
Playable villains in the sequel: yes or no?

Started by Gevth, February 11, 2008, 07:50AM

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I will probably be the minority here, but I'm gonna say no.

My reason is that in a roster of 30-40 characters, having only 4-6 villains seems too little and too off for a hero-villain alliance, while having more than that just takes too many slots that I would've rather have for more heroes.

Definitely NO.  The one exception is if they had a VS mode or something like Marvel CTF.  But not in the story.  Especially not if they break the story.

No. Just give us lots of NEW bosses so we can have their models :)

well venom acts heroic at times aand Winter soldier is now good....wasn't there a few times were the ff made a temporary truce with therer enimies to fight a greater evil so the sme thing here: The minor villians (venom, doc ock, omega red, toad etc.) should be playeble but the big guys (ultron, doom, loki etc.) wont

I would buy the game, too, if it would be like muafan said, but I would say no.

Some small bosses maybe. Maybe several hero-converted villains like Radioactive Man, Winter Soldier, etc... Sometimes the villains are good, like in FoF, and XML2.

But as muafan said above, the heavy hitters won't be.

Quote from: iammingy on February 11, 2008, 11:13AM
"You may only select up to 2 options."

This isn't good...haha

Oh, crap. Well, it's the first poll I make. And I don't know how to fix it...
So, let's just pretend it has only 1 option. And if someone chooses both, it's not really a big deal anyways.

Okay, "small" villains playable, but only if the limit is at least 50 playable characters!

I want a few villains. It only makes sense given the current state of the MU, with people like Venom, Bullseye, and Taskmaster serving in the Initiative.

Of course this is all conditional that none of the spots are taken from Rogue and She Hulk. :D

I hope NOT!

I mean, sometimes it's good to be bad, but THIS is definitely NOT the case!

In XML2 it was fun to play like Juggs, Magneto and such but they are NOT completely evil characters... Apocalypse is an evil character and it would make NO sense at all for him to be playable along the good guys in an XML game...

For the same reasons i think that it would make NO sense to be able to play with Dr Doom or any other villain in MUA 2.

I would rather have "TONS of heroes" than "some heroes and some villains". In other words, i would rather have some more X-men (at least the original 5: Cyclops, Jean, Beast, Angel and Iceman but he's already in MUA) and some other heroes like Hulk and/or She-Hulk, Namor, some more Avengers like Sentinel or Ronin (i know there are mods but it would be nice to see Ravens original character for PC this time)...

I would not mind if there are some characters like "winter soldier" since he is a goody now, but i would rather have TRUE heroes.


As much as I liked playing the Brotherhood in XML 2 and the four DLC villains in MUA Gold. I dont think it would be a good idea also to take those spots away from other heroes that were not in the first that people want in the second.

I would say yes (but) only in the danger room setting not in the gameplay because it messes up the story.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

I wouldn't mind having playable villains. It could make sense if there's a giant threat like Galactus or Thanos and the world's heroes are simply not enough. And just because they are bad, I doubt the earth's villains wouldn't give a damn what happens to the planet.

 Im gonna go with a yes..Like said before, the "heavy hitters" such as Doom etc should be stuck with being main NPC Villians. But for characters, ya the Brotherhood had to form an alliance to stop Apocolypse because a member on each side was kidnapped. Something like that could be the only justifiable reason why a villian should be playable. Of course though there is alternative means to bring them together but if not then don't have them as allies.

For an example in the sequel to MUA, I know alot of people are anticipating Galactus as the main villian, if any other villians on earth couldn't stop him, then that's the only way they could form an alliance. And I like how they portrayed that in X-Men Legends 2, when the Brotherhood and the X-Men couldn't get along, and neither trusted each other. Just builds the tension. And you could re-live some of the rivalries by having side missions when talking to a villian about their enemy. Such as Captain America and Winter Soldier etc because I know there are a ton more people can think of!