Who is your favorite X-Men character?

Started by TEGC Rocco, December 07, 2009, 03:59PM

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April 20, 2010, 08:34PM #166 Last Edit: April 20, 2010, 08:44PM by auxois
mine is a toss up between Wolverine :wolverine: and Gambit :gambit:

sorry my bad got mesmerized by the little emoticons lol

i don't believe punisher  or ghost rider are x-men :P

im torn between Nightcrawler  :nightcrawler:   and Wolverine  :wolverine:

wolverine, cyclops, nightcrawler, rogue
:wolverine:   :cyclops:   :nightcrawler:   :rogue: 

I am strong! I am mighty! I am Colossus!

Cyke, Psylocke and Rogue. Not the Ms. Marvel Rogue though, the Sunfire'd, Mike Carey-written one.

Rogue. Sexy, long hair, and a southern accent. Gets me every time.

I'll always be a mark for Wolverine and Nightcrawler.
I do have to admit, recently Elixir and Archangel have become two of my fave characters. They have both changed and grown so much in recent years.

Classic Jean Grey was always my favourite, but I think Emma Frost and Storm are pretty good too...

Hard choice. My all time fav 4 is Gambit, Nightcrawler, Collossus, Psylocke (ninja version).  I used to hate Cyclops but I am actually starting to like his character.