How do you feel yourself? / General Talk about everything

Started by LX - Rampage, September 22, 2009, 10:09AM

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As I said, she has a boyfriend and they are happy. I mean, I'm the type of guy, who can accept the fact, that I can't be with her as I like to, if she is happier this way. So, I dunno...There are so many things, which pains me...I'm getting to my limits, which is bad, considering the fact how young I am...

Aww....Sugetsu I'm sure she's come arround but in due time date other ppl you will know when the time is right
UnCannyJean Mods & Skins

According to Wikipedia, I found out that at the moment, I'm totally in the state of "emptiness". Well, it's totally logical, as I've always felt, that I'm alone in this huge world. I have so many mental problems, it pains me a lot. I'm totally unnormal. Sad, but true. And yet, I don't want to change. I want to find people, in real life, who would accept me for who I really am. As, if I would change myself, than people wouldn't accept me, but a mask I wear over my true self. She is a friend of me, so I decided what to do. I tell her my feelings like if it's for someone else and I want to see what will she say about this.

...thats deep, but isnt it kinda like desprate to search in Wikipedia in what ''state'' you are? Be positive!, you only live once. If i was you, i just tell her my feelings straight ahead but add ''and if you dont want me im fine with it''. No need to be so Emo about stuff :)

Come On!!! Live it up just like tymaca321 said you only got one life and Everyone got problems but just like my brother say tomorrow is a fresh start
UnCannyJean Mods & Skins

But this is an entirely special thing. I mean, either I get accepted or rejected, both of us would have hard times after it. Plus, I loved another friend of mine a few years ago and when I told it, every year in school was hell after it, and not because of that friend of mine, but because of other people. So, I'm in a depressed state. And I can't live like many people, who say idiotic stuff like "Live for the moment" and such. If every people in the world would do that, nothing would improve as they accept their current state. And for me, I do not accept many things. So I will stay like this, until I improve one thing in my life: Looks. More particuliarly, loosing a lot of fat and gaining so called muscles. I'll do everything for that, as if I will get that, I will be able to accept myself and my life would change. For example, I could teach a lessor for a few people, who like to hurt others physically or mentally.

Can I give you and advise?
Tell her everything, it's the hardest thing in this live, confess your love to someone else, but it also helps to clear your mind. Not too long ago, I was liked someone, and I was on the same mood than you, and you know what? I decided to confess everything to this person, and unfortunately this person did not shared the same emotions for me.
I was really sad, but at the same time I just felt free, really, because I did not had to keep that secret anymore and it also helped me to move on.
If you don't want to ruin the friendship, just tell her that, be clear about that doesn't matter what you feel for her, you wont try to ruin her life or something.
Be positive and as tymaca and jean said, you only live once, it's not the "Live for the moment" thing which is not that idiotic as you say (I know that ^^) but I have the feeling that you are still too young so you have the whole life to find your perfect match, and trust me, you will do it :)
Oh and staying "like this" wont help in anything becasue you will make your whole life so miserable... doing excercise? fine, loose some weight? awesome, start liking yourself? perfect, but don't do it this just to impress someone, do it for you, just for you, because you will find that being a "normal" average person or the fucking sexy handsome god, doesn't make a difference, especially in true love things...
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

I say just tell her, if she is sooo much of a good friend things won't get weird after even if you get rejected. Rejection may hurt but regret hurts even more.

love all you said whiteking. I totally agree. keeping a secret like this can totally eat you up on the inside. just tell her that no matter what she feels for you, you never wanna lose her friendship. If she's a true friend she'll remain such even if she doesn't reciprocate your romantic feelings. and who knows? she just might reciprocate after all.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

On a completly diffrent note, i just decided i should try to make my first mod, Loki, so i opened up my Workbench, i probally regret it tommorow (im 12 years old :P) but im going for it :)

As this is a normal talking thread, made by me (and it's like a tell everything you want to topic), first off...about the changes in looks...I want to do it for myself and not for making myself by loved by those people, who only care about looks. Second - I dunno, maybe I will tell her. And third - to tell you the truth tymaca, no offense or anything but so far, I don't feel your Loki mod ideas Loki-like. I don't say my ideas were better, but yours doesn't feel like it for me. I mean, as I said there, I don't get why would he fly for a blast, even though he can't fly. So really, I don't want to argue or make this to be offense, I just wanted to say. It's your mod, you can even make him have a bunny skin, and if people will like it, it's great. As this is only my oppinion, and I think I'm the only who think this. So, good luck in making it.

Personally i dont barely know anything about loki, so im glad you mentioned that, this post would probally be posted before you readed i replaced that power, so its ok :) also like i said probally over a billion times on that thread, suggestions are always welcome :) (i dont see this as offensive btw :))

I'm glad :) I was afraid, that you might take it in a wrong way :)

I know it's double-post, but I just want to tell, that how I like you people! I feel a lot better after talking to you :) And I got determined in telling how I feel, although, I will do everything, to stay in a friendship (not that it would get more, just I'm afraid, that it could end)