What is everyone's favorite team to play as?

Started by BliZZ, March 20, 2007, 04:29PM

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I always play with such team:
:rogue: for sure,  :storm::phoenix:....
Also I choose still somebody...
In general I have many games where I have a different teams from different mod.

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Too much to choose four. I use:
Team leader:  :capamer: Cap,  :cyclops: Cyke,  :magneto: Magneto,  :doom: Doc Doom
Flier:  :greengoblin: Gobby,  :thor: Thor,  :stark: Iron Man or  :strange: Doc Strange
Tough guy:  :ghostr: G-Rider,  :madrox: Multiple Man,  :deadpool: DP or  :toxin: Toxin
Others:  :hawkeye: Hawkeye,  :punisher_logo: Punisher,  :gambit: Gambit or  :ifist: Iron Fist

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!

The team is split into 4 types:
Leader :  Emma Frost -  :emmafrost:
Fly: Jean Grey - :phoenix:
Might: Rogue -  :rogue:
Teleportation -  Moonstone -  :warbird: ( she has phasing power )

When I first played MAU, I stuck with New Avengers variations:

Captain America, Spider-man, Wolverine and Iron Man (though I think currently Iron Man has been replaced with Black Panther). I'd also change to what I felt was their most approproate costume: USAgent, Black Suit Spidey, Astonishing Wolvie, New Avengers Iron Man and Holy Armour Black Panther.

On my current new game I have: Ronin, Classic Venom, Deadpool and Vengence v2 skin Moon Knight. I hope to replace Deadpool with Nova Prime (once I've made the skin!)

hi all

These are my favourite characters  :deadpool: , :colossus:, :warmachine:, :punisher_logo:, :silvers:, :genis:, :wolverine::ghostr::moonk:, :ifist:, :stark: + :nightcrawler:
but this will be my favourite team up

War Machine- Flight+Might+Cool guns
Multiple Man- I always tend to be more comfortable in sheer numbers.
Apocalypse- just awesome.
Punisher- badass

Alternatively, on my PSP, it's:

-the modded Moon Knight
-Captain Marvel
-Silver Surfer
-Ghost Rider

June 08, 2011, 06:59AM #171 Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 02:50PM by Phantom Master
Without mods I'd say...
Dr. Strange :strange:
Silver Surfer :silvers:
Iceman (spiky) :iceman:
Storm (blue full-body costum) :storm:

With mods...
Jean Grey :phoenix:
Emma Frost (Whiteking's version) :emmafrost:
Moonstone :warbird:
Enchantress :enchantress:

Cats are superior to humans and one day they will rule the Earth.

 I personally am a huge villain fan. I find that power is taken not earned :p nur ein Scherz!

   Mine is...

     :magneto:   :juggernaut:     :pyro:     :scarletw:


       :doom:   :shocker:  :sinister:   :apocalypse:

                 ^ How out of place is good old Herman Schultz ha ha

 :cyclops: :phoenix: :storm: :wolverine: the four most important X-Men (besides Xavier who makes up the big five)

:phoenix: :storm: :rogue: :psylocke: four of the best and most popular X-Women who mesh well in a team (I love how unique each of their hair color is)

My actual team is about Magneto, Storm, Songbird and Wolverine
<A HREF="http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,8019.0.html">CHECK OUT MY XML II MODS HERE</A>

That's a very unusual and intriguing team!
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:


My favorite team is  :sinister: :apocalypse: :venom: :electro: the Marvel Villain Alliance!
Someone told me love would all save us.But, how can that be, look what love gave us.A world full of killing and blood spilling...

I like   :nightcrawler::hawkeye::cyclops:, and  :wolverine:, but sometimes I switch him for  :spiderman::spiderwoman:, or  :nfury:.

In MUA I would say my favorite team is  :capamer: :spiderman: :stark: :wolverine: