
I Can't Seem To Use Powers.

Started by Rufus8907, April 05, 2007, 09:58PM

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April 05, 2007, 09:58PM Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 10:04PM by Rufus8907
Howdy! Let me start by saying hi. My names Mike and I love this game, and Marvel in general. And what really brang me here is the colussus and moon knight character files :) (TY)

My problem is my characters won't use their powers (Shield throw, web bullets, Xtreme attacks, nothing) They will use normal and smash attacks..And when I push the button to active the powers, all they will use is normal attatcks. I've tried unlocking all of the powers with cheats, starting new files on easy and normal..using different characters (Captain America, Spiderman, Wolverine, Thor, Moon Knight, Colossus, Iceman and Mr Fantastic) and none of em can use ANY of their powers.

I can't find anything on any FAQs regarding the problem. I came here, hoping perhaps someone else has experienced this and how they fixed it. I've installed the game, but I can't reinstall because I'm missing a disc (I even went so far as to clean my whole room to try and find it :laugh: ). So does anyone know what the problem may be, or maybe I can request the file(s) in the other thread which is its intended purpouse (I just didn't want to clog up that thread with questions :) ).

Well thanks for your time, and any help you may be able to offer! Have a nice day a happy Easter!

EDIT: And I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong place :(

Are you sure you defined the controls correctly?  That could be one issue.  Are you using a keyboard and mouse, or a gamepad?  Otherwise, I'm not sure what your problem is.  I did have a problem with boosts in the game though, in that sometimes when I activate them, the animation plays, and energy gets used, but the effects never come up, and the boost doesn't apply.  *shrugs*  That's the only problem I've had or ever seen out of MUA as far as powers goes.  I usually have to restart my game (close and re-open, not actual restart) in order to use boosts when it does that (which happens quite frequently, and frankly it is quite annoying).
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Are you playing with a keyboard or a gamepad? On the gamepad, you have to HOLD DOWN the Power Activation button (whatever you've mapped it to, I use what corresponds to L2 on a Dual Shock) and THEN press one of the action buttons to activate a power.

Off the keyboard you either HOLD DOWN the power activation button (LShift, IIRC) and THEN press one of the action buttons OR use the numeric keys to activate a specific power. Don't forget that you have to map the powers accordingly to your plans on using them in the power menu if you're not planning on using the numeric keys.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Quote from: Noelemahc on April 05, 2007, 10:06PM
Are you playing with a keyboard or a gamepad? On the gamepad, you have to HOLD DOWN the Power Activation button (whatever you've mapped it to, I use what corresponds to L2 on a Dual Shock) and THEN press one of the action buttons to activate a power.

Off the keyboard you either HOLD DOWN the power activation button (LShift, IIRC) and THEN press one of the action buttons OR use the numeric keys to activate a specific power. Don't forget that you have to map the powers accordingly to your plans on using them in the power menu if you're not planning on using the numeric keys.

I've tried with the keyboard, gamepad and mouse.

With the keyboard the powers will be bound to the normal numbers above the letters. None of those will make the powers work, all it will do is normal attack.

If I use my mouse and hover my mouse over the button with the power, the button size will expand, but will still use normal attack.

On the gamepad, I've keybound several different buttons to the power activation menu, and it won't even show up.

Dude, that's mega-weird. There's nothing I could even remotely try to recommend because I don't even know where to start with reconstructing the possible causes for this... :runaway:

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Quote from: Noelemahc on April 05, 2007, 10:29PM
Dude, that's mega-weird. There's nothing I could even remotely try to recommend because I don't even know where to start with reconstructing the possible causes for this... :runaway:

Haaa...Well feh. I was hopin there was a file that'd be responsible or something. that I could redownload and place in it's proper folder. No such luck though probably :3. I'm thinking (well maybe hoping) I accidently or misunderstandingly deleted a file while installing the Colossus Moonknight character files. I'm not holding that responsible, but my clumsiness I may of mistakingly deleted something or overwritten something I shouldn't of. I should of backed up all those files.

Well thanks for your help =D I'll keep lookin hopefully come across something.

Wow, that is so weird. So, you pressed the button and nothing happens? It worked fine in the past right?

Are the same characters using their powers when controlled by the computer AI?
If they are, my guess is that whatever file stores information about what key is bound to what button/key/etc is missing or corrupt.
If they don't use powers even when the AI is in charge I would guess a problem with packages/powersets if they weren't ALL doing it.
I can't suggest a fix other than reinstallation, which is why you BACK UP FILES when instaling Mods, and keep the discs for programmes that you want to use or that cost lots of money.