If I had a superpower, it would be...

Started by jonchang, February 05, 2008, 11:30PM

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I think I'd either go for intangibility + invisibility or the ability to cause Psychosis in people (i.e. make them go insane, literally, which i think is one of the better aspects of telepathy)

Intangible squeezing of the heart, solidifying within an opponent...lol, all I can think of now is ways of torture. :P

Quote from: Midnight Curse on April 08, 2008, 06:44PM
Intangible squeezing of the heart, solidifying within an opponent...lol, all I can think of now is ways of torture. :P
Can't Psychics do this as well?

I don't think psychics can solidify within an enemy.

Well they could paralyze or even give strokes....

Mental paralysis, yes. However, I don't think they can physically minimize their density and reform it inside a person.

But maybe a HIGH lvl Telekinetic could? Right? I mean, if you would control Telekinesis to a molecular lvl you SHOUL (in theory) be able to do such things...


Hey, what if you had the power to grow or shrink, but it can't go the other way.... that would really suck.

Unless telekinetics are psychics, which technically they do control things with their mind, then you do make a fair point.

Teleportation, like  :deadpool: and  :nightcrawler:.
I would go to a wrestling tournament and teleport right behind my opponent, every time again!

Still waiting for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Turbo HD awesometacular kick-ass OMGWTFBBQ coolness EX-cellent remix power version...

Superpower eh...

Web-Swinging hands down.

A bigger mouth so that I could eat more food.

Telekinesis, all day!

but maybe a telepathy/precognition combo also...like Blindfold from the x-men.

Either control reality ( see the tree-- blink--- there goes the tree, never mind I miss the tree--- blink-- the tree is back)

or     control time ( what a bad day I had today, lost my keys, got a bad haircut, cut myself, ---and then blink lets try that day over again, all is good after I avoided the problems)  ( or visit the future and come right back) (or stop time for a little while and catch up on a few minutes of sleep)

both have many possibilities

telekenisis would be the best. teleportation would be pretty bad ass too so would invisibility. those three combined you could rob any bank