
The VS Game

Started by Nowhere Man, September 12, 2009, 09:34AM

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June 09, 2010, 09:02AM #2115 Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 09:05AM by mj fan
QuoteAre you serious? You ask if a Woman who can freaking change her skin to magma wins from a fire spewing woman (i guess the anwswer should be obivous)
the answer was obivous like your last question  Arcangel vs Emma vs Jean ....
anyway  Dr doom  wins

who is the most intelligent ? Mr fantastic or iron man

its a draw, its really hard to tell who would win from this. They're both freaking geniuses.

Leech vs. Rogue
Give your life meaning when you come to Xaviers Institute.  Join us so that we can develop your mind as well as those devious powers that you may have ::wink::


Cyclops vs Beast


She-Thing vs She-Hulk


Thanos vs Siege Sentry
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

iron man vs iceman
You dare to steal from Galactus?!


Black Heart vs. Dr. Doom
Give your life meaning when you come to Xaviers Institute.  Join us so that we can develop your mind as well as those devious powers that you may have ::wink::

Dr. Doom

Human Torch vs Firestar

Ehh that's hard i think human torch
Invisible WOman VS Songbird