
How do you feel yourself? / General Talk about everything

Started by LX - Rampage, September 22, 2009, 10:09AM

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and that's the modern world we live in. unfortunately.
i had a cross country meet today. tired and i remain to hate homework.

I just don't get it! Why is it, that people are so bad? Why can't we live normally, purely (as pure good)? Is it because Yin-Yang stuff?

Quote from: deedooo on October 06, 2009, 04:40PM
and that's the modern world we live in. unfortunately.
i had a cross country meet today. tired and i remain to hate homework.

Homework?? That's it?
I got a midterm for my course on advanced database systems tomorrow. Yikes!

Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 06, 2009, 04:42PM
I just don't get it! Why is it, that people are so bad? Why can't we live normally, purely (as pure good)? Is it because Yin-Yang stuff?

You think you are "normal" and those people are "bad". At the same time, those people would think they are "normal" and you are "bad". We don't live in an ideal world where things always happen the way you want it to.

I know this, but still. People destroy themselves with useless things, like these drugs, cigarettas and other stuff. I don't get the point, why?

Homework?? That's it?
I got a midterm for my course on advanced database systems tomorrow. Yikes!
homework is all o can handle at the moment

    -_- •ZZZ

Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 06, 2009, 04:59PM
I know this, but still. People destroy themselves with useless things, like these drugs, cigarettas and other stuff. I don't get the point, why?

don't be so judgemental. some of the greatest minds and talents of the world abused some kind of substance. There's a whole variety of other things that can jeopardize our health, like eating junk food, overworking, not exercising and so on. The point is that living is bad for your health. The important thing is to respect everyone's decisions as long as they don't harm anyone other than themselves. don't ever let other people impose their lifestyles on you and don't ever try to impose your lifestyle on them.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Today, I feel much much better. Yay! A hungarian won this Kylie Minogue clip competition or what :D I'm so proud of the guy, even if I don't know him :D :)

Aaaand I've been told I'm also being expelled from my post-graduate educational program (I was going for a doctorate in economics to avoid the army draft) for having done everything BUT the thesis research. Ouch. Talk about being disgraceful. Which means that I will soon once again be in the crosshairs of the army draft board, seeking to enlarge the ranks of the Soviet Army with the likes of yours truly (that is, sick and twisted cynical idjits with complicatedly deformed personalities).

The only saving grace is that my recent horrifying diagnosis sort of makes me exempt from the army draft... provided I gather enough documents to prove my sickness to the draft board. Why, oh why was I not born a girl? PMS is such a small payoff for a significantly less complicated life...

Which all comes down to a rather confused and panicky state.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Still not the best in English, but looks like you don't have much luck nowadays :(

You've read that right. In my country we have the choice to go in the army (either it be the navy, land or airforce) or not. But, everybody is forced to work unless you can prove you have a handicap of some sort.

Here I don't know about army stuff, but what I know is that I'm 100% unable to go :D

Quote from: Noelemahc on October 07, 2009, 09:00AM
Aaaand I've been told I'm also being expelled from my post-graduate educational program (I was going for a doctorate in economics to avoid the army draft) for having done everything BUT the thesis research. Ouch.

They won't let you extend the length of the program by one more year? or are you in the program 2+ years already?

In my country we must choose between army and sivil service. You can also choose an nonweapon army, which will be like army just without any guns etc. And if you don't go to army (or sivil service) you'll go to prison -.-
Finnish army system is tough...
Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack on that motherf*cker's reflection
My Mods for XML2:

It sounds tough indeed. As a man of peace (cause I'm one), I don't like army and other war stuff. It would be a lot easier, if there wouldn't be stuff like this, but sadly, peace can't exist without war.

I think we have the same system like in Finland.
I am very happy because I already know that I will get a big aquarium for Christmas  :D
Until now, my mom never allowed me to have pets.
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My mods in progress:
No time for modding at the moment, sorry.