
The XML1 -> XML2 Project

Started by DJay Saint, April 06, 2007, 12:42PM

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And this is the subbasement in XML2 (PS2 texture, so it will work in MUA also... :D).  As soon as I convert the .eng with the proper start points for the characters, I will be able to walk around in it.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Dude! *Imagines expanding XML2 so XML1 is act 1-5, XML2 is act 6-10, w/ Bhood chars unlocking after you get to act 6*


April 06, 2007, 12:58PM #2 Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 01:02PM by Burning Rage
I would totally love to do that, but do you have any idea HOW LONG it would take to just convert the subbasement level?  The .eng file is like a mile long, and I believe I will have to convert all sub models used in it (as I'm not sure if they are in the level or if they were in a seperate package...), and I'm not sure on how to add missions to XML2 yet. I just replaced the Genosha map for starters.  However, it's something I totally want to do.  Can you imagine, both games in one?  That would be hella fun, and you would have a chance to level up your characters to 99 on just the first run through!   :laugh:

Damn, if I get this done, do you have any idea what Raven would do to me?   :rofl:  (I paid for XML1 on PS2, and bought XML2 for PC AND PS2, so I can do whatever I want with the files dammit!)  I'll post more pics when I get it playable enough to walk around in.  I'm converting the entire mansion for sure...  And don't worry, I'm getting to Avalanche.  I just took a break to see if I could get the Sentinel level in, and thought the Mansion would be hella fun too.

Now if only we could break the character limits, I COULD actually combine both games.  My hard drive wants to die just thinking about it...
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

April 06, 2007, 01:02PM #3 Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 01:05PM by BliZZ
I think we could do it. The question is how the game would like the XML2 acts being shifted back :P

I'll help w/ the eng/xml conversions. The other problem would be unlocking chars....  actually, XML1 is prolly a better source for info on that, seeing as ALL chars but Wolvy require unlocking (some auto, some you have to find)

PS: I bought XML1 on Xbox, taint my fault the disc got so scratched :rofl:

We could replace finding Jubi at the mansion w/ Sunfire.... and have Emma in the extra slot, with Beast, Psylocke, and Avalanche replacing DP, Prof, and Stark. That only leaves Magma: but we COULD put her in NPCstat and just use her for training.


April 06, 2007, 01:06PM #4 Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 01:09PM by Burning Rage
Well in that case, I can rip all the levels and set up the scripts/coding.  Would anyone else be willing to help with that?  (I'm not a programmer dammit!  But I seem to be doing an aweful lot of it lately...)  This is a huge project for the ages if we could pull it off (barring we can break the limit barriers Raven put up).  For the unlocking characters, I'll look around for the files on how the characters got unlocked.  I wonder if I can make a second herostat file and have the game reference both for info?  *ponders*

EDIT:  I agree.  Prof, DP, and Stark HAVE TO GO.  Prof is crippled, DP isn't an x-man, and neither is Stark.  Magma was too childish anyway...  We could put both her and Jubilee in NPC stat and use them for training/minor things around the mansion (maybe create an additional mission, say protecting the mansion while the X-men are out?)...  Then comes combining all danger room missions from both games, the flashback levels (possibly making more), etc.  :runaway:
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Magma was the char you had to train w/ at the mansion, yes? I say that is enough for her. (she is minor anyway) Sunfire/Bishop would need to be spawned on various X-Mansion maps (we can use Jubi's space for one, and try spawning another/using some random person's for the other)

I only regret the loss of Jubi... but is an acceptable loss.

There are plenty of students around the x-mansion that initiate conversations.  We don't have to totally take Jubilee out.  We could just replace a random student with Sunfire/Bishop, and modify their scripts so they can have flashback missions, or something more interactive.  Also, a "flashback" mission for Bishop would be hella cool, fighting Apocalypse in the alternate future (AoA skins FTW!), meeting and fighting Cable, etc.  I'm going to screw around with the levels a little more and see what I can do.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Actually, I say we DO put Jubi in NPCstat. We could make a helper NPC on some missions (like, say, Havok at Weapon X). Speaking of which, Havok! If only there was a slot for him.

PS: If we can figure out unlocking, we should stagger the unlocking of the BHood throughout XML2 (like,say, Pyro after you save him)

Holy Chocolate egg, good idea!  If Ironman goes for good, then the beacon/whole pieces of iron armor tidbit needs to go in favor of something else...  Dammit, we NEED to figure out how to break the character limit now...  That way we don't have to get rid of Jubilee (I don't like her, but other people seem to), we can unlock Havok (at the end of XML1 Havok decides against joining the brotherhood, which is when he can become playable), Mystique, Blob, etc.  Ideas are running crazy in my head now...  If only we knew a dev or something...  We just need help with the sound files and the character/level limit.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

April 06, 2007, 01:25PM #9 Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 01:27PM by BliZZ
Yeah, but all that stuff is secondary. Playable Jubi/Havok would be cool, but they could be later fixes. Step one for us is the levels/integrating the characters (and we need playable Beast/Avalanche)

Hook me up w/ some eng/xml to straight-up convert (as that needs to come before we start integrating them)

PS: Iron Man stuff could be expanded to more parts w/ extra bonus levels, how about each piece unlocks a different boss for DR, with final one unlocking Apocalypse?

April 06, 2007, 01:38PM #10 Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 01:41PM by Burning Rage
That would work.  I'm working on extracting some .eng files for maps right now, as in order for them to work, all the start points/orients have to be there.  Otherwise you get left with a spinning HUD and eye candy you can't use.  :P  I'll just start with 3 for now, the ground floor, doorm, and subbasement (don't want to convert them all, then find out we can't possibly make them work...).  Once I up those, I'll start working on ripping maps/objects and try to set them up as a playable level.

The Iron Man parts idea is awesome.  How cool would a playable Apocalypse be?  That would make muliplayer awesome (I can't remember if XML2 has skirmish mode like XML1 does or not... I've never played multi-player.  If not, it's something I'll port later.).

I am so going to get sued for releasing this content if and when I get it done...  :rofl:
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Kinda off-topic on this issue: 35, 36, and 45 are open slots. They can be used for Jubes, Magma, and Avalanche. That gives all of the BIG characters a slot. 124 is also open for Marrow. Everyone else can be tacked on between 150 and 200.

April 06, 2007, 02:37PM #12 Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 03:59PM by Burning Rage
Mansion Floor 1.

This is the map file, the chr(b) file, the nav(b) file, and the eng(b) file.  XML2 also has a .boyb file for each map, but XML1 seems to not have anything even close.  Upon looking at the file, it has a bunch of functions titled "buoy", but XML1 has nothing that references those either.  I guess it's new in XML2?  *shrugs*  I've yet to rip the minimap, as well as the actual objects that are in the map.  Those are coming after I post this.  I was going to rip the script files too, but then decided I don't care about those at this moment.  For now, there are the files that need to be converted, and the map in case you want to screw around with it.  Also, would you mind upping deadzone1.engb from the "D:\Program Files\Activision\X-Men Legends 2\Maps\Act1\deadzone" folder?  I forgot to back it up while fugging with it... :P  Thanks.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Alright, a few ideas:
1) We need to go back and add metal bridges to all maps w/ bridges that we rip from XML1
2) We need to add Magma's bridges to all maps w/ bridges in XML2
3) We need to reskin Magma's bridges (since we aren't going to use her) so they are more brown, less orange soes they work for Avalanche! (specifically his 'pop-up a sharp mound' move)

I'll get right on converting those files.


April 06, 2007, 03:04PM #14 Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 03:09PM by Burning Rage
I'm currently ripping the models, scripts, and convo files now...  There are 30+ scripts/convos just for the first floor of the first part of XML1...  :runaway:

When you mentioned me being the resident XML1->XML2 character guy in the other thread, I didn't think it would end up being the whole game!  :wtflol:
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.