wii vs. x-box 360/ps3

Started by snowflakemeho, October 20, 2009, 01:44PM

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what are the differnces between the wii version of mua2 and the x-box 360 and ps3 versions

wii have motion control

x360& ps3 have DLC, alt costumes, different story, better graphics.

October 20, 2009, 02:01PM #3 Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 02:10PM by MarvelFan12345
WII - same powersets for old characters from MUA, many of the same models, 3 Extra Characters (One is DLC for 360/Ps3, another character is mostly hated, and another is same as MUA version)

360/Ps3 - better graphics, better fusion system, altenate costumes, team bonuses, longer story, dlc

Wii - less expensive, unique dialogue not present in next-gen versions, three unique characters, and also has team bonuses.

See?  I can be a very obviously one-sided fanboy too.

WII has team bonuses?? Ps2 doesn't.

It has teambonusses? Why the hell didn't I see those bonusses when I formed X-Men, New Avengers and F4? :s

Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on October 20, 2009, 02:12PM
It has teambonusses? Why the hell didn't I see those bonusses when I formed X-Men, New Avengers and F4? :s
Same here lol. I had Ps2 but it is mostly identical. So angry now

Wow, mustve been disabled then, the files are there.

aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jank!

so how much longer is the story

The 360 is 3 acts while WII is 4 however WII takes out one chapter from each act that is present in the 360 and Act 4 is on the last chapter of the game which is the end of act 4 of the 360. To give better understanding.

XBOX 360

Act 1

Chapter 1 - Latveria Invasion
Chapter 2 - Latveria Attacks New York
Chapter 3 - Washington DC

Act 2

Chapter 1 - Raid Anti-Reg Hideout/Defend Anti-Reg Hideout
Chapter 2 - Protect Convoy/Rescue Prisoners from Convoy
Chapter 3 - Ambush Anti-Reg/Fight back Ambush

Act 3

Chapter 1 - Prison 41
Chapter 2 - Wakanda
Chapter 3 - Nanite Base


Act 1

Chapter 1 - Latveria Invasion
Chapter 2 - Latveria Attacks New York

Act 2

Chapter 1 - Raid Anti-Reg Hideout/Defend Anti-Reg Hideout
Chapter 2 - Ambush Anti-Reg/Fight back Ambush

Act 3

Chapter 1 - Prison 41
Chapter 2 - Wakanda

Act 4
Chapter 1 - Nanite Base

Technically you get 9 Chapters in 360 and 7 chapters in WII and the levels are longer in the 360 so 360 is way longer than WII. WII has recruit missions to unlock other characters but 360 has simulator missions.

so the 360/ps3 version is way better