
BLADE upgrades v1.0 (MUA2-Wii conversion, etc.)

Started by iammingy, December 24, 2009, 04:37PM

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Quote By downloading this mod, you agree that:

1. You will NOT share this mod outside of (You can invite people to the forum to download the mod though!)
2. You will NOT sell this mod for money or any other form of privileges. (If you bought this mod, you have been cheated by a bastard!)
3. If you want to use ANY part of this mod in another mod, you MUST ask me for permission first.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Feedbacks and comments are appreciated!

Notes for v1.0: :blade:

{A} This mod adds several changes from MUA2-Wii:
    i)   ability: healing factor, no leadership
    ii)  autospend: light bruiser
    iii) new power: "Shotgun Strafe"
    iv)  grabsmash: gains health and energy
    v)   "Glaive Strike": can ricochet off walls and objects
    vi)  passives: new names

{B} New boost: "Master Hunter" from Black Panther
{C} Shotgun back bolton
{D} Custom sounds for shotgun heavy attacks and "Shotgun Strafe"
{E} Custom icon for "Shotgun Strafe"
{F} Many other changes too minor to list. Discover them yourselves! :P


* Please read README.txt included in the ZIP archive.
* You may want to consult The Boy Sanga's tutorial if you don't know how to edit your herostat. However, you can use Norrin Radd's Heroselect if you think all these steps are tedious.
* It is highly recommended that you start a new game with default stats after you have altered the herostat or installed a mod.

Blade AND Moon Knight upgrades? There is a Santa Claus! lol, thanks!

I think Blade may have found his way back to my roster...


now i just need to find a way to kick my sister and her sims 2 off the pc so i can download all the cool stuff released today.

Hi, thanks so very much for the MK and Blade boosts. Any plans to do other characters like maybe Iron Man or Captain America? Thanks again.

Someone else is working on Iron Man and Captain America.

I am working on the upgrades for Magneto and Ronin. I have finished an upgrade for Ghost Rider, but I still want to make him better. So, I didn't release him today.

Neat! Is there a progress thread for Cap and Shellhead? If not, I can surely wait anyway.

i love the shotgun strafe
You dare to steal from Galactus?!

Excellent work, this makes Blade far more viable in combat now, may I ask what were the minor/tiny changes. :)
Let slip the dogs of war!

I never used Blade before this upgrade, because I had read too many bad reviews on him. Now I've added him and he's quite enjoyable.

Thank you so much I have always used Blade I thought he had very powerful power set but he wasn't much fun. Now he is a blast and the shotgun strife is fun as hell. I did notice the powerstyle calls for a blade_shotgun bolton and I didn't see it in the rar. It caused a problem with the charge animation but can be fixed has anyone else told you of this problem. Thank you again for a really fun mod :blade: