
What characters have YOU replaced?

Started by Grig 32, July 14, 2008, 07:27PM

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I replaced Blade with Psylocke - cause Blade was never useful to me. I loved him in Spider-Man Friend or Foe however. Psylocke is awesome with her psychic blades.

I then replaced Moon Knight with Cyclops - I've never known who Moonie was, but Cyclops is way cool with his optic beams.

Ghost Rider was replaced by Scarlet Witch - I never liked Ghost Rider, but Scarlet Witch is cool, with her combustion and hex bolts

Cage was cool and I really like him but I rather would have Jean Grey anyday, because she is my fav character of marvel. Her telekinesis is just so cool.

She-Hulk is way better then Nick Fury so I replaced him with her. Fury was a story-breaker and I never imagine him as a guy who would fight with other heroes unless  in an emergency.

Black Panther got replaced by Black Widow - I really like Black Panther as a character but he wasn't that good in the game. Black Widow may be a story breaker, but she's really cool and fun to use.

Deadpool was replaced with Emma Frost - Deadpool wad cool and fun to use in battle, but I've never liked his character and he was quite annoying. Emma is pretty cool especially with her radial stunning.

I kept Hawkeye, Hulk, and Colossus though.
I may yet replace Surfer with Rogue because at least Surfer is still in the game as an NPC. Plus he should be so powerful and it doesn't make sense for him to have to repeatedly fire his cosmic beams at Shocker. I mean one blast should kill him. Rogue is cool with her stunning and powerful punches. She'll be especially cool when fighting with Ms. Marvel. I'm still not sure whether or not I should replace him though.

Replace Ms. Marvel for Rogue and Spider Woman for Martinique

I've replaced most of them because some dont look cool enuff, and some dont have really good skills.

I've replaced... Every-one!
Life, it's a simple thing; it doesn't shout or scream or even ignore you. No life takes what it gets, it expects that it is fate, it expects that the only thing stopping it's self is its self. But what if, what if the only thing stopping you from becoming you is some-one you love. That's my life...

I have replaced everyone in the default roster except Wolverine, Iceman, Storm, and Deadpool and replaced them wih X-Men.
My password for my skins and mods is marvel

January 24, 2010, 07:40PM #50 Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 08:04PM by Pooltastic
I've replaced most of the original roster, with the exception of  :deadpool: :wolverine: :spiderman: :thing: :stark: :blade:

so now i got a mix of x-men, x-force, spider-man and just generally cool Marvel characters

And speaking of the devils

If you squint hard enough you might glimpse Apocalypse behind She-Hulk
Oh and the guy on fire, hiding behind Blade, is Nightcrawler
Domino managed to get Wolvie in a headlock
I'm pretty sure Gambit LOVES the view
Spidey is playing pickaboo with Gobster
I wonder when Juggernaut learned to fly

This is it. the only ones missing are GG, who'll replace blade, and Taskmaster, who'll replace Moon Knight.
Though I wonder if I could maybe trade in Shellhead for the Cuckoos

Quote from: Kelly on July 10, 2009, 01:41PM
I've replaced most of them because some dont look cool enuff, and some dont have really good skills.

Who is that behind Wolverine? At first I thought it might be Captain Marvel, but he looks to be on the right.

I myself haven't replaced anyone yet, but I've been giving some thought to whom I might. The characters on the top of my list are Elektra and Luke Cage. Elektra always felt out of place in a grand cosmic battle for me, and Luke Cage I never really got into.

That's ultimate bishop's mannequin. So it's Bishop

March 14, 2010, 07:21AM #53 Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 07:28AM by Arclight

Sorry, Photobucket doesn't shrink images :X

From L to R: Hawkeye, Cyclops (back), Ms. Marvel, Ghost Rider Silver Surfer, Venom (back), Daredevil, Jean Grey, Thor, Storm, Invisible Woman, Magneto, Psylocke, Spiderman, Wolverine, Thing, Ironman, Human Torch, Ronin, Dazzler, Nick Fury (back), Sabretooth (back), Iceman, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Nightcrawler, Moon Knight

I don't really use most of them (especially Ghost Rider, who I have only to cover up the fire effect), but they fill up the slots nicely :P.