Who is your favorite X-Men character?

Started by TEGC Rocco, December 07, 2009, 03:59PM

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Well if its x-men its goota be Wolverine!!!
love the attitude and the claws!

Jean grey, in her Marvel Girl role.. Kinda don't like the idea of her sticking with the Phoenix (though it's a consistent part of her comic history =/ ) :marvelg: :phoenix:

Second one.. Hellion  :hellion:, I guess.. Cyke  :cyclops: scores third xD

Definitely Gambit.
But i also like Wolverine, Ice-Man and the Juggernaut very much.

my favorite would definitely Cyclops, Angel and the Man of Steel :havok:

Cyclops will always be the ultimate x-man

It's has to be gambit!! He is so smexxxaayy!

My favorite X-men character is Jean Grey, but I guess that´s only because I have a hidden love for Dark Phenix. In that context I also like Rachel Grey, the new marvel girl. I love her especially in "Rise and Fall aof the Shiar Empire" and "Emperor Vulcan".

I'm a big fan of Northstar and he was in X-men for a while so I'll have to go with him hands down. I've also always been fond of Domino, Storm and Nightcrawler as well, so there my runners-up

Emma frost- smart, cunning and drop-dead gorgeous at the same time.  :emmafrost:

Jean, Storm, Iceman, Hellion!
I refuse to give just one xD
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