Jugar Online

Started by Naxooo, February 22, 2010, 03:42PM

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February 22, 2010, 03:42PM Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 04:50PM by Naxooo
hola :) en realidad este tema no es muy productivo xD pero ando buscando a alguien que quiera jugar MUA online conmigo pero que hable español :) me gustaria conocer el juego en su modalidad online, si alguien quiere jugar conmigo que me avise :)
Let's see who is truly divine, "Thor"
I am a woman, a mutant, a thief, an X-Men, a lover, a wife, a queen. I am all these things. I am Storm, and for me, there are no such things as limits.

Estoy muy gustaría jugar en línea, pero lamentablemente no hablan español, sólo hay 1 persona en todo el foro que conozco que habla bien el español y usted sabe quién es:) Por desgracia ya no MUA. (Te sugiero que use un traductor, porque yo también!)

February 25, 2010, 10:10AM #2 Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 10:19AM by Naxooo
really? you want play online with me? cool! but you should teach me a little how play, because I never could find someone to play with xD we have to (agree) on the time (" agree"  I'm not sure if this word is a correct in english to what I say in Spanish xD)
oohh and I speak english but only a little bit :)
Let's see who is truly divine, "Thor"
I am a woman, a mutant, a thief, an X-Men, a lover, a wife, a queen. I am all these things. I am Storm, and for me, there are no such things as limits.

Gawd lucky XD
Okay i dont have MUA right now, so i will try to get my copy back in the weekend
Then i install it. You can say the time, keep in mind i still have school and stuff XD
Online just plays like normal MUA Only with a little lag and it has a chat screen (would preffer if you speak english since i cant swap in and out of my translator XD)
Not much people are playing MUA online, (mainly because of new awsome games that have come out) :D
BTW agree is correct :D

ok I wait, the only thing wrong is that my vacation ends this weekend xD I return to school this monday :S xD ohh I have a question, I can play mua online, even if I have installed mods in my game?
Let's see who is truly divine, "Thor"
I am a woman, a mutant, a thief, an X-Men, a lover, a wife, a queen. I am all these things. I am Storm, and for me, there are no such things as limits.

u can if you have the same herostat.
My password for my skins and mods is marvel

oohh ok thanks :)
Let's see who is truly divine, "Thor"
I am a woman, a mutant, a thief, an X-Men, a lover, a wife, a queen. I am all these things. I am Storm, and for me, there are no such things as limits.

I only think i wont be able too play (im really sorry), the last time i  tried installing MUA the game crashed (see techinal problems :P) So i dont think i will be able too, And Im also going to school this weekend. So this week is not gonna be it :P

Yo soy de chile y quero aprender a jugar online
and i speak english...so so

Yo me inscribo para jugar en linea, tambien soy de chile. Podriamos ponernos de acuerdo en un dia de la semana y una hora para el juego.
Si alguien lee esto mi correo es r2p2s@hotmail.com, y propongo el dia domingo 25 de abril a las 8:00 de la noche.
Sino el dia viernes 30 de abril a las 10:00 de la noche.

Quote from: Wolverine Fan 221 on February 26, 2010, 03:33PM
u can if you have the same herostat.

I've actually never gotten to play online with anyone in MUA either.
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Quote from: fox456 on April 25, 2010, 06:45AM
I've actually never gotten to play online with anyone in MUA either.

Oh oh Fox i wanna play online if possible :)

Quote from: tymaca321 on April 25, 2010, 08:36AM
Oh oh Fox i wanna play online if possible :)

Me too!  We will try to get together online and play.  I know it will be another week before I can do it.  But, I will PM you so that we can arrange something.
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Quote from: fox456 on April 25, 2010, 11:51AM
Me too!  We will try to get together online and play.  I know it will be another week before I can do it.  But, I will PM you so that we can arrange something.

cool :). Im gone on may 3th till 7th. Going on a trip :D may 11lth is my B-Day and 12 may i got a thing for school. :P Just so you know

Quote from: tymaca321 on April 26, 2010, 06:41AM
cool :). Im gone on may 3th till 7th. Going on a trip :D may 11lth is my B-Day and 12 may i got a thing for school. :P Just so you know

So you're missing a week of school so close to the end of the year?  Where are you going?
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