
The XML1 -> XML2 Project

Started by DJay Saint, April 06, 2007, 12:42PM

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Yeah I had edited my post.  As far as those extra brackets at the end of each power -- I was only going to activate one at a time for easier debugging.  As the first power worked I would remove a bracket, etc.  It compiled now.  That's really odd as most games don't care where the bracket is since it's just logic.  Oh well.

*Sigh* -- Beast is locked and my keyboard won't input cheats correctly.  Guess it's off to Radio Shack tomorrow.

Is he replacing a character already there, or are you trying to activate a new slot?  I only had to use the unlock all characters cheat once, and after I had all 21 slots filled, I haven't had a problem since.  I never had to unlock Psylocke, Avalanche, Polaris, or Shadowcat, since all 21 slots were already filled (with Sabretooth and Pyro, plus the 21st from Emma).  They are all there in my menu without having to do the cheat again.  In fact, once you edit the herostat, you can still load your old game with the new changes.  I replaced Professor X with Psylocke, and she worked fine.  I'm about halfway through my game, and I wasn't about to start over.  *shrugs*  The power values are the same as the character you replaced, so you still have to watch out for that.  Psylocke has Leadership because I assigned that to Prof, so she's stuck with it.  Other than that, everything went off without a hitch.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

April 17, 2007, 07:31PM #122 Last Edit: April 17, 2007, 07:34PM by BliZZ
Just hex 'Beast' into a save.

XMLB talents {
   talent {
   descname = Pinball ;
   description = Curling into a ball, Beast propels himself forward ;
   descshort = Special ;
   icon = 0 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/beast_icons1.png ;
   name = beast_pinball ;
   power = power1 ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_pinball_req ;
         value = 1 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 20 ;
         name = beast_pinball_req ;
         value = 58 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_pinball_dmg ;
         value = 11 15 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 20 ;
         name = beast_pinball_dmg ;
         value = 217 242 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_pinball_pwr ;
         value = 14 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 20 ;
         name = beast_pinball_pwr ;
         value = 140 ;


      level {
      count = 20 ;
      description = %beast_pinball_dmg $DMG_PHYSICAL per hit\n%beast_pinball_pwr $EP ;
         require {
         cat = level ;
         level = %beast_pinball_req ;



   talent {
   descname = Propeller Kick ;
   description = Spins legs around, kicking any enemies within range; with a chance for a Deadly Strike (33% instant $HP loss) ;
   descshort = Radial ;
   icon = 2 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/beast_icons1.png ;
   name = beast_kick ;
   power = power2 ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_req ;
         value = 28 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_req ;
         value = 58 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_dmg ;
         value = 46 54 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_dmg ;
         value = 95 107 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_chance ;
         value = 0.05 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_chance ;
         value = 0.19 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_rng ;
         value = 120 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_rng ;
         value = 144 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_pwr ;
         value = 92 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_pwr ;
         value = 198 ;


      level {
      count = 11 ;
      description = %beast_kick_dmg $DMG_PHYSICAL \n%beast_kick_chance:p chance for Deadly Strike\n%beast_kick_pwr $EP ;
         require {
         cat = skill ;
         item = beast_pinball ;
         level = 1 ;

         require {
         cat = level ;
         level = %beast_kick_req ;

         powerup {
         chance = %beast_kick_chance ;
         class = atk_instant_pct ;
         life = -1 ;
         percent = 0.33 ;
            affecter {
            attribute = powerup_scope ;
            scope_node = beast_kick ;




   talent {
   descname = Beastial Soul ;
   description = Mentally focuses body and mind to decrease reaction time. ;
   descshort = Boost ;
   icon = 1 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/beast_icons1.png ;
   name = beast_soul ;
   power = power3 ;
   type = boost ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_req ;
         value = 7 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_req ;
         value = 58 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_life ;
         value = 13 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_life ;
         value = 55 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_pct ;
         value = 0.45 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_pct ;
         value = 0.5 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_dr ;
         value = 1.2 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_dr ;
         value = 2.6 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_dam ;
         value = 0.1 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_dam ;
         value = 0.2 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_pwr ;
         value = 88 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_pwr ;
         value = 480 ;


      level {
      count = 18 ;
      description = %beast_soul_pct:p $DMG_ENERGY as $HP gain\n%beast_soul_dr:s $DR, %beast_soul_dam:p $RES_PHYSICAL\n%beast_soul_life seconds\n%beast_soul_pwr $EP ;
         require {
         cat = level ;
         level = %beast_soul_req ;



   talent {
   description = Calls powerful lasers down to smite enemies ;
   descshort = Radial ;
   icon = 8 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/beast_icons1.png ;
   name = beast_xtreme ;
   power = power4 ;
   type = xtreme ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_req ;
         value = 15 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 7 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_req ;
         value = 45 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_dmg ;
         value = 85 96 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 7 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_dmg ;
         value = 279 309 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_life ;
         value = 2 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 7 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_life ;
         value = 6 ;


      level {
      count = 7 ;
      description = %beast_xtreme_dmg $DMG_ENERGY\n%beast_xtreme_life second nullify ;
         require {
         cat = level ;
         level = %beast_xtreme_req ;




Fixed it up, that should compile (fixed some other minor stuff, too.) Not sure what tags the xtreme/boost need in the 'description = ' tag, check the ps/adjust the talent accordingly.


.... Sorry, Deaned out for a sec :P

April 18, 2007, 05:11AM #123 Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 05:24AM by Teancum
Blast MUA and it's RGB reversal.  I gotta re-inject most of Beast's skins the correct way.  That'll take a bit longer.  Still, guess it's better than doing it from scratch eh?  Well, at least I've got the Xbox XML1.  That will cover 60's and Spacesuit Beast.

Is beast 60's the original Beast if so then the skin already exists in XML2

Yeah, but not the head.  That's what I'll have to convert.

You gotta reskin the head a bunch of times, too. Except for Astonishing, which you can/should use for Astonishing (even though we don't have that official model, the bastards!)

Beast WiPs

You can tell the Dark Beast icon is screwy.  For some reason a blue tint keeps getting on any new hud heads.  Spacesuit Beast has the same problem, but tons worse.  I couldn't find any mips for the heads so I don't think that's the problem.  Also, Astonishing Beast is to low-rez in-game to see the detail on his face.  No biggie though, you'll only see that on the char select menu.

Anyways, I got annoyed working on powers so I fixed the skins.

Okay, I'm way confuzzled.  Beast's powers don't show up in-game.  When I'm in a non-combat zone we're cool.  Everything shows up and whatnot, but combat situations are different entirely.  He acts all weird and no powers show up at all.  I've checked the powerstyle so I'm guessing it's because names don't match up between the talents and the ps.

Thoughts?  I'm lost:

XMLB talents {
   talent {
   descname = Pinball ;
   description = Channels energy through his hands to blast foes with a beam of focused power. ;
   descshort = Rolling ;
   icon = 1 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/beast_icons1.png ;
   name = beast_pinball ;
   power = power1 ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_pinball_req ;
         value = 1 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 20 ;
         name = beast_pinball_req ;
         value = 58 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_pinball_dmg ;
         value = 11 15 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 20 ;
         name = beast_pinball_dmg ;
         value = 217 242 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_pinball_pwr ;
         value = 14 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 20 ;
         name = beast_pinball_pwr ;
         value = 140 ;


      level {
      count = 20 ;
      description = %beast_pinball_dmg $DMG_ENERGY\n%beast_pinball_pwr $EP ;
         require {
         cat = level ;
         level = %beast_pinball_req ;



   talent {
   descname = Propeller Kick ;
   description = Spins legs around kicking any enemies within range (33% instant $HP loss) ;
   descshort = Radial ;
   icon = 0 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/beast_icons1.png ;
   name = beast_kick ;
   power = power2 ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_req ;
         value = 1 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_req ;
         value = 58 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_dmg ;
         value = 46 54 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_dmg ;
         value = 95 107 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_chance ;
         value = 0.05 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_chance ;
         value = 0.19 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_rng ;
         value = 120 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_rng ;
         value = 144 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_kick_pwr ;
         value = 92 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 11 ;
         name = beast_kick_pwr ;
         value = 198 ;


      level {
      count = 11 ;
      description = %beast_kick_dmg $DMG_ENERGY \n%beast_kick_chance:p chance for Deadly Strike\n%beast_kick_pwr $EP ;
         require {
         cat = level ;
         level = %beast_kick_req ;

         powerup {
         chance = %beast_kick_chance ;
         class = atk_instant_pct ;
         life = -1 ;
         percent = 0.33 ;
            affecter {
            attribute = powerup_scope ;
            scope_node = bish_power3 ;




   talent {
   descname = Beastial Soul ;
   description = Mentally focuses body and mind to decrease reaction time. ;
   descshort = Boost ;
   icon = 2 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/beast_icons1.png ;
   name = beast_soul ;
   power = power3 ;
   type = boost ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_req ;
         value = 1 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_req ;
         value = 58 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_life ;
         value = 13 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_life ;
         value = 55 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_pct ;
         value = 0.45 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_pct ;
         value = 0.5 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_dr ;
         value = 1.2 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_dr ;
         value = 2.6 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_dam ;
         value = 0.1 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_dam ;
         value = 0.2 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_soul_pwr ;
         value = 88 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = beast_soul_pwr ;
         value = 480 ;


      level {
      count = 18 ;
      description = %beast_soul_pct:p $DMG_ENERGY as $HP gain\n%beast_soul_dr:s $DR, %beast_soul_dam:p $RES_PHYSICAL\n%beast_soul_life seconds\n%beast_soul_pwr $EP ;
         require {
         cat = level ;
         level = %beast_soul_req ;



   talent {
   description = Calls powerful lasers down to smite enemies ;
   descshort = Radial ;
   icon = 3 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/beast_icons1.png ;
   name = beast_xtreme ;
   power = power4 ;
   type = xtreme ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_req ;
         value = 15 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 7 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_req ;
         value = 45 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_dmg ;
         value = 85 96 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 7 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_dmg ;
         value = 279 309 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_life ;
         value = 2 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 7 ;
         name = beast_xtreme_life ;
         value = 6 ;


      level {
      count = 7 ;
      description = %beast_xtreme_dmg $DMG_ENERGY\n%beast_xtreme_life second nullify ;
         require {
         cat = level ;
         level = %beast_xtreme_req ;




XMLB PowerStyle {
cansteal = true ;
iconfile = textures/ui/beast_icons1.png ;
   FightMove {
   animenum = ea_power1 ;
   combotextfinisher = Strike ;
   combotextstarter = Rolling ;
   handler = ch_fastball ;
   lockangles = true ;
   locktransitionangles = true ;
   name = fastball ;
      trigger {
      arc = 180 ;
      damage = %mdmg_high ;
      damagescale = difficulty ;
      knockback = 190 ;
      name = punch ;
      tag = 1 ;
      time = -1 ;
         damageMod {
         name = dmgmod_auto_knockback ;


      chain {
      action = special2 ;
      result = fastballhit ;

      chain {
      action = touch ;
      result = fastballhit ;

      chain {
      action = idle ;
      result = fastballland ;


   FightMove {
   animenum = ea_attack_heavy1 ;
   endchaintime = 0.85 ;
   fallback = attacklight1 ;
   lockangles = true ;
   name = attackheavy1 ;
   playspeed = 1 ;
   powerup_tag = beast_power ;
   startchaintime = 0.55 ;
      event {
      inherit = punch_veryheavy ;
      knockback = 120 ;
      name = bigpunch ;

      trigger {
      name = whoosh_heavy ;
      time = 0.15 ;

      trigger {
      life = 0.1 ;
      movement = 0 ;
      name = slide ;
      time = 0.15 ;

      trigger {
      bolt = Bip01 R Toe0 ;
      life = 0.2 ;
      name = trail ;
      offsetend = 50 ;
      time = 0.27 ;

      trigger {
      angle = 0 ;
      height = 5 ;
      name = bigpunch ;
      time = 0.35 ;

      chain {
      action = powers ;
      result = powers ;

      chain {
      action = attack ;
      result = attackstun1 ;

      chain {
      action = smash ;
      result = attackheavy2 ;

      chain {
      action = idle ;
      result = idle ;


   FightMove {
   animenum = ea_attack_heavy2 ;
   endchaintime = 0.95 ;
   fallback = attackheavy1 ;
   lockangles = true ;
   name = attackheavy2 ;
   playspeed = 1 ;
   powerup_tag = beast_power ;
   startchaintime = 0.5 ;
      event {
      inherit = punch_veryheavy ;
      knockback = 245 ;
      name = haymaker ;
         damageMod {
         name = dmgmod_auto_knockback ;


      trigger {
      name = whoosh_heavy ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      life = 0.1 ;
      movement = 0 ;
      name = slide ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      bolt = Bip01 L Toe0 ;
      life = 0.3 ;
      name = trail ;
      time = 0.15 ;

      trigger {
      angle = 0 ;
      height = 10 ;
      name = haymaker ;
      time = 0.3 ;

      chain {
      action = powers ;
      result = powers ;

      chain {
      action = idle ;
      result = idle ;


   FightMove {
   aireusetime = 6 ;
   aitype = melee ;
   animenum = ea_power1 ;
   combotextfinisher = Strike ;
   combotextstarter = Rolling ;
   fallback = jumploop ;
   handler = ch_bounce_move ;
   icon = 1 ;
   lockangles = false ;
   locktransitionangles = true ;
   name = power_attack ;
   noautoaim = true ;
   playspeed = 1.25 ;
   powerup_tag = beast_power ;
   priority = 4 ;
   priority_override = 4 ;
   rebound = true ;
   startchaintime = 0.5 ;
   turnrate = 0.2 ;
      require {
      cat = skill ;
      item = beast_pinball ;
      level = 1 ;

      trigger {
      arc = 180 ;
      damage = %mdmg_high ;
      damagescale = difficulty ;
      knockback = %beast_bowl_kb ;
      name = punch ;
      tag = 1 ;
      time = -1 ;
         damageMod {
         name = dmgmod_auto_knockback ;


      trigger {
      name = powerusage ;
      powerusage = %beast_bowl_pwr ;
      tag = 100 ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      effect = char/beast/p1_charge ;
      name = effect ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      name = sound ;
      sound = char/beast_m/power1 ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      effect = char/beast/p1_charge ;
      name = effect ;
      time = 0.5 ;

      chain {
      action = attack ;
      result = power_attack ;

      chain {
      action = idle ;
      result = bowl_end ;


   FightMove {
   animenum = ea_power1_end ;
   blendtime = 0 ;
   lockangles = true ;
   locktransitionangles = true ;
   name = bowl_end ;
      trigger {
      effect = char/beast/p1_impact ;
      name = effect ;
      time = 0 ;

      chain {
      action = idle ;
      result = idle ;


   FightMove {
   aireusetime = 6 ;
   aitype = aoe ;
   animenum = ea_power2 ;
   blendtime = 0.05 ;
   combotextfinisher = Kick ;
   combotextstarter = Simian ;
   icon = 0 ;
   lockangles = true ;
   name = power_smash ;
   powerup_tag = beast_power ;
   priority = 5 ;
      require {
      cat = skill ;
      item = beast_propeller ;
      level = 1 ;

      trigger {
      name = stop ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      name = sound ;
      sound = char/beast_m/power2 ;
      time = 0.15 ;

      trigger {
      effect = char/beast/p2_power ;
      name = effect ;
      time = 0.15 ;

      trigger {
      arc = 180 ;
      attacktype = kick ;
      damage = %mdmg_high ;
      damagescale = difficulty ;
      knockback = %beast_prop_kb ;
      maxrange = %beast_prop_rng ;
      name = punch ;
      powerusage = %beast_prop_pwr ;
      time = 0.3 ;
      verticalrange = 30 ;
         damageMod {
         name = dmgmod_auto_knockback ;


      chain {
      action = Idle ;
      result = idle ;


   FightMove {
   aireusetime = 20 ;
   aitype = buffself ;
   animenum = ea_power3 ;
   icon = 2 ;
   lockangles = true ;
   name = power_boost ;
   powerup_tag = beast_power ;
   priority = 5 ;
      require {
      cat = skill ;
      item = beast_boost ;
      level = 1 ;

      trigger {
      name = sound ;
      sound = char/beast_m/power3 ;
      time = 0.3 ;

      trigger {
      effect = char/beast/p3_charge ;
      name = effect ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      life = %beast_shield_life ;
      name = powerup ;
      no_shadow = true ;
      powerusage = %beast_shield_pwr ;
      tag = 1 ;
      time = 0.6 ;
         special_fx {
         effect = char/beast/p3_power ;
         how_used = primary ;

         special_fx {
         effect = char/beast/p3_expire ;
         how_used = deactivate ;

         affecter {
         attribute = resist_physical ;
         level = 0.25 ;

         affecter {
         attribute = speed ;
         level = %beast_shield_speed ;

         affecter {
         affect_type = scale ;
         attribute = jump ;
         level = %beast_shield_jump ;


      chain {
      action = Idle ;
      result = idle ;


   event {
   damage = %mdmg_high ;
   damagelevel = 5 ;
   damagetype = dmg_energy ;
   hiteffect = char/beast/p4_impact ;
   inherit = blast_ranged ;
   maxrange = 225 ;
   name = orbital_impact ;
   numblasts = 2 ;
   radius = 60 ;
   random = true ;

   FightMove {
   animenum = ea_power4 ;
   blendtime = 0 ;
   combotextfinisher = Blast ;
   combotextstarter = Laser ;
   description = ORBITAL BOMBARDMENT ;
   icon = 3 ;
   lockangles = true ;
   name = power_xtreme ;
   playspeed = 10 ;
   powerup_tag = beast_power ;
   priority = 7 ;
      require {
      cat = skill ;
      item = beast_xtreme ;
      level = 1 ;

      require {
      cat = xtreme ;
      level = 1 ;

      trigger {
      life = 7 ;
      name = xtreme_start ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      name = stop ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      name = sound ;
      sound = char/beast_m/power4 ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      effect = char/beast/p4_power ;
      name = effect ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      bolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
      effect = char/beast/p4_charge ;
      name = effect ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      damage = %mdmg_high ;
      name = orbital_impact ;
      tag = 3 ;
      time = 0.94 ;

      trigger {
      damage = %mdmg_high ;
      name = orbital_impact ;
      tag = 4 ;
      time = 0.95 ;

      trigger {
      damage = %mdmg_high ;
      name = orbital_impact ;
      tag = 5 ;
      time = 0.96 ;

      trigger {
      damage = %mdmg_high ;
      name = orbital_impact ;
      tag = 6 ;
      time = 0.97 ;

      trigger {
      damage = %mdmg_high ;
      name = orbital_impact ;
      tag = 7 ;
      time = 0.98 ;

      trigger {
      damage = %mdmg_high ;
      name = orbital_impact ;
      tag = 8 ;
      time = 0.99 ;

      chain {
      action = Idle ;
      result = idle ;



In other news, I wrote a script so that Beast gets unlocked before you even get to your first save slot.  :D  Now, question is do we want to replace 'shop' Beast entirely with Forge?  That'd allow him to be playable until he gets captured, then unlocked again after he's defeated.

The beast_powername_tag tags need to be referenced IN the power file, for damage/power and such. They don't line up at all atm. Need to be the same between ps/talent.

April 23, 2007, 07:55PM #130 Last Edit: April 23, 2007, 08:38PM by Teancum
Yeah I wondered why all Beast would do is breakdance.


-Gave Beast fightstyle_finesse1.  Fits him well.
-Beast double-jump is in.  Like Toad, this is available by default
-Might and Mutant Mastery added
-Icons set up for each of his four powers.

Quote from: Teancum on April 23, 2007, 07:55PM
Yeah I wondered why all Beast would do is breakdance.


-Gave Beast fightstyle_finesse1.  Fits him well.
-Beast double-jump is in.  Like Toad, this is available by default
-Might and Mutant Mastery added
-Icons set up for each of his four powers.

sounds so good, thanks in advance
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

April 24, 2007, 02:54PM #132 Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 04:20PM by Teancum

Got Beast's powers to work.  Finally!  Now it's just time to adjust power usage and fix Orbital Bombardment (no ordnance comes down).  Once all four powers are working properly an alpha will be released.

I'm coding power number 5, Animal Instinct tonight.  I'm going for a 'spidey-sense' sort of feel.  I figure to change things up I'll use menu_action as the animation.

I finally went through and finished stabilizing costumes for the characters (only Emma and Psylocke are left). Also fixed 3d hud heads for all the costumes. Oh, and just for the heck of it:

Rogue is also on 'Bruiser Brigade', Magneto & Toad are also on 'Old School' (I wish there was space for Witch there) and Emma is also on 'Astonishing X-Men'. I had to revamp Raven Knights because, well, 3 of them were the unlockables :P Iceman is still there, Psylocke seems knightly, and I am partial to the Avalanche/Pyro team