
List your disappointments

Started by Teancum, September 02, 2009, 07:15PM

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September 02, 2009, 07:15PM Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 07:18PM by Teancum

  • Lack of playables
    • Excuses come and excuses go, but it should have never been a question.  If MUA1 had 25 playables, MUA2 needs at least 30.  If it has 8 DLC characters, MUA2 needs at least 10.  Where's Hawkeye?  Where's Punisher, Black Cat, Ghost Rider Moon Knight, Nightcrawler?  I'm willing to pay for DLC (and subsoquently buy the game) if it's reasonably priced and has characters and costumes we care about, but still 30 out-of-the-box characters should have been a no brainer.  Instead we get one less than the next-gen versions of MUA1, unless we pre-order, then we get the same amount by getting Juggy
  • Terrible art direction
    • Take a little license, sure.  But why does every female look like they have plastic hair?  Why is Ms. Marvel ugly?  Why does Spider-Woman have huge thighs?  Why does Cable look like a sissy with girly lips?  He should have stubble, and a squared face.  He should look intimidating.  Why does Black Widow have bubble gum pink hair?  What's with Gambit's ugly coat?  Why are the "ears" on Wolvy's mask weird?  I could go on and on
  • Focusing on "streamlining" (as they call it) things that didn't need it.
    • Character swapping and costume swapping on the fly?  Cool.  But how much time was spent focusing on that and not getting an additional playable in?
  • Messing with the power system
    • Improving on it would have been fine.  But as cool as the fusions are you don't really get a chance to see them in action like you did with Xtremes.  You have to keep playing while they're going.  And what's with four powers that get visually stronger over time?  Four?  Only XML1 characters had that many, some of them more.  And what if I like the way the power worked at lower levels?  Once I level up it'll work differently and I can't use it like I used to.
  • Alternate costumes fail
    • First off, only one per character is ridiculous.  The fact that I'll have to pay extra to get more is even more so.  If they hadn't spent so much time on things that didn't matter they could have given us more.  That and the fact that they picked poor choices in my opinion.  Sure, comic lovers will care that Wolverine is actually using his Secret War costume in a game that has the Secret War in it, but 98% of the users are gonna want the classic yellow/blue, or the classic orange/brown costume.

I don't want to sound so negative, but I was really looking forward to this game.  But the more I see the more I'm glad I'm just going to rent it and beat it.  I'm sure it'll be fun, but what could have been an incredible game is just going to be a pretty good game.

I'm sorry to soubd rude but didn't u say no more negative posts or threads like this?

Not that I ever recall, and I didn't find anything in my old posts.  My post here probably comes off strong, but I sum up why at the end.  It's like sooo short of perfection, and yet they do little stuff like this that just makes it a rental.  So for me it's a disappointment, not an anger thing. 

I agree with you Teancum but I hope maybe the will realise the method for MUA1 was awesome and bring it back for a MUA3.

Quote from: Teancum on September 02, 2009, 07:15PM

  • Lack of playables
    • Excuses come and excuses go, but it should have never been a question.  If MUA1 had 25 playables, MUA2 needs at least 30.  If it has 8 DLC characters, MUA2 needs at least 10.  Where's Hawkeye?  Where's Punisher, Black Cat, Ghost Rider Moon Knight, Nightcrawler?  I'm willing to pay for DLC (and subsoquently buy the game) if it's reasonably priced and has characters and costumes we care about, but still 30 out-of-the-box characters should have been a no brainer.  Instead we get one less than the next-gen versions of MUA1, unless we pre-order, then we get the same amount by getting Juggy
  • Terrible art direction
    • Take a little license, sure.  But why does every female look like they have plastic hair?  Why is Ms. Marvel ugly?  Why does Spider-Woman have huge thighs?  Why does Cable look like a sissy with girly lips?  He should have stubble, and a squared face.  He should look intimidating.  Why does Black Widow have bubble gum pink hair?  What's with Gambit's ugly coat?  Why are the "ears" on Wolvy's mask weird?  I could go on and on
  • Focusing on "streamlining" (as they call it) things that didn't need it.
    • Character swapping and costume swapping on the fly?  Cool.  But how much time was spent focusing on that and not getting an additional playable in?
  • Messing with the power system
    • Improving on it would have been fine.  But as cool as the fusions are you don't really get a chance to see them in action like you did with Xtremes.  You have to keep playing while they're going.  And what's with four powers that get visually stronger over time?  Four?  Only XML1 characters had that many, some of them more.  And what if I like the way the power worked at lower levels?  Once I level up it'll work differently and I can't use it like I used to.
  • Alternate costumes fail
    • First off, only one per character is ridiculous.  The fact that I'll have to pay extra to get more is even more so.  If they hadn't spent so much time on things that didn't matter they could have given us more.  That and the fact that they picked poor choices in my opinion.  Sure, comic lovers will care that Wolverine is actually using his Secret War costume in a game that has the Secret War in it, but 98% of the users are gonna want the classic yellow/blue, or the classic orange/brown costume.

I don't want to sound so negative, but I was really looking forward to this game.  But the more I see the more I'm glad I'm just going to rent it and beat it.  I'm sure it'll be fun, but what could have been an incredible game is just going to be a pretty good game.

Basically this.  Presentation of a game means a lot, and some of the characters just look awful.  I mean we got Harry Potter characters and Usher in our game, that's pretty pathetic.  The physique of some of the characters just doesn't look right.  Almost everything is off, and I absolutely hate most of the costumes.

The biggest annoyance aside from everything you said though is no PC version of the game.  I spent a lot of money on a monster laptop computer because I enjoy taking things with me on the go without being bound at one spot with a big clunky desktop or a console hooked up to a TV.  Instead I have a portable entertainment system that has a built in screen and only requires one wall plug.  Everything on computer is better than consoles simply because of the massive power compared to consoles computers can put out, making things look much better, run smoother, or be customizable.  The laptop I have now is definitely overkill for games, kind of like fishing with dynamite.  It's a bit much, but more than gets the job done and that's how I like it.  The reason I got such a powerful machine is for all of the work I do on it, as well as enjoying games and other media on the go in high definition and performance, and so I did not have to buy any new consoles.  To be honest, I just hate playing games on a playstation when I can play them on my computer.  It's much more portable, powerful, convenient, and just better in every way possible to a console.  So MUA2 not coming out on PC is the biggest disappointment for me.  If I want to enjoy the full effect the game has to offer, I have to piss away $360 for a PS3 and the game.  I could get it for PS2, but then I don't get the full effect of the game and it's watered down a bit to fit the specs of the PS2.  If it came out for PC, I could enjoy the game to it's full effect and even modify it to look much better.  Anyway, /rant.

I am eagerly awaiting a XML3 though and am hopeful with the news I heard of it being "possible" that it will happen.  As such, I am also hopeful they do everything they did right with XML1, XML2, and MUA and trash the new stuff they are doing with MUA2.  I know I haven't played it yet obviously, but I can already tell I'm not going to like the new changes to the game.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Same here Burning Rage I find it easier playing a game that is exactly the same as PS3/360 versions on a PC because of its convenience and portability.

@ BR: who's Usher? Luke? Nah, call him Tracy Morgan or what's the guys name. (Usher fan XD :P)

Everything else you guys both say = 100000% true. I may have a wii and buy it, but I'm hoping XMLIII (better be there for PC when it does come it) will stick to XML & MUA styles.

Quote from: Teancum on September 02, 2009, 07:15PM

  • Lack of playables
    • Excuses come and excuses go, but it should have never been a question.  If MUA1 had 25 playables, MUA2 needs at least 30.  If it has 8 DLC characters, MUA2 needs at least 10.  Where's Hawkeye?  Where's Punisher, Black Cat, Ghost Rider Moon Knight, Nightcrawler?  I'm willing to pay for DLC (and subsoquently buy the game) if it's reasonably priced and has characters and costumes we care about, but still 30 out-of-the-box characters should have been a no brainer.  Instead we get one less than the next-gen versions of MUA1, unless we pre-order, then we get the same amount by getting Juggy
  • Terrible art direction
    • Take a little license, sure.  But why does every female look like they have plastic hair?  Why is Ms. Marvel ugly?  Why does Spider-Woman have huge thighs?  Why does Cable look like a sissy with girly lips?  He should have stubble, and a squared face.  He should look intimidating.  Why does Black Widow have bubble gum pink hair?  What's with Gambit's ugly coat?  Why are the "ears" on Wolvy's mask weird?  I could go on and on
  • Focusing on "streamlining" (as they call it) things that didn't need it.
    • Character swapping and costume swapping on the fly?  Cool.  But how much time was spent focusing on that and not getting an additional playable in?
  • Messing with the power system
    • Improving on it would have been fine.  But as cool as the fusions are you don't really get a chance to see them in action like you did with Xtremes.  You have to keep playing while they're going.  And what's with four powers that get visually stronger over time?  Four?  Only XML1 characters had that many, some of them more.  And what if I like the way the power worked at lower levels?  Once I level up it'll work differently and I can't use it like I used to.
  • Alternate costumes fail
    • First off, only one per character is ridiculous.  The fact that I'll have to pay extra to get more is even more so.  If they hadn't spent so much time on things that didn't matter they could have given us more.  That and the fact that they picked poor choices in my opinion.  Sure, comic lovers will care that Wolverine is actually using his Secret War costume in a game that has the Secret War in it, but 98% of the users are gonna want the classic yellow/blue, or the classic orange/brown costume.

I don't want to sound so negative, but I was really looking forward to this game.  But the more I see the more I'm glad I'm just going to rent it and beat it.  I'm sure it'll be fun, but what could have been an incredible game is just going to be a pretty good game.

Couldnt agree more, to add to the list. Iron Man looks like Plastic Man. Cap looks like a drag queen, his suit is SUPPOSED to look like its made of scale mail, instead it looks all shiny and weird. The big brawler character's models are horrible, all of them. All their legs are FAR too small for their bodies, Thing is the worst. Juggs legs are probably the least worst in length, but theyre like toothpicks. If any of them fell on their backs, theyd look like a turtle trying to get back up again. Storm is horrifically ugly, wich is a shame. And Venom looks more like an evil Pug dog than a super-villain, and he too has the little leg syndrome. Very disappointed with how its looking so far. Maybe if Disney Interactive made it they might have put more effort in :P

  • Alternate costumes fail
    • First off, only one per character is ridiculous. 

      I didnt know this. Even one more reason I dont want the game as I hate the lineup. I cant afford dlc right now. So far this is turning out to be a mess of a sequel

Besides limited roster, one alternate, and no Psylocke and Cyclops on 360 everything is fine to me.

I agree with everything teancum said. The character models look stupid (juggernaut doesnt look the least bit intimidating). This is the first time I've wanted to know all the spoilers and hidden content in a game just to know if it warrants a rental.

The females look fine except Spider-Woman's hips and Firestar's face.

well my ONLY problem is having on alt,thats all!
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Civil War storyline. It's not as exciting as it could be.
Motherflippin Penance. Only time I liked seeing him was in this:

Mostly all that Teancum said, except for the power system. I wouldn't judge it just yet. In MUA, there are at most 2 offensive powers I use per character. If they managed to make 4 powers that are used at least a couple of times per level, I'd say it's better.

My only real dissapointment is that there wont be a PC version. Some of the other stuff people have mentioned does suck, but i could get over that stuff and enjoy the game.
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