile when I get new ideas.

1-23 The standard characters
24-Moon Knight
25-Captain Marvel (Colossus' spot)

To the left of Moon Knight:
26-Iron Fist

To the right of Spider Woman:

On the riser behind Silver Surfer:

On the riser behind Iceman:
34-Hulk (would be unlocked by beating the game on Easy/Medium)
37-War Machine