MUA2: Fusion - DLC ideas

Started by brohara, December 09, 2008, 03:47PM

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Following from Teancum's post on hopefully having
'Downloadable Content' for MUA2 (in the form of new
suits/skins for the characters), I was thinking...

What if, after the game is released, they periodically
release comic book missions for people to play within
the MUA platform; you buy them online, much like going
to the 'comic shop'. How cool would that be?

It would certainly be a great way to keep the MUA game
fresh and keep players using the MUA game.  Heck, this
almost becomes a business model on it's own. Buying
comic book missions that have stories that tie in and
lead to other comic book mission stories...

MUA becomes WoW...Achievements, goals, special unlockables.
It would become a new digital, interactive version of the
monthly comic book.

This sounds like a business plan to me! Someone get Activision
on the line!

Check out issue #74 of Advanced Iron.
Iron Man In Action columnist, Advanced Iron Magazine.

I hope it's on PS3 too, can be on All Asia's, America's & Europe's. I left in Indonesia.