Team bonuses

Started by qwertyasdf, May 24, 2008, 07:30AM

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I modified my team bonus engb file and the game got stuck on loading and I had to restart the comp. Alt f4, ctrl alt del, alt tab didn't work. I restored the original file and it finally ran fine. I've checked all the opening, closing braces on the modified version and they were right so where am I going wrong? Here's what I modified (added :emmafrost: and :psylocke:) :

bonus {
   descbonus = +15%% Max Health ;
   descname1 = New ;
   descname2 = X-men ;
   powerup = shared_team_new_xmen ;
   sound = common/team_bonus_nx ;
      hero {
      name = nightcrawler ;

      hero {
      name = storm ;

      hero {
      name = colossus ;

      hero {
      name = wolverine ;

      hero {
      name = sunfire ;

      hero {
      name = bishop ;

      hero {
      name = emmafrost_hero ;

      hero {
      name = psylocke ;


Isnt there a limit of six characters in every team?
My mods:
My mods in progress:
No time for modding at the moment, sorry.

Yeah. The maximum number of characters in a bonus is six.

It maybe works when you remove two of the original characters.
My mods:
My mods in progress:
No time for modding at the moment, sorry.

Ah k 6 chars made it work. I vaguely remember searching and finding out the limit was 8 chars per team, but that was probably for MUA. Thanks for the help.

Other than "Max Health" what other bonuses can you give and what would be the narrative?

For example would +15%% Max Energy work?

Do you know if there is a limit to the total number of teams you can have on the teambonus list?