Very bored...

Started by Spidermanfan2, March 07, 2008, 11:04AM

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  Today I started a new game. After reflexion, I thought it would be awesome to play online.
So I connected and when I went into Join Game or Host game, it was empty. So I asked myself ­«Why is there so much people in this website and nobody is trying to play online?». If you one day wanted to play with with a modder here, why won't you do it now?

It's weird, every now and then i do try joining an online game... but of course... IT IS EMPTY...

I guess everyone is testing so many mods here and there they got no time XD


March 07, 2008, 11:22AM #2 Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 11:36AM by muafan
I'd like to play but i have dial-up so it wouldnt work for me anyway :(
p.s. rsdel: do HAVe to end every post with 'cheers' it gets anoying after whiles.

I try getting online also but nobody is interested in play online either...Huh

Muafan,your threads and suggestions are also annoying,but no one says anything :)

No offense

I have no powers, my body cannot fly. But I no longer mind, for in my heart and soul -- where it truly matters -- I soar higher than the stars!

March 07, 2008, 11:35AM #4 Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 11:37AM by muafan
maybe u need scheduled times. we could have an "online-play scheduling thread"

Yeah, good idea and so we could arrange games and contests...
And everyone could put on when he/she is online.

Quotep.s. rsdel: do HAVe to end every post with 'cheers' it gets anoying after whiles.

Just trying to be polite T_T


P.D: Just Kidding XD... it's not like you are force to read it everytime...

March 07, 2008, 03:08PM #7 Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 03:13PM by iammingy
Quote from: Rasdel on March 07, 2008, 03:02PM
Just trying to be polite T_T


P.D: Just Kidding XD... it's not like you are force to read it everytime...

This is ridiculous. If people find this annoying, then Abu is even more annoying in "the Simpsons".

"Thank you come again" ....

EDIT: Rasdel, you can put it in your signature...haha

If you guys want to play together online, then you guys should probably have the same mods installed and the same herostat just to prevent the game from unexpected crashing/quiting or whatever...

The biggest issue I've had with playing online is the amount of modding I have done and continue to do with MUA.

For about 3 months, I played with a close friend off and on. But that was just with the Official Characters mod added on. We got out of touch and I went back to solo mashing. But it seems like I update or change a mode every 3 or 4 days!

So with that in mind, it can be tough finding someone running the same setup of MUA as you. I have 40 or so characters ready to go, so each new game I am shuffling characters in and out of the herostat file. :/

You could use the heroselect so before starting a game, you would have the official charcters...

Exactly. Just install all the mods (meaning all files needed are in the MUA directory) and share the same the herostat among the group. You can switch back to your original herostat when you are done playing online.

i would but my net isn't fast enough... :(

If someone want to start a game, I am ready to.
My herostat is the original one with no mod or skin added.
(Yeah, I have vista and little problems when playing with the program files are happening :lamer:
so anyways I can still play with no problem)

Just for some info, I am living in canada so for now, it's near 6:10 pm ET here.
Please post when you can play ;)