Activision confirms new spiderman title and sequal to marvel ultimate alliance!!

Started by WaRi0, February 07, 2008, 06:25PM

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so.... iron m,ans not gonna be in it 4 sure? waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! mooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy

They haven't revealed a single thing other than that it's being worked on.  So we don't know yet.  I'd say it's pretty safe to say he will be, but we won't know until we find out more.

Yeah, but we don't know that they have exclusive rights.  I've never seen any press releases on exclusive rights and whatnot, because if that's the case then Iron Man, Thor and Hulk are out due to other licensing issues.  Doubtful, but I guess that's possible.

Quote from: BliZZ on February 07, 2008, 07:15PM
Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC. Come out for PC.

it had to be or many people will kill themselves lol

some more rumours here
Fusing powers seems cool
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hm, on that site you posted it doesn't say mua2 is for pc,
QuoteThe game is due out for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, PSP, and DS.

Quote from: Norrin Radd on June 16, 2008, 08:01PM
hm, on that site you posted it doesn't say mua2 is for pc,
Not a good sign.. :(
Whether Raven is doing it or not is another question, too. :(

will in ign theres a Game Profiles for it, I really think they will make it for pc, I mean lately all the marvel games have also been for pc.

If they use the Alchemy engine it'd better be for PC, but if it's a new engine and not moddable I could care less.

What the ****!!! Fusing powers?? COME ON!!!

What's the point or even logic on spidey thowing lightning web?

I personally wanna play the "classic" heroes, no "new/crappy/weird" ideas...

Just increase the roster and give us what worked for the 1st one!

I am NOT sure that power fusion thing will work :(


I hope they change the camera making it like a gta game I'm tired off seeing them like a boardgame. Anyone else agreed?

Disagreed actually.  It'd be really hard to be able to see all four heroes.