Marvel - X Alliance

Started by Grig 32, October 22, 2008, 08:42PM

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This movie is dedicated to the six month anniversary
of the RP board belonging to a very good friend and
fellow writer by the name of wouldnt you like to know ;-P

Using clips from two of the greatest video games of all time
have 'marveled' up a classic Epicon song JUST for the occasion ^^

This movie is also dedicated to the classic Activision games known
as X-Men Legends II and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I encourage all my
fellow fans to check it out ;) tis very cool.

I'd know... I made it ^^

Music: Europa
Album: Epicon
Artist: Globus
Movie: XML2 + MUA
Film Arranged By: 2Scribble
Board Link:

Sweet , i bet it's nice clip, but i'm on a school, i can't go Youtube here.