Who is your favorite X-Men character?

Started by TEGC Rocco, December 07, 2009, 03:59PM

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my favorites are emma frost :emmafrost:, nightcrawler :nightcrawler: and iceman :iceman:!!!

1) Nightcrawler
2) Storm
3) Dr. Strange

"I am a woman, a mutant, a thief, an X-Men, a lover, a wife, a queen. I am all these things. I am Storm, and for me, there are no such things as limits "

I always thought Mister Sinister was really cool.

My favourite...

Well it's a tie between Cyclops and Iceman

Favorite was Xorn, but after reading the whole New X-men, it is now Sublime!

If you count Deadpool as an X-man character, then i would say him. If not, then definately Cyclops. Deadpool and Cyke are my two fav marvel characters. I wish Deadpool wouldve been on the team a bit longer:(

Nightcrawler :nightcrawler2: and Gambit  :gambit:because he have a french name

I adore the Wolverine and Captain America

Cyclops , Jean Grey , Wolverine and Storm.