XML2 Xbox Mod (choose additional character)

Started by Teancum, February 28, 2008, 02:32PM

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February 28, 2008, 02:32PM Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 06:46PM by Teancum
I'm trying to decide on another brotherhood (preferably) character to add since we already have lots of X-Men.  Story breakers are out, sorry Sabretooth fans.

-------------ORIGINAL POST-------------

Psylocke: Classic, AoA, Raven (Xtreme costume from XML1), Ultimate, XTreme X-Men
Mystique (unlocks after Act II): Red Leather, Black Leather, White Leather, Classic (skirt)

ADDITIONAL OUTFITS: (for existing characters)
Bishop: Classic (Cartoon), Ultimate, Xtreme X-Men  **FINISHED
Colossus: Training, X3, Acolyte  **FINISHED
Cyclops: Animated Series  **FINISHED
Deadpool: Ultimate, Assassin, Weapon X, X-Men
Gambit: Classic (Cartoon), Training, Xtreme X-Men, Xbox MUA Classic  **FINISHED
Iceman: Ultimate (Ice Form), Bobby Drake (MUA)90s  **FINISHED
Iron Man: Ultimate, Flexi-Armor, Classic, Stealth, Silver Centurion
Juggernaut: X-Men  **FINISHED
Magneto: Classic (w & w/o helmet), 80s (w/ & w/o helmet)   **FINISHED
Nightcrawler: Warpies, Ultimate (red suit)  **FINISHED
Phoenix (Jean Grey): Classic (Cartoon), XML1 Ultimate (short hair)  **FINISHED
Professor Xavier: Modern, Casual, Army pants  **FINISHED
Rogue: Ms. Marvel (Warbird), Rogue Lenshurr, Xtreme X-Men  **FINISHED
Scarlet Witch: Cape, Ultimate
Storm: Classic (Cartoon), XML1 Ultimate (ponytail), Xtreme X-Men **NEED to inject Xtreme
Sunfire: Modern, Shiro
Toad: Original, Modern **NEEDS HUDs
Wolverine: New Avengers, Classic (Cartoon)  **FINISHED

Load screens for all new characters
Online Danger Room levels unlocked

CREDITS: (work-in-progress)
Raven Software: MUA versions of skins
Teancum: Compiling of mod, sounds, Xtreme X-Men Bishop
Iammingy: Classic Bishop
BLaw: Ultimate (white hair) Bishop
nodoubt_jr: X3 & Acolyte Colossus, Psylocke Mod update

February 28, 2008, 02:38PM #1 Last Edit: February 28, 2008, 03:45PM by Teancum
As characters get completed I'm adding  **FINISHED to each one.  Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Wolverine, Iceman and Magneto are nearly done as well, I'm just waiting on PS2 offsets for skins so I can extract them and make HUDs.


Crap, I can only do 20 characters, which means that I can only add 2 characters.  So, that being said I'll add more to the poll and you can choose which two.

Getting a lot closer as you see up top.  I need a few favors if anyone's willing.  I need someone to extract Toad's Modern and Original textures from his MUA mod so I can create HUDs for those two skins.

Also, in case you're wondering:  Yes, I am going to update the PC version too.

I unlocked the voting and updated the first post with the current status.  Again, even if you don't have an Xbox, please vote.  It will help me get a general idea of what people would want.  For right now I have Cable and Mystique as the bonus characters, but it doesn't have to stay that way if the voting changes. 

Oh, and you can change your vote if you wish.

i dont have an xbox, but i voted for Psylocke and Avalanche, just because Psylocke is awesome and i think everyone would enjoy her.  And Avalanche because he doenst appear at all in the story, so he wouldnt break the story (like Pyro and Sabretooth), and the game needs more Brotherhood members.  I think those two would be the best choices for the xbox mod.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2275.0
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

For a little while there I was going for Cable.  He's totally awesome, but *if* I use Mystique, both she and Bishop will be totin' guns so we don't need a third gunplayer.

I thought Mystique'd be nice since she'd be unlockable.  Gotta love unlockables.  So now who goes in the other slot?  I'd say it's between Avalanche and Psylocke.

My two choices in the poll went to Mystique and Avalanche. My third choice would have been very close with Cable.

Well, that's two people who've spoken up for Avalanche, and obviously people want Mystique.  So unless anyone has any objections then we'll have Avalanche and Mystique.

Lol.  Okay, I'll still consider her.  I don't know why everyone thinks she's so awesome.  She's just okay to me.

I think mystique should be there for sure. That something I like about xml1 unlocking the char. and stuff. Plus I think shes a pretty big part of the brotherhood.

Cable I think is out of the picture, he already appears in the psp version anyways.

psylocke is a favorite for many and I also think she adds more girl power into the game.

Avalanche I think would be good cause him being a brotherhood member and all, but to me the avalanche mod wasn't so good.

No comments on blob.

Jubilee cool but not important enough to replace either mystique, avalanche, or psylocke.

Quote from: ramen on March 05, 2008, 10:51PM
Avalanche I think would be good cause him being a brotherhood member and all, but to me the avalanche mod wasn't so good.

other than the fact that its missing unique icons, what is the problem with the mod?  I actually think it came out pretty good, unique moves/powers/animations, great effects, and its stays pretty accurate to the comic version.  He would be a great addition to any game.

@Teancum - Would you be using matt710's Mystique mod or doing a new one?

are you dropping Pyro and Sabretooth? if yes, then yeah two Brotherhood characters would be the best, so my vote would be for Mystique and Avalanche.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2275.0
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

I liked your Avalanche mod, nodoubt.

Nice work on Earth Cage...

Okay, something's screwy.  Yesterday Blob had no votes, now he has five?  I smell multiple account spam.

Hey, I only voted for him once.  I like the idea of unlockable characters that were already present.