PS2 Offset Central thread

Started by Teancum, February 28, 2008, 01:25PM

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Does anyone have the offsets for Magneto?
Also, are there offsets available for Magneto's helmet? Is it a bolton? I'm hoping to edit it and use it on a new skin (which all depends if Magneto's helmet is a bolton...)
Thank you.

I'm pretty sure the helmet is a skin segment, since Dark_Mark uses this in the scripts to hide it on the HQs:
setSegmentVisible("Magneto", "ClassicHelmet", "0")

Thanks Gevth, will look into it, but does anyone have his offsets?

I think I have the PS2 offsets of his ultimate XML2 skin.

I would appreciate them Toothless :)

magneto.igb ps2 256 256 58685 28272 .

Does anyone have the offsets for Jubilee and XML Xavier? If you do, in advance, thanks.

June 17, 2011, 08:10PM #52 Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 05:05PM by midnightphoenix123
I need Storm's Ultimate from XML1 offset please

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June 20, 2011, 10:00PM #53 Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 10:06PM by SuperNatural-Witch
do anyone have Jean short hair offset
Here's one MUA Ultimate Storm
Storm_0403.igb ps2 256 256 23151 68191 .

Jean Short Hair AoA
0202.igb ps2 256 256 60603 156831 .

Jean Short Hair Ultimate
0201.igb ps2 128 128 15449 16473 .

Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on June 20, 2011, 10:00PM
do anyone have Jean short hair offset
Here's one MUA Ultimate Storm
Storm_0403.igb ps2 256 256 23151 68191 .

Isnt that the one for MUA though? Because I want the long ponytail one from XML1, but thanks for this anyway :D And thanks Nuhverah

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Does anyone have any different Shadowcat offsets? I can't seem to get the ones posted to work.

Quote from: nuhverah on June 21, 2011, 12:08AM
Jean Short Hair AoA
0202.igb ps2 256 256 60603 156831 .

Jean Short Hair Ultimate
0201.igb ps2 128 128 15449 16473 .

Thanks, I think I might use one in the near future. (hint, hint)

Here is Kitty's just replace the "scat" part with her skin number but im sure you knew that already

scat.igb ps2 256 256 24151 150935 .

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Quote from: Techon 7 on June 21, 2011, 08:13PM
Thanks, I'll try it later and see if it works.

Hope it works, I know i does for me

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