What would U do to make a Platinum Edition of X-Men Legends.

Started by marvelfan12345, July 17, 2009, 09:25PM

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July 17, 2009, 09:25PM Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 09:33PM by marvelfan12345
If you could make a platinum edition for XML then what would u add, what would u take out, and which consoles would it come out in. I would add Dazzler, Angel, Cannonball, Banshee, Kitty, and Polaris to be playable and add character costumes so each character would have 6 costumes. Technically u get 20 characters and if you include Xavier u get 21. Add two powers each and one boost for a total of 7 powers (including extreme). Add Sabretooth and Avalanche villain bios when they are defeated. A NYC level with Sabretooth against Wolvie. Then Jean comes to help him. After defeating Mastermold u get back to the X-Mansion and play as Magma. All playable X-Men, students, Xavier, Havok, and Ilayana congratulate u for helping win the fight. Also Forge, Multiple, and Moira talk to u in  war room by communicator. Also in first meeting at Muir Island Multiple Man attacks u and after defeating him and his dupes Forge finds out that Mystique used one of his devices to make Multiple Man unstable. Shadow King, Multiple Man, Xavier, and new playables are added to Danger Room main menu as well as Colesseum map. Also in Danger room main menu u can change character skins for playables and shadow king (normal and gladiator) and xavier (x-mansion, astral, gladiator). Plys new character get comics and danger room missions. Psylocke also gets a comic. New characters also have unique items. Consoles are DS, PSP, PS2,PS3, XBOX, XBOX 360, and WII.

A platinum edition?? Well I think it would be a good idea that it could be for PSP and PC too, and also that there could be cheats like God Mode,money, superspeed, like XML2. And also that you could use in a new game the characteristics of a saved game like level of the characters, skins, items that you've found...

That's sortof what we wanted to do with the XMLPC project -- expand it.

What I had planned (using the XML2 engine)
  • All base XML2 features: character powers, pickups, etc
  • All existing XML1 and XML2 X-Men (no brotherhood)
  • Cable and Cannonball (nodoubt_jr)
  • Havok (unlockable once he quits the brotherhood)
  • Put Angel back in the game (he was cut)
  • One non-X-Men bonus character (probably Spidey, as that XML2 mod was my fav)
  • Ability to play as NPC friendlies when you have <4 characters available (like playing as Alison with no powers in the first level)
  • Additional outfits

    Too bad XML2 just had so many memory limitations.  XML1 was by far my favorite of the two. 

sorry if this is off topic but is the XMLPC Ongoing or was it Cut?

no one is working on it anymore, both XML2 and MUA have memory issues that cant handle it.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2275.0
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it