
Spiderman 3 Game (moddable?)

Started by rainy_de_lunche, April 21, 2007, 11:38AM

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Does anyone think that the upcoming spiderman game will be moddable? i cant wait for it to come out but once again there will probably be next-gen exclusives. whenever someone says its unfair that PC doesnt get exclusives console owners say "mod it". Does anyone have any ideas for things that would be cool to try to do in this game?

on the VIP site its been said that we will be able to play as Scorpion at one point...if he has any good way of moving it might be fun to make scorpion a fully playable character at any point in the game.

Who's developing Spidey 3?  That'll give us a pretty fair answer as to whether it's moddable.  98% of movie games aren't, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Thats pretty much out the window than, hell I can't even get 95% of there files open but we can hope. (big Spidey fan)
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

April 22, 2007, 08:04PM #5 Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 08:08PM by Teancum
We need to know the developer.  Activision is the publisher.

*EDIT*  It's Treyarch.  Don't know much about them.  Still, odds are since it's got movie-based material it's going to be locked down like Fort Knox.  I've never seen a movie-based game with mods in the 10 years I've modded games.  Plus, if we could mod the game we'd still be more likely to get hit with a cease-and-desist order due to the movie rights.

April 22, 2007, 08:06PM #6 Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 08:08PM by rainy_de_lunche
i just hope someone can do i said i hate when consoles bitch about which exclusive the other has and i point out that we dont get anything and they say mod it. first off i cant personally mod anything...i just dont kno what im doing. it makes me angry :soapbox:

Same guys made Ultimate Spider-Man witch is a great game but don't think that was modable at all I tried to just get the models out of it and couldn't.Still hope so.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Yeah, modding ain't gonna happen.  Just trust me on that.  If mods get released, they'll get shut down.  Stick with MUA and you'll be fine, since Raven Software supports modders.  Either they openly support (when they can) or when they can't they don't go reporting websites for modding their games.  Modding MUA/XML1/XML2 is technically against the EULA, ya know.

Won't stop me from buying it I've already got all the Spider Mans and released add ons Hulk,FF even got Catwoman haven't opened it yet heard it was bad just a Marvel fan and want to be in the loop.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Oh yeah, I'm sure I'll play it and love it to death.  Still, it ain't gonna be moddable.

At least 'direct' film liscences anyhow - if games are based off extensions of a film franchise, rather that the film it self (Star Wars beign a prominent example) then they are likely to be more open, but, in this case they aren't likely to be at all.

One thing that I was considering when playing the last Spider-man game however was how great it would be to have Nightcrawler as a secret bonus character - his wall climbing and teleportation would make him fit best into the gameplay mechanics compared to everything else, plus you could have some real fun with his powers (teleporting people into the air and letting them plummet anyone?  Taking out hordes of enemies by rapid bamfing between them?)  I by no means expect it to happen, or be possibly to mod... but I can dream. 

Daredevil would work to a degree, its mainly his lack of wall climbing that hold him back however, and if characters could fly I don't think it would have quite the same sense of coolness  because you dont feel like you can fall and its easy to turn which kind of looses the epic feel compared to swinging.

Oh, and also stiltman should be the final boss of the game.

lol...i guess i nvr really expected that much but i was ive said i hate the concept of exclusive content...o well

and nightcrawler would be fun to play as even though it wont happen

I dont care rightnowif its moddable...i just bought and its installing right now :) sure it will be awesome and i cant wait to start