Marvel PC Games

Started by ragincajun, October 12, 2009, 12:50PM

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That was the joke , Wasnt Marvel Universe cancelled ?

It's supposed to come out in a year and no big deal is being made...that's odd.

Quote from: Nox on October 13, 2009, 04:20PM
It's supposed to come out in a year and no big deal is being made...that's odd.

That means they are not ready to show anything epic.

Thanks iammingy, Gazillion Entertainment sounds familiar maybe I did hear about its renewal  :confused:

October 13, 2009, 04:32PM #20 Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 04:37PM by iammingy
Quote from: Venom on October 13, 2009, 04:28PM
Thanks iammingy, Gazillion Entertainment sounds familiar maybe I did hear about its renewal  :confused:

You may have heard of it on the news. haha


Not sure if anyone remembers this.... When Crytic Studio was in charge of the cancelled Marvel MMO game, all they showed was how characters are being punched into the sky and how they keep flying in the air for a long time. So, it's probably a great idea to NOT show anything that doesn't impress your customers. haha

I've never heard of Gazillion, but let's hope they're one of the new studios that are going to astound us, like Darkmask or Cdprojekt.

Gazillion's website for anyone who is interested:

And here's the trailer from back in 2006 for Marvel Universe Online:

I hope this game will be good :D

yeah just put me sabretooth and an alt costume with an umasked wolvy(movie preferably)and im buyng it :D
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Why is THIS still not in the list? I've already mentioned it before!
Also: this, that, those and also this.

I've played all of them except for the last one, so if you need impressions, feel free to ask.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

cool i hope ororo is in it and jubilation lee

Quote from: Noelemahc on October 17, 2009, 07:55AM
Why is THIS still not in the list? I've already mentioned it before!

Because it slipped my mind, sorry.

Considering it's a MMO we won't actually get to play as any of the known heroes, you'll probably make your own mutant/hero/super-hero/anti-hero/zero, the original marvel gang will just be there as NPC's.
This game has to much potential, you just know it won't work, I mean you could be one of the X-Men, or join the Avengers, then they could make expansion packs with the other alternate universes and wrap it up with an Exiles expansion which would bring it all together, and as per usual the projects with most potential get fairly screwed, just look at Hellgate.

Well,i will just hope to play as marv characters then...^^
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